Kryzhovnik Jubilary: description and characteristics of the variety

The gooseberry comes from Western Europe, the first description of the shrub was given in the 1965th century. As a wild species, gooseberries are found in the Caucasus and almost throughout Central Our Country. Numerous cultivars have been created on the basis of classical varieties. Gooseberry Anniversary – a breeding variety obtained by pollinating Houghton and Bedford. In XNUMX, the variety was entered into the State Register. The copyright holder is the South Ural Institute of Horticulture, on the basis of which the culture was created.

Kryzhovnik Jubilary: description and characteristics of the variety

Description of Gooseberry Jubilee

The gooseberry is zoned in the Central Black Earth region. The Yubilyar variety is especially popular with gardeners in Siberia, the Moscow region, and the Urals. The plant is grown in the middle lane and in the south.

The photo above shows the gooseberry Anniversary, the description of the variety is as follows:

  1. Tall shrub, compact, not sprawling, formed by numerous shoots. Perennial stems are straight with drooping tops, grow up to 1,8 m long, the bark is smooth, hard, dark gray.
  2. The shoots of the current year are green, grow quickly, by autumn the color becomes light cinnamon.
  3. The thorns of the gooseberry Anniversary are located along the entire length of the perennial stems. Collected in 2 pieces, long, hard, with prickly tops, growing at an angle of 900.
  4. The leaves are opposite, five-lobed, with jagged edges, green. The upper part of the leaf plate is glossy, wavy, the veins are deepened. Lower with sparse pubescence.
  5. Small flowers, cone-shaped, green with an anthocyanin fragment at the base, collected 1-2 pcs. in a leaf node.
  6. The berries are smooth with a thin waxy film, oval in shape, weight – 5-6,5 g.
  7. The peel is thin, strong, pink with a maroon fragment on the side where the berry is located towards the sun, with longitudinal light stripes.
  8. The flesh is yellow, with numerous brown seeds.
  9. The root system is mixed, the central part is deepened by 45-60 cm.

Gooseberry Anniversary forms flowers of different sexes, the plant is self-pollinating. Fruiting is stable, not dependent on weather conditions.

Advice! Planted nearby crops of and Kolobok varieties will increase the productivity of Yubilyar gooseberries by 35%.

Drought resistance, frost resistance

The drought resistance of the Yubilyar variety is low, the lack of moisture is reflected in the growth of gooseberries. The yield drops, the berries lose weight, elasticity, acid dominates in taste. With insufficient seasonal rainfall, gooseberries of the Anniversary variety need watering.

Gooseberry Anniversary occupies a leading position among cultivars in terms of frost resistance. The plant resists temperature drops to -320 C, in case of damage to the shoots during the growing season, it completely restores the crown. If flowering occurs at the time of return spring frosts, the flowers are stored at a temperature of -50 C, this feature is a priority when choosing a variety for temperate climate gardeners.

fruiting, productivity

The culture gives single berries in the second year of vegetation, the peak yield reaches after 4 years of growth. Gooseberry varieties Anniversary refers to the average ripening period. The shrub blooms in the second half of May. Fruits reach biological ripeness at the same time. Harvested at the end of July. Fruiting is stable, with timely watering and top dressing from 1 unit. take up to 5-6 kg.

Kryzhovnik Jubilary: description and characteristics of the variety

On the stalk, the berries of the Anniversary variety hold tightly, after ripening, the fruits remain on the bush for a long time. Gooseberries are not prone to shedding and baking in the sun. At low temperatures and excess moisture, cracking of the berries is possible.

The taste characteristic of the berries of the variety according to the tasting 5-point system is estimated at 4,8 points. The berries are sweet, juicy, not cloying, the acid concentration is negligible. Gooseberry Anniversary universal in application. It is used to make fruit puree, jam or jam. They are consumed fresh, the fruits completely retain their chemical composition and taste after freezing.

The peel of the fruits of the variety is thin, but strong, well resists mechanical damage during transportation or mechanized harvesting. Gooseberry Anniversary is suitable for cultivation in farms, for commercial purposes.

Important! The harvested crop at a temperature of +180 C and 85% humidity is stored for 7 days without loss of density and mass.

Advantages and disadvantages

Gooseberries Anniversary have been grown for more than 50 years almost throughout the entire territory of the Federation. The variety owes its popularity to a number of advantages:

  • stable, high fruiting;
  • optimum frost resistance for culture;
  • transportability, long shelf life;
  • berries with a good taste, do not bake and do not fall off after ripening;
  • resistance to viral and fungal infections, the variety is rarely affected by anthracnose;
  • easily propagated, 100% rooted on the site;
  • long fruiting period – 15-18 years;
  • simple farming technique.

The disadvantages of Gooseberry Anniversary include the presence of thorns and average drought resistance.

Features of reproduction

The Anniversary variety is propagated only vegetatively – by cuttings or layering. Receipts are received in the following way:

  • cuts are made on one or more branches close to the ground;
  • dig a shallow hole;
  • lower a branch into it, fall asleep;
  • during the season watered, do not allow the soil to dry out.

