
Useful properties and application of the yellow capsule

Useful properties of the capsule

Kubyshka is a perennial herb of the popular water lily family. The presented plant has a horizontal rhizome with numerous cord-like processes. Such a herbaceous plant is found in ponds, lakes, river channels, bays, as well as in shallow water and in slow-flowing dams.

This plant has numerous beneficial properties, which are due to its surprisingly rich chemical composition. The rhizomes contain substances such as alkaloids, resins, starch, sugars, bitterness, sitosterol, tannins and stigmasterol. Various acids, luteolin and ellagitannins were found in the composition of the leaves. The flowers and seeds of the capsule boast the presence of nymphalin, gallic acid and tannins.

Due to this composition, the capsule is actively used in folk medicine. Popular preparations containing a capsule have a bactericidal, analgesic, astringent, mild hypnotic, choleretic, diuretic, and also a sedative effect on the human body.

Application of the capsule

The flowers and rhizomes of this unusual plant are used as a corrective to normalize sexual activity. Effectively, the capsule affects men’s health, curing impotence, painful wet dreams. In addition, it perfectly increases sexual desire. A special decoction of the roots is also prescribed for female frigidity. With fever, a remedy is shown based on roots, flowers, and leaves. Along with this, such a healing agent relieves inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and is used for serious skin diseases. To quickly cope with stomach cramps or inflammation of the urinary system, a special decoction from the rhizomes of the plant is shown in small doses. It should be noted that its effectiveness has been proven in tuberculosis and rheumatism.

A decoction helps well in the fight against viral infections, with bronchitis and even pneumonia. Healing capsule is often prescribed for gout and bedwetting in children. A decoction of small flowers is an excellent pain reliever for bruises and joint pain. In addition, you can apply fresh leaves of the plant to inflamed places. As a prophylaxis, an infusion from the roots of the capsule can be used as a general tonic.

capsule root

The rhizomes of the plant contain alkaloids, due to which the capsule has a spermatocyte and antitrichomonas effect. It should also be noted that some contraceptives are made on the basis of such a plant. Special preparations from medicinal extracts are prescribed externally for local treatment of the epidermis and mucous membranes, since the capsule perfectly fights against pathogenic fungi and gram-positive microorganisms.

Often, special preparations with a capsule are prescribed for people who suffer from immunodeficiency or have undergone complex operations. The rhizomes of this plant are able to stop uterine bleeding, cure uterine prolapse, relieve symptoms of gastritis and solve problems of depression of the nervous system.

pod flower

The underwater stem of the plant, sometimes reaching three meters, is decorated with leathery rounded leaves that lie directly on the surface of the water. Graceful yellow flowers of a rich shade have a pleasant aroma. The flowers are up to 6 cm in diameter. Numerous obovate petals are narrowed down into a rather wide nail. At the top, the petals are slightly rounded and often turn into notched marigolds.

Yellow eggplant

The yellow capsule is the most common neighbor of the snow-white variety. They have similar leaves, but the flowers are significantly different. Bright yellow flowers are spherical and more elegant in shape. Thick long rhizomes often reach 10 meters. It has been proven that the roots contain tannins and alkaloids, and the flowers contain nymphalin. It is the yellow capsule that is prescribed for malignant tumors and neuralgia. In addition, remedies from the roots of such a plant are effective for radiculitis and rheumatism.

Small capsule

Small egg capsule is common in lakes and the forest zone, and is also found in shallow water bodies. It has pubescent oblong leaves and rhizomes 1 cm thick. The pale yellow flowers of the plant do not exceed 3 cm in diameter. Flowering occurs from June to September. The small egg capsule is predominantly found in Siberia, Mongolia, Northern Europe, as well as in the Far East and China.

Japanese capsule

The Japanese egg pod grows well in ordinary stagnant ponds. In addition to its underwater leaves, this interesting plant also has beautiful surface leaves. As a rule, the Japanese egg-pod submerges no more than 80 cm into the water. This type of egg-pod has brownish underwater leaves and reddish-orange flowers.

Contraindications for the use of capsules

Despite a solid list of medicinal medicinal properties, such a plant is considered poisonous. It is necessary to strictly control the terms of treatment and the prescribed dosages of the funds, in no case exceeding them. If the treatment instructions are not followed, diarrhea and vomiting can occur, as well as an incredibly long sleep. For pregnant women, any preparations containing capsules are strictly contraindicated.

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