“Kubariki”: do-it-yourself paper toys

Want to have your personal miniature Indiana Jones, Robot Bender, or Plumber Mario on your desk? All you need is a color printer, paper, scissors, a paper knife, glue and a little perseverance.

Heroes of films, cartoons, comics and computer games – we called them “kubariki” – “live” on the site cubeecraft.com… To get a mini-copy of your favorite character, you need to download a template, print it on an A4 sheet (the thicker the paper, the better, but, in principle, ordinary office sheets will do as well), cut out all the details and use a paper knife to make the slots indicated on pattern with white lines. Next, add the details and assemble the toy. For clarity, the joints of the parts are indicated by the same letters and numbers.

For example, here’s a template for making Hellboy:

And here he is in his team (for comparison – a frame from the movie “Hellboy 2: The Golden Army”):

This is how Mario and Bender turn out:

New characters periodically appear on the site. For example, the heroes of “Alice in Wonderland” and teenage mutant ninja turtles are coming soon. So the collection of “kubariks” can be constantly replenished.

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