Kundalini yoga for beginners
One of the most effective and secret types of yoga, not so long ago, only the elite could practice. Now Kundalini Yoga is available to everyone. And beginners can do it even at home

It is better to start practicing, of course, with a good teacher. He will select for you the right set of asanas (yoga postures), pranayama (breathing techniques) and meditation. He will tell you all about the chakras, energy flows and the yogic lifestyle. Although, in fact, you can practice Kundalini Yoga yourself at home. You just need to know some of the features of this direction and the rules. We will tell you about them today.

7 Reasons to Start Kundalini Yoga

Why is she so good? Why are more and more people in the world starting to practice this direction? We identified seven main reasons:

  1. During the practice of Kundalini Yoga, a person receives everything that he needs. It works immediately both with the physical body and with its subtle body, which is responsible for emotions and feelings. First comes a good physical activity, after it – a quality and healing relaxation. And during meditation, an integral part of this type of yoga, the mind calms down. He comes to a neutral state, from which, by the way, it is best to act and make decisions. Many practitioners, including myself, say that the best ideas and the right answers came to them during meditations.
  2. This direction is also called mindfulness yoga. It gives a person the opportunity to understand their feelings and manage emotions. That is to become more neutral, conscious.
  3. It helps to get rid of unnecessary worries and thoughts. Life in the city with all its features, high levels of stress and serious workloads are some of the main reasons why people come to Kundalini Yoga. It helps a person to smoothly and effectively get out of difficult emotional states, makes the psyche more stable, returns a taste for life and gives lightness.
  4. The secret of this type of yoga lies in the name itself. Kundalini is the name of the energy concentrated at the base of the spine. And during classes, a person just awakens it, releases it. In other words: it raises energy up the spine, along the main seven chakras. Why do we need energy? Of course, in order to achieve your goals, find your purpose, live fully, happily.
  5. The effect of the practice comes faster than in other types of yoga. What is achieved with the help of Kundalini in just a few years, in hatha yoga, for example, takes 22 years.
  6. Many practitioners suddenly discover new talents in themselves. Someone begins to sew fashionable clothes, someone writes books, sings, draws. Eating and lifestyle habits are changing. People who have lived alone and unhappy for years are beginning to make friends, and moreover, create families! This is a very creative form of yoga that helps a person take a fresh look at his life and change it for the better.
  7. But this is not a happiness pill. There is a lot of work on oneself, discipline, so necessary for modern man. Only by improving, he can achieve results. And Kundalini Yoga is a good helper in this, having many effective, even magical tools.
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Oddities Kundalini Yogis

Despite the fact that it is one of the most popular destinations in the world, the followers of “classical” yoga look with doubt and even apprehension towards the “kundalists”. There is only one reason: they look very strange! White robes, turbans, all those mantras and long meditations…

I myself thought so when I first started practicing Kundalini. But later I realized: this is not strange. These are important features of this type of yoga, which are easily explained and necessary for effective practice. Let’s look into them.

Turbans and hats

If you come to class, you will see people wearing hats or turbans. And many of them even to face. But this is not a tribute to fashion and not an “entry ticket” to Kundalini. Everything is very simple: hats cover the top of the head during classes and do not allow energy to “leak”. Many people notice that in hats it is easier to concentrate on practice, achieve a meditative state and, in general, get a greater effect from the lesson. But whether or not to wear turbans is your choice.

white clothes

Yogi Bhajan, the master of Kundalini Yoga who revealed this secret Indian teaching to the West, advised practicing in white cotton clothes. Cotton is the most environmentally friendly, allows the body to breathe. And white is the color of purity, including all other colors. Clothes made of natural white cotton can expand the aura. You can conduct such an experiment: if you are very tired, depressed, dress in white – and you will feel the difference. A man in white clothes seems to radiate energy! Yes, and in fact it is.

Beards for men

Bearded men are in fashion these days. But kundalin males have had beards for a long time. And only for a practical purpose: the fact is that in the chin area in men there is a center that is sensitive to lunar energy. And she is responsible for mood swings, emotions. For women, this is natural, but for men, such states are useless. So they grow beards, which provide them with emotional stability and confidence.

Chanting mantras

Each class begins with the chanting of mantras and ends with it (see our video lesson of Kundalini Yoga at home). For beginners, it is quite difficult to remember and even pronounce: He (g) Namo Guru Dave Namo. Whether business habitual “Om”. But after a few lessons, believe me, you will be able to sing easily and naturally. Most importantly, don’t be shy! Sing if it pleases and brings joy. I assure you, no one will even listen to you – they themselves are still shy.

