
Krill is the collective name for marine planktonic crustaceans. The term itself is characterized by Dutch origin and is translated as “kriel” – a trifle. The appearance of the crustaceans is very similar to the shrimp we know. Their size varies from 10 to 65 millimeters.

Krill form commercial accumulations in the surface layers of water. Crustaceans prefer temperate and high latitudes of the oceans, regardless of the hemisphere.

What you need to know about crustaceans, is it possible to eat krill meat and is there any point in going to the fish shop for exotic sea food?

Historical information

The beginning of the minimum krill fishery began in the XNUMXth century. The process reached a large industrial scale only by the XNUMXth century. This was associated with the beginning of fishing in Antarctic waters by Japan and the Soviet Union. Initially, the fishery did not concentrate on specific types of marine life. Large accumulations were formed not only by krill, but also by other representatives of the ocean – euphausian, amphipods and others. All of them were classified as krill, caught at certain points and sold under a single trade name.

Over time, the development of the fishery and the detailed composition of species. The introduction of special catch licenses was also a decisive factor. At that time, krill meant primarily euphausiids. Now the name of krill depends on the geographical type of fishery. Antarctic krill is considered the most important and numerous. This group includes up to 80 crustacean species, among which 30 species belong to euphausiids.

Antarctic krill is considered the largest (reaches 6,5 centimeters in length) and important from an industrial point of view. He was even included in the list of commercial types of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Species of plankton crustaceans

Among dozens of krill species, only 7 are considered especially important (they include Antarctic, Pacific, Norwegian krill and others). The maximum weight of marine life varies from 2 to 0,15 grams, and the length is from 65 to 10 millimeters. The life expectancy of a crustacean is also very different – from several months to 7 years. They live in different regions of the earth (Japan, Tasmania, Australia, Antarctica, British Columbia), but without exception they all lie at the same depth – from 150 to 300 meters from the surface.

Role in the food chain

Krill is at the very beginning of the food chain.

A food or trophic chain is a series of relationships between individual groups of organisms, in which the transfer of matter and energy develops through the consumption of some individuals by others. The organisms of the next link eat the living creatures of the previous one – this is how energy, substances, and resources circulate. The life cycle in nature is based on trophic chains.

Since the crustacean is in the first chain, it is the basis of the oceanic ecosystem. For example, in the coastal ecosystem of Antarctica, the life cycle is constructed as follows:

  • krill eat phytoplankton and small zooplankton;
  • baleen whales, craboedal seals, pelagic fish or birds eat krill;
  • fish / birds / seals eat more powerful predator and so on.


Today, commercial krill fishing takes place in Antarctic waters and the coast of Japan. World production at the beginning of the XXI century is estimated at 150-200 thousand tons. Antarctic krill are caught strictly according to the quotas set for Antarctica. Their size is determined by the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR). CCAMLR, together with the Working Group on Ecosystem Monitoring and Management, annually analyzes the situation in this area, regulates quotas and takes measures to conserve the ecosystem. CCAMLR was established in 1982. The Commission is based on the International Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources.

The krill catch is strictly regulated by the commission. Safe, gentle and environmentally friendly production is a basic requirement that all industrial companies adhere to. For example, in 2014, the maximum catch of crustaceans was 620 thousand tons. This figure is based on a historically verified maximum. It is 620 thousand tons of krill that can be caught without harm to the ecosystem and the use of special measures to restore resources.

How are quotas calculated?

Quotas are granted only to countries that have become members of the agreement. The volume of catch is determined separately for each country. The size of the quota is influenced by population size, country status, the amount of krill that whales, penguins and other marine life should consume.

For industrial fishing, special vessels are used – trawlers. These are massive floating plants that carry out the full cycle of production and preparation of meat for sale. On trawlers, the caught plankton is frozen, processed into flour or fat (on their basis, biologically active additives and medicines are later created).

Catching and processing systems may vary for each trawler. It depends on the technological progress of the country and the funds that are allocated to the marine industry. To find the required amount of krill use sonar equipment. The industrial catch season starts on December 1, and on November 30 turns off. Countries that take part in the catch: Ukraine, Japan, Poland, Norway, China, Chile, Korea. Rarely they are joined by the United States and Russia.

Krill meat chemical composition

Energy value of boiled-frozen Antarctic crustacean (calculated per 100 grams of product)
Caloric value98 kCal
Proteins20,6 g
Fats1,7 g
Carbohydrates0 g
Water75,3 g
Alcohol0 g
Cholesterol210 g
Ash2,4 g
Alimentary fiber0 g
Vitamin composition of boiled-frozen Antarctic crustacean (in milligrams per 100 grams)
Retinol (A)0,1
Tocopherol (E)0,6
Thiamine (V1)0,03
Riboflavin (V2)0,04
Pyridoxine (V6)0,03
Folic acid (B9)0,013
Nicotinic acid (PP)5,1
Antarctic crustacean boiled-ice cream nutrient balance (in milligrams per 100 grams)
Potassium (K)220
Calcium (Ca)70
Magnesium (Mg)50
Sodium (Na)540
Phosphorus (P)225
Trace Elements
Iron (Fe)4
Fluorine (F)2,8

What you need to know about krill meat?

