Kufta in Armenian

Kufta is a traditional meat dish of South Asia and the Middle East, is a special kind of large beef or lamb meatballs. There are many recipes, but in the post-Soviet space, the most popular is Armenian kufta with the addition of cognac and red wine. The total time spent is 50-60 minutes.


To prepare kufta, you can take beef or lamb. Pork is considered bad form, since the homeland of the dish is Turkey. Often, Armenians use beef, while Azerbaijanis use lamb. The meat should be fresh (not frozen), the ideal option is tenderloin.

Cognac (preferably Ararat or other Armenian) makes the meat softer. In extreme cases, instead of cognac, you can take vodka. Red dry wine enriches the aroma of meat. All alcohol will evaporate during the cooking process, so the kyufta will turn out to be non-alcoholic and can be given even to children.

The name “kufta” itself comes from the Persian kūfta and translates as “grind”, or “meat balls”.

Ingredients for portions 4:

  • beef or lamb – 350 g;
  • onions – half a piece;
  • cognac (vodka) – 25 ml;
  • fresh milk – 25 ml;
  • dry red wine – 50 ml;
  • greens – to taste;
  • salt, black pepper – to taste;
  • butter – 25 g (for serving the finished dish).

Armenian kufta recipe

1. Rinse the meat, remove the bones, cut the flesh into large pieces.

2. Scroll the meat through a meat grinder at least 3 times so that its consistency becomes viscous and viscous.

From poorly minced meat, the correct kufta will not work!

3. Add salt and ground black pepper to the minced meat. Mix until smooth.

4. Pour cognac or vodka into the minced meat. Mix. Add milk. Mix again.

5. Chop the peeled onion into small pieces and combine with minced meat. Mix until smooth.

6. Make 2-4 large balls from the meat (should fit in the pan). Lightly beat the minced meat, shifting the balls from one hand to the other so that the meat keeps its shape well.

7. Boil water (approximately 2-2,5 l), lightly salt, add dry red wine, mix.

8. Gently lower the meat balls into boiling water. Cook for 25 minutes over medium heat.

9. Put the finished kyufta on a plate and cut it into pieces while still hot. The consistency of the finished dish should be tender like a soufflé. Armenian kyufta is served with butter, herbs, pomegranate seeds and lavash.

Kufta in Armenian

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