There are a lot of mantras in Kundalini, and each has its own meaning. If in general: then they all work to open the heart, achieve a blissful state inside and unity with the world. They are also said during meditation and even with some exercises.

Also, singing mantras is very useful: during their pronunciation, the tongue affects the reflex points in the upper palate, which in turn stimulate the pituitary gland. And he, as you know, is responsible for the production of hormones necessary for the normal functioning of the body and metabolism.

How a Kundalini Yoga class is built

  1. All classes, as I said, begin with the chanting of mantras. First comes the initiating and protective (see them in the “Basic Mantras” section). The first one opens up the class space, sets you up for practice. The second says that everything that happens “here and now” will be safe and effective. These mantras are chanted three times.
  2. Then comes Kriya. This is the name of a set of exercises in Kundalini Yoga, which are given in strict sequence and with a certain time of execution. There is no need to change anything in kriya — we do everything according to the description. There are thousands of them, these complexes: everyone will find the ones they need for themselves. There are kriyas for the flexibility of the spine and joints, for the health of the liver and kidneys, for the lymphatic system and pituitary gland, for the release of energy and strengthening of the aura. There are special kriyas for women, pregnant women, children and those who are struggling with addiction.
  3. After all the exercises, be sure to do shavasana – this is a relaxation pose. It is very important in yoga. During shavasana, the result of the performed asanas is fixed, the body rests and completely relaxes. Minimum run time: 7 minutes. The main requirement is not to move. Life hack for you! If you haven’t had enough sleep and you won’t be able to rest in the near future, it’s enough to lie down in shavasana. After it, you will feel that it has become easier and your strength has returned.
  4. Then comes meditation. It can last from 3 minutes to 11, 22, 31 and 62 minutes. Even two and a half hours. But for beginners, especially at home, it is better to start with three minutes. Meditations can be accompanied by mantras and pranayamas.
  5. The class also ends with the chanting of mantras. The final one sounds like this: a long “Saaat” and a short “Nam”. And so – three times (see our video lesson).

Basic Mantras

1. Initiator:

He(g) Namo

Guru Dev Namo

2. Protective:

Ad Gure Name

Jugad Gure Name

Sat Gure Name

Siri Guru Deve Name

3. Final:

Saaat Nam

Basic mudras

These are the main mudras (for an explanation of the terms, see the “KP Dictionary”). They are useful for beginners to practice Kundalini Yoga at home.

Gyan Mudra

The most common. We combine the tips of the thumb and forefinger. This mudra affects knowledge and abilities, it gives sensitivity and calmness.

Prayer Mudra

We connect the palms of the hands, with the phalanges of the thumbs we rest against the center of the chest. The positive side of the body (right or male) and the negative side (left or female) are thus neutralized. As a rule, this mudra is used before starting a kriya in order to concentrate.

Bear Castle

To perform this mudra, place the left hand at chest level with the palm outward, and the right hand with the palm to the chest. We grab the fingers of one hand with the fingers of the other to form a fist. We close the mudra with our thumbs. The Bear Lock stimulates the heart and enhances concentration.

Dictionary “KP”

Asana. body position or posture.

Aura. The area of ​​energy and consciousness that surrounds the physical body and contributes to the work of 7 energy centers – chakras. The strength of the aura, measured by its radiance and radius, determines the presence of mental problems and the psychophysical integrity of a person.

Yoga. This is the science of how to live. Philosophy of a healthy lifestyle. Connecting with your inner self. People who practice yoga strive for awareness and the disclosure of inner happiness. And for this it is not at all necessary to go to the Himalayan mountains. A true yogi elevates and perfects himself in the conditions of life circumstances, without isolating himself from society like monks.

Kundalini Yoga. A type of yoga that stimulates the vital force, balances the mind, develops the spirit. It promotes instant clarity.

Meditation. The process of deep concentration, merging with an object or being in a state of awareness. Meditation releases reactions and unconscious habits and builds intuition leading to awareness.

wise Literally means “seal”. Usually refers to the position of the hands used during meditation or exercise. These hand positions are used to “seal” the energy flow in the body.

Pranayama. Adjustable breathing exercises.

