Kuemmerling is an alternative to Jägermeister.

Kümmerling (Kuemmerling) is a dark brown German herbal liqueur with a strength of 35%, produced in the city of Bodenheim since 1963. In terms of organoleptic properties, it is closest to the world-famous Becherovka and Jägermeister. Company slogan: “Do your thing! Kuemmerling”, which roughly translates as “Kemmerling – be yourself.”

History. In 1921, the itinerant apothecary Hugo Kümmerling began developing and producing herbal liqueurs, but it took 17 years to create the most famous creation, and the commercial production of Kümmerling began 25 years later. The fact is that the master experimented a lot, trying to find the perfect combination, in addition, the nomadic lifestyle and the aggravating political situation did not contribute to the quick result. After a series of moves, Hugo settled in the city of Bodenheim, where production is located to this day.

The brand is owned by Kummerling GmbH, in 2001 the corporation joined Allied Domecq, in 2005 came under the jurisdiction of Fortune Brands and, finally, in 2010 became part of Henkell & Co.

Kuemmerling is an alternative to Jägermeister.

In 2004, the company released a “special edition” – orange Kümmerling. All the characteristics of the drink remained the same, only a pronounced citrus profile appeared in the taste.


Liquor is produced in a recognizable trapezoidal bottle of 0.2 liters. The goal of the manufacturer is to make the drink a kind of symbol, a sign of belonging to one community, by which people can recognize each other anywhere in the world. You can also buy Kummerling in a half-liter bottle or 100 ml flask, but these packages are less popular.

Kuemmerling is an alternative to Jägermeister.
In Germany, small bottles are in high demand

Hugo Kümmerling wanted the liqueur to be moderately sweet, not too bitter, very fragrant and fragrant. The final recipe is kept secret, but it is known that the composition includes angelica (angelica), cloves, chamomile, mint, licorice, cinnamon, raspberries, other herbs and spices.

It is believed that the technology is based on maceration (soaking herbs in alcohol) followed by aging in oak barrels, but this is not confirmed information.

How to drink Kummerling

Herbal liquor is drunk in its pure form well chilled or at room temperature as a digestif, added to coffee or tea, used as a topping for ice cream and desserts. In addition, Kümmerling is an ingredient in popular cocktails in Germany.

Kuemmerling is an alternative to Jägermeister.

Liquor is not customary to have a snack, as any gastronomic couple will “clog” the rich herbal bouquet of the drink.


Kummerling lovers have developed quite a few rituals of their own. To a large extent, this is also facilitated by the manufacturer, who has always encouraged and emphasized the isolation of the drink from other herbal liqueurs.

1. “Tapping”. This tradition dates back to when the bottle was corked with a tin cap with a tongue (now the bottle has a screw cap). The tiny tongue on the miniature bottle was difficult to pick up, so at first they banged the bottle on the table – this loosened the tightly pressed tongue a little, and the liquor could be opened more easily.

Kuemmerling is an alternative to Jägermeister.
Rare bottles, second from the left – with a “tongue” on the lid

2. “No hands.” You need to unscrew the cap and put it on your nose. Then, without the help of hands, take an open bottle with your teeth and, throwing your head back, empty it.

3. “Whoever has more – he pays.” At the bottom of each bottle of Kummerling, a number from 1 to 99 is melted – a technological feature of each batch. A group of friends come to a bar, order a liquor, all drink it in one gulp and turn the bottles upside down. The owner of the largest number pays for everyone.


On its website, the manufacturer recommends the following Kummerling cocktails:

  1. Deluxe. Part Triple Sec, 2 parts each Kummerling, gin and dry vermouth. Shake all ingredients in an ice-filled shaker and serve in a martini glass garnished with orange zest.
  2. fruit. Pour 80 ml of Kummerling into a glass for a long drink (highball, hurricane, etc.), fill the remaining volume in the glass with orange lemonade. Add ice, insert a straw and decorate with physalis. The proportions can be changed to taste, making the cocktail stronger or weaker.
  3. Grape. Pour 30 ml of Kummerling and 50 ml of grape juice into a long drink glass, top up with bitter lemonade. Serve with ice, a straw and grape berries.
  4. Sweet & Sour. Squeeze two quarters of lime into a long drink glass, add 30 ml of Kummerling, pour in cranberry juice to taste. Serve with ice.
  5. Ginger Ale. Fill a long drink glass with ice cubes, pour 40 ml of Kummerling, fill the empty space with ginger ale. A refreshing, low-alcohol summer drink.
  6. passion. Cool the shot glass, carefully layer 20 ml of passion fruit and Kuemmerling liqueur in layers. Do not mix, drink in one gulp.
Tasting notes about Kuemmerling liqueur

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