Krill meat is a natural storehouse of minerals, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and beneficial nutrients. It is believed that the product stimulates the production of hormones / enzymes, normalizes metabolic and metabolic processes, strengthens the nervous system, makes the heart healthier, hair is longer, and the smile is wider.

But is it really?

Meat is a part of plankton crustaceans that inhabit the surface layers of water in high and temperate oceanic latitudes. The weight and size of crustaceans varies depending on the species, but does not exceed 2 grams and 65 millimeters.

The main difference between plankton is the habitat, all other characteristics are identical within the species. The main commercial species of crustaceans are Pacific and Atlantic krill.

The concentration of crustaceans in one meter of cubic water can reach 30 000 individuals.

In the 70s of the last century, industrial fishing of marine creatures began. Japan and the Soviet Union stood at the origins, and the name “Antarctic shrimp” stuck with krill.

Features of the processing of plankton

Processing of crustaceans takes place on each individual trawler and may differ from each other. The main point on which the processing method depends is what exactly needs to be obtained from meat. It can only be meat, flour or fat. To get meat, you need to separate it from the shell.

How to do it?

To simplify the separation process as much as possible, boil the crustaceans at 80 ° C. Cooked Antarctic shrimps are passed through a centrifuge, where the separation of heavy meat from light entrails and shell.

Another way to process meat is air peeling. The meat is simply blown out of the shell with a powerful stream of air. But this method, like any other mechanical processing, can damage the integrity of the meat. Given the minimum size of the crustacean, it is best to preserve the structure and use more gentle cleaning methods.

Useful properties of the food product

The product is valuable due to the abundance of polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and mineral components. 100 grams of crustacean meat contains about 20 grams of protein. It is noteworthy that such meat is much easier and more efficient (97%) is absorbed by the body compared to beef or chicken (about 75%).

What caused this?

As part of the oceanic plankton, all vital amino acids are distributed in equal amounts – this increases the degree of digestibility by the body. Ecologically clean meat stimulates qualitative growth and harmonious development of all body systems, improves the absorption of nutrients from food, goes well with tocopherol (vitamin E), which has a beneficial effect on the female / male reproductive system. Moreover, krill meat is recognized as hypoallergenic.

The product contains an abundance of fluorine (F) – 2,8 milligrams. This is twice the intake of the element with drinking water. It is important to note that other sources of fluorine that could cover the human need for the element simply do not exist in nature. The trace element is necessary for the quality formation and maintenance of healthy bones, tooth enamel and dentin. Also, crustacean meat contains half the daily requirement of iodine (I) – 60 micrograms. These substances act as a kind of prevention of caries, are responsible for dental health, mental development and the production of thyroid hormones.

It should also be noted the high rate of iron (Fe) – 4 milligrams per 100 grams of meat. For comparison, the concentration of iron in fish reaches 1,5 milligrams, in chicken – 3 milligrams, in beef – 2,6 kilograms. High-nutrient foods are especially beneficial for pregnant women or those who are just planning a pregnancy. The nutrient prevents the development of anemia, improves oxygen metabolism.

Another benefit of krill is its polyunsaturated fatty acids. They reduce the concentration of bad cholesterol, improve regeneration processes inside the body, and have a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state and appearance. Moreover, the use of Omega-3 and Omega-6 is a kind of prevention of atherosclerosis, strokes and heart attacks. Meat has radioprotective and detoxifying properties.

Daily consumption of 50 grams of krill meat for a month minimizes the concentration of cholesterol in the blood by 1-2 units. Such a transformation will affect weight, the state of the bone skeleton, improve memory function and improve the overall quality of life.

Nutritionists recommend paying attention to crustaceans to people with overweight. Meat restarts metabolic processes, contributes to the burning of subcutaneous fat and, most importantly, it does so gradually, and therefore it is safe for the body. Noticeable results will appear already after 1-2 months after the correction of the diet and the introduction of comfortable physical activity.

You can replace any seafood in a dish with krill meat. The ingredient is best combined with green vegetables, lemon, hazelnuts, eggs, herbs (dill / parsley / spinach). You can buy the product in specialized fish shops or in a supermarket. Most often it is sold in boiled-ice cream or canned form.

Sources of
  1. Bykov V.P.; Bykova V. M.; Krivosheina L. I. et al. – Antarctic krill. – Publishing house: VNIRO / VNIRO Publishing, 2001.
  2. Samyshev E. Z. – Antarctic krill and the structure of the plankton community in its range. – M.: Nauka, 1991. – 168 p.

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