Point of the third eye or Point between the eyebrows. The sixth chakra or awareness center located on the forehead at the point between the eyebrows. Associated with the pituitary gland, the command center. Gives us insight, intuition and the ability to understand the essence of things and the course of events much deeper than a superficial vision of things. Therefore, this center is the point of focus in many meditations.

Chakra. The word literally means “revolving wheels”. Usually this is the name of 7 energy centers in the human aura, located along the spine from the base to the top of the head. Each chakra is the center of consciousness with its own set of qualities, goals and power of influence.

A set of exercises that facilitate the passage of energy along the spine

I offer you a very good complex. It is suitable for beginners, and you can do it yourself at home (if something is not clear, watch our video tutorial). This kriya allows you to restore the flexibility of the spine. And, as you know, a person’s youth can be judged by his flexibility. Thanks to these exercises, all 26 vertebrae are actively developed, and you will feel a great influx of energy.

1 exercise. Backbends

We remain in a simple pose. We take the ankles with both hands and begin to bend the spine. Inhale – open the chest, move it forward. With an exhalation, bend your back back. Try to keep your head at the same level. We perform this exercise 26 times. This is exactly what newbies need to do. Those who have been practicing for a long time do 108 times. At the end, we remain in the central position, take a breath. Relax with exhalation. Rest 1 minute.

2 exercise. Backbends in Diamond Pose (Vajrasana)

Now we sit on our heels. The hands are on the hips. And we again do backbends. With an inhale, move the spine forward. On the exhale – back. Keep an eye on your head too so that it is at the same level. We repeat the exercise 26 times. After that, in the central position, we take a deep breath – and a smooth exhalation. We rest for two minutes.

3 exercise. Body turns

We sit in an easy pose. I put my hands on my shoulders. The thumbs are behind the back, the rest are in front. Elbows parallel to the floor. Inhaling we twist to the left, exhaling to the right. We repeat 26 times. No sudden movements. We do everything smoothly. Finally, inhale in the center position. And exhale. Rest 1 minute.

4 exercise. “Swing” with the Bear’s Castle

We remain in a simple pose. We interlace our fingers into the Bear Castle at the level of the heart center. And we begin to raise and lower our elbows like a swing. We breathe deeply – in time with the movement of the elbows. We repeat 26 times. Then we inhale and exhale. And while holding the breath, we stretch the lock as if we are trying to open our hands. Rest 30 seconds. If your legs are tired, you can shake them.

5 exercise. Curves of the upper spine

And we sit down again in a simple pose. We take our hands on our knees. And without bending the elbows, we begin to perform backbends of the upper part of the spine. Going forward is an inhale, backward is an exhale. We repeat 26 times. And then rest for 1 minute.

6 exercise. Shoulder raises

We remain in a simple pose. We take a breath and raise both shoulders to the ears, with an exhalation we lower them down. We do this exercise for two minutes. Then we take a breath – while the shoulders are raised up. We hold our breath. And we exhale. Relax.

7 exercise. Head rotation

In the same position, we begin to rotate the head. 5 times to the right, then 5 times to the left. Make sure that there are no sudden movements, rotate your head very slowly. At the end, take a deep breath – and a smooth exhalation.

8 exercise. Mulabandha with Bear Castle

And again we interlace our fingers into the Bear’s castle – now at the level of the throat. We will do mula bandha. This is a root lock, during which the muscles of the perineum are compressed. So, hands at the level of the throat: we inhale, while holding the breath – mula bandha, exhale – again mula bandha. Then we raise our hands above our heads in the Bear Castle: inhale – while holding the breath we do mula bandha, exhale – and again mula bandha. And we repeat this cycle two more times.

9 exercise. Sat Kriya

We will be doing this exercise using the Sat Nam mantra. So, we sit on our heels. We connect the palms, interlace all fingers except for the index. They look up. And with such a mudra, we stretch our hands above our heads, touching our ears with them. We begin to clearly repeat Sat Nam. On Sat, we draw in the navel as if trying to connect it to the spine. On “Nam” we relax the stomach. We do three minutes. Beginners can take one and a half minutes. At the end, we take a breath, mulabandha. We stretch the crown up. And – a soft smooth exhalation. We relax our hands.

10 exercise. Shavasana

Lie down on your back, arms along the body. The palms are turned up. And we don’t move for 15 minutes. We come out of shavasana slowly and smoothly.

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