Krzysztof Krawczyk struggled with Parkinson’s disease. The wife revealed the details

Krzysztof Krawczyk died a few months ago due to the coronavirus. The 75-year-old singer suffered from comorbidities. He struggled, among others with Parkinson’s disease. Krawczyk’s wife revealed this in his biography.

  1. Parkinson’s is a neurodegenerative disease caused by the loss of nerve cells in the brain
  2. It is estimated that in Poland there are 60 to 80 sick people. people
  3. The likelihood of the disease increases significantly after the age of 65 – it occurs in about 1,5 percent. people
  4. Parkinson’s disease was dealt with by, among others Jerzy Pilch. Krzysztof Krawczyk, who died a few months ago, also suffered from it
  5. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage

Krzysztof Krawczyk suffered from Parkinson’s disease

Krzysztof Krawczyk died on April 5. He was 75 years old. The singer was infected with the coronavirus. He stayed in the hospital for a while, then came home and died a few days later.

Krawczyk had a sick heart. A few years ago, he underwent cryoagulation for atrial fibrillation. He also suffered from arrhythmia, had hip surgery, and also had diabetes.

However, these were not all the diseases Krawczyk struggled with. The singer’s wife in the biography «Krzysztof Krawczyk. Life like wine »reveals that the singer suffered from Parkinson’s disease.

  1. Coexisting diseases of Krzysztof Krawczyk. How could they affect the course of COVID-19?

«I would like to write about the beginnings of Krzys’ illness. Because it was a long process. Krzys’ disease began 20 years ago with a shaking of the head. This was the beginning of Parkinson’s. I drew the doctors’ attention, but somehow no one reacted. Years passed and the disease made progress. Back then, 20 years ago, it was not so visible, so we did not pay so much attention to it and there was no concern on our part. It did not bother Krzyś at work either »- writes Ewa Krawczyk.

«About 10 years ago, the disease made itself felt by tremors in the head, arm and leg. When Krzyś was busy with something and controlled himself, it was all right. He was in control of his disease. Then we went to the doctor and Krzyś started taking medications. The drugs were average. In the church, when he was listening to the sermon, I had to ask him to do something, because his head was moving so much that even I could feel it sitting next to it, and people sitting in the back could see it »- recalls the singer’s wife.

«When we played, Krzyś had to sit on a stool for the last few years, because his hip hurt a lot. We had such a quiet agreement that if his hand or head would shake, I would approach him and adjust like a handkerchief around his neck and he already knew that he had to control the tremors »- he writes.

Ewa Krawczyk describes that it was more and more difficult for the singer to perform concerts and other activities that required effort.

«We were still playing concerts, but with great suffering. Then I noticed that Krzysztof was throwing something and he fell to the floor. He always bruises himself badly, until he bruises himself ».

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«As these falls started to happen more and more often, we went to a neurologist and did some tests. The disease progressed, but the drugs we were given helped a lot and we were able to continue playing concerts. After a while it started to get worse again so it was already hard, even to play. We played the last concert on March 10, 2020 and we decided to rest. We went to our friends to the seaside. After returning home, rehabilitation and treatment. The condition was stable, but there was no further improvement. There were falls and terrible stress »- writes Ewa Krawczyk.

Speech problems also developed over time. «You have certainly noticed that your husband’s speech was different. Krzyś spoke slower, more clearly, but his memory was good, because he remembered everything and told it beautifully. I bought a bed to protect him against night falls and then we felt safe »- confesses Krzysztof Krawczyk’s wife.

Krzysztof Krawczyk died after being infected with the coronavirus, but he suffered from many chronic diseases. Apart from those mentioned at the beginning, “he suffered from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma and atrial fibrillation. Not even the slightest cold and cold were not an option »- writes Ewa Krawczyk.

Disturbing symptoms should be consulted with a neurologist. Buy an appointment with a specialist on Medonet Market.

What is Parkinson’s disease?

Parkinson’s is a neurodegenerative disease caused by the loss of nerve cells in the brain that produce dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter responsible for the proper transmission of signals responsible for muscle function, posture and movement. For unknown reasons, nerve cells in the brain degenerate and die, rendering the brain levels of dopamine inadequate.

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The name of this disease comes from the name of the London physician James Parkinson, who was the first to recognize and describe the symptoms of this disease in 1817. Parkinson’s is a disease of the central nervous system characterized by slowness of movement, tremors in the limbs and muscle stiffness.

The first symptoms suggesting Parkinson’s disease appear between the ages of 50 and 60. Patients then experience drooling, difficulty speaking, and movement disorders. The older the patient gets, the more frequent symptoms appear.

Parkinson’s disease does not only occur in older people, it can also affect younger people, whose first symptoms appear before the age of 40. It is estimated that in Poland about 80 suffer from Parkinson’s. people, however, a thorough analysis was not carried out.

Parkinson’s disease can be influenced by too high levels of homocysteine ​​in your body. Prophylactically, it is worth doing a homocysteine ​​and vitamin D mail order.

Parkinson’s disease – symptoms

The symptoms of this disease develop slowly and gradually over several years. At the beginning, it manifests itself in a non-specific way: weakness, fatigue, easy fatigue, slow motion and a certain clumsiness in movements, therefore patients associate these symptoms with rheumatic changes or simply with older age.

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One of the symptoms of early Parkinson’s disease is trembling of the hand, sometimes both hands, while at rest. This tremor often disappears with hand movements or fingers, and with sleep. The second characteristic symptom of Parkinson’s disease is slowing down of movements and a limited spectrum of their performance, also when it comes to facial movements. Due to this maskiness of the face, the patient often appears depressed and even depressed. His speech is soft, blurry, and after some time the disease is not understandable. Other symptoms include:

  1. difficulty starting, stopping, or changing direction of movement;
  2. posture and gait disorders;
  3. the handwriting changes, the letters become smaller and less distinct.

Other Parkinson’s symptoms

  1. gastrointestinal disorders due to slow digestive processes,
  2. a heavy feeling in the stomach
  3. nausea,
  4. constant urge to urinate (troublesome especially at night),
  5. nocturnal saliva leakage resulting from problems with swallowing,
  6. excessive sweating of the head and neck,
  7. sometimes patients with advanced disease suffer from cardiovascular disorders, i.e. low blood pressure, e.g. when suddenly getting out of bed,
  8. trouble sleeping, constant rolling from side to side,
  9. muscle cramps,
  10. anxiety,
  11. bow,
  12. panic attacks.

Parkinson’s disease – treatment

Treatment of Parkinson’s disease is based on supplying the body with the lack of dopamine – most often this alone eliminates all symptoms of the disease, however, excess dopamine adversely affects other organs (drop in blood pressure, disturbances in intestinal peristalsis, restlessness, anxiety). Levodopa, because we are talking about it here, loses its effectiveness regularly, so after a few years of its use, it ceases to bring the desired effects at all.

  1. Parkinson’s diagnosis based on handwriting evaluation

Another method of treatment, especially in the early stages of the disease, is drugs that lower the concentration of the dopamine antagonist acetylcholine and thus compensate for the disturbed balance between dopamine and acetylcholine levels.

Important treatments for Parkinson’s disease and symptomatic parkinsonism include:

  1. diet,
  2. healthy / regular lifestyle,
  3. physical rehabilitation,
  4. treatment of comorbid conditions such as constipation and depression.

The diet should be selected on an individual basis to ensure the maintenance of a healthy body weight, the necessary amount of fluid and fiber (preventing constipation) and to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis. Patients with Parkinson’s treated with levodopa substances should consume less protein. Levodopa competes with other amino acids found in proteins when absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract.

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