Kundalini yoga – what is it, rules, for whom, what are the classes?

Yoga is a system of development of both body and spirit, originating in India and known for thousands of years, although today in Western countries many people see yoga as simply a good way to maintain a proper physical condition. In addition to yoga schools specially created for this purpose, classes are also held in sports centers, schools or municipal community centers. Although we usually associate yoga with one strict system, in fact we can distinguish many different types of yoga. One of the most popular and most often chosen is kundalini yoga. What is it characterized by? What should you know before going to classes?

What is kundalini yoga?

Kundalini yoga is a type of yoga in which both body and mind training are of great importance. Kundalini yoga can use various techniques such as mantras, meditations and visualizations, mudras (special hand positions), and breathing methods known as pranayama. The beginnings of kundalini yoga in the West can be seen in the figure of the Indian teacher Yogi Bhajan, who taught kundalini yoga, and in 1969 he even founded his own organization dealing with this type of yoga – 3HO.

What are the principles of kundalini yoga?

First of all, it is worth remembering that kundalini yoga itself is not an ancient method, but it was developed by modern people. While this may be viewed as a downside to some, kundlaini yoga teachers emphasize that only a modern man could devise a yoga system that would be most suited to today’s busy, struggling, and problematic people. The goal of kundalini yoga is to stimulate the internal energy in the body, which is to be responsible for vitality, creativity, and also lead to peace of mind, which modern man needs in a special degree. The method of kundalini yoga, like other eastern systems, is based on the assumption that in the body of each of us there are energy centers, called chakras or chakras, which are responsible for various functions. A healthy person is one in whose body all chakras vibrate in a harmonious manner and there are no disturbances in the flow of energy through these centers.

Why is it worth attending kundalini yoga classes?

The amazing benefits of yoga for the body and mind have been talked about for a long time. This system flourished in the West in the 60s. Since then, yoga, including kundalini yoga, has been gaining more and more practitioners. Kundalini yoga can bring many positive results for our health. First of all, it gives you the opportunity to feel your own body completely different than before. By practicing kundalini yoga, we can learn a lot about our body, understand the way it functions, and learn about its hidden possibilities. This method allows you to maintain and improve your physical fitness, is very good for people who suffer from back problems, and can also be an ideal opportunity to relax and deal with stress. Kundalini yoga practitioners say that this technique makes their lives more joyful, fuller, and makes them feel calmer and less prone to the unpleasant situations of everyday life. Yoga improves mood, has a positive effect on mental functions, perfectly oxygenates the body and stimulates blood circulation.

Who can enroll in kundalini yoga?

Kundalini yoga is a method intended for practically everyone. In larger cities, there are kundalini yoga classes for people of virtually all age groups. Kundalini yoga is great for adults, children and also the elderly. If you want to participate in classes, contrary to appearances, you do not have to be fit or stretched. Although we usually associate yoga with body positions that are almost impossible to perform, in fact, even a person with a weak physical condition can practice it, performing exercises only to the extent that the body allows for this moment.

What are Kundalini Yoga classes?

While there are tons of online yoga courses and video tutorials on the Internet, sign up for professional kundalini yoga classes. Why? First of all, because at the beginning of the practice only a qualified teacher will be able to point out mistakes and correct our posture, which is one of the most important elements in yoga. Particular kundalini yoga classes may differ slightly depending on the teacher, his experience and individual preferences. Usually, however, kundalini yoga classes last from 60 to 90 minutes and consist of various stages, such as chanting or reciting mantras, body positions such as asanas, mudras, and breathing training.

Usually, yoga schools are properly equipped and there will always be at least one mat in stock that can be used. Therefore, if we do not know yet whether kundalini yoga classes will really prove to be the way for us, we should not buy yoga equipment. However, when we decide to attend regularly, a yoga mat and a comfortable outfit that does not restrict movement will be useful.

Opinions on the recommended yoga mats can be found on Opineo.pl

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