By autumn, roots will form in the section, and the layers are insulated for the winter. In the spring, the rooted areas are cut with secateurs and seated. This method is considered the fastest and optimal.

Cuttings are harvested in early June from woody perennial branches or last year’s stems. They retreat from the top by 40-50 cm, take cuttings 20-25 cm long. The cut is treated with a solution of manganese and placed in a fertile substrate.

In the spring, the material will form leaves and sprout, in the fall it can be planted. As an example, below in the photo is a gooseberry seedling Anniversary, grown independently from cuttings. Planting material with a sufficiently green mass and a formed root system is completely ready for placement on the site.

Kryzhovnik Jubilary: description and characteristics of the variety

Planting and care

For the gooseberry Anniversary, a well-lit place is assigned to the sun, the plant does not tolerate even slight shading. In the shade, the plant stretches, flowering is rare, the yield is low.

Soils are neutral or slightly acidic, light, moderately moist. For planting, lowlands and areas with close groundwater are not considered. The seedling is taken at 1-2 years of age without damage to the roots and bark on the stems. Planted in the spring before the buds swell, in the fall – approximately in September. Before placing in the ground, the shoots are cut to a length of 15-20 cm, 5 fruit buds are left on them. Roots for a day are lowered into the drug “Bud” or “Kornevin”.

Planting gooseberry Anniversary:

  1. They dig a planting hole, on light soils, the diameter is 55 cm, on heavy soils, 75 cm, and the depth is 65 cm.
  2. Gravel is poured to the bottom with a layer of 15 cm.
  3. The soil taken out of the pit is mixed with humus, peat and compost, if the soil is heavy, sand is added. Add 4 tbsp to a bucket of the mixture. l. nitrophoska, 2,5 tbsp. ash and 60 g Agricola.
  4. The drainage pillow is closed with a mixture of approximately 15 cm.
  5. The seedling is placed in the center, the roots are distributed along the bottom, covered with part of the mixture so that there is no empty space left from the root to the wall.
  6. Fill the hole with the rest of the soil, compact, water abundantly.
Important! The root neck is deepened by 6 cm.

After planting the gooseberries, the trunk circle is mulched with peat or compost.

Growing rules

The gooseberry variety Anniversary is a perennial plant so that the yield does not decrease, the culture needs appropriate agricultural technology, it includes the following activities:

  1. 21 days after spring planting, gooseberries are fed with urea. Nitrogen fertilizers are applied every spring up to 3 years of growth. The following years, before the swelling of the buds, the plantings are fertilized with nitrophoska, after flowering – with potassium sulfate, during the ripening of the berries – with humus mixed with ash.
  2. Gooseberries are watered as the soil dries up in the evening, it is undesirable to sprinkle the bushes, they are watered only under the root.
  3. A bush garter of this variety is not required, the stems fully withstand the weight of the fruit.
  4. The formation of the bush begins immediately after planting the gooseberry, when the shoots are shortened. For the next season, 6 strong stems are left, the rest are disposed of. A year later, another 5-6 branches are added, by 4 years the bush should be formed by 10-12 shoots.
  5. Pruning is carried out in the fall in early September. In the spring, frozen and deformed stems are removed from gooseberries, dry areas are cut out.

The high frost resistance of the Anniversary variety allows gooseberries to winter without shelter. In autumn, the bush is spudded, mulched with peat, covered with dry leaves or sawdust on top. To prevent the branches from breaking from the snow, they are pulled together with a rope. Chemicals from small rodents are laid out around the gooseberries.

Pests and diseases

The gooseberry variety Anniversary rarely gets sick. With high humidity and non-compliance with the requirements of agricultural technology, the bush is affected by powdery mildew. Topaz is used to eliminate the fungus, and gooseberries are treated with a solution of colloidal sulfur for prevention.

Caterpillars of the gooseberry sawfly parasitize on the gooseberry Anniversary. Get rid of insects with the drug “Spark”. In spring and autumn, the trunk circle is loosened.


Gooseberry Anniversary is a productive, tall plant, unpretentious in care. Shrub with a compact crown and a high level of frost resistance is grown in areas with cold winters. The berries of this variety are large and with good taste, juicy, universal use. Long shelf life and good transportability make it possible to grow Yubilyar for commercial purposes.

Red and green gooseberry varieties, fruiting in 2015


Raisa Ilyina, 36 years old, Volgograd region
Gooseberry Anniversary in my garden for more than 7 years. The culture of the variety is high, it quickly gives an increase. I noticed that more berries are formed on young 3-year-old shoots, they are larger than on old ones. Therefore, every year I rejuvenate the shrub, remove several of the oldest branches, thus maintaining the yield at the same level.
Zinaida Rudenko, 52 years old, Moscow region
At the dacha, several gooseberry bushes of the Anniversary variety were planted one of the first. I harvest up to 6 kg every year, regardless of the weather. So that the gooseberries do not get sick, I spray all the bushes with colloidal sulfur around the end of May. The only negative is that the Anniversary variety has prickly thorns along the entire length of the shoots. But this trouble is completely compensated by the taste of large bright berries.

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