Kremlin diet: pros and cons

Kremlin diet: pros and cons

One of the most paradoxical weight loss methods is the Kremlin diet. She has gained many fans due to the fact that during the entire period of weight loss a person eats very diversely and can eat whatever he wants, but within the limit of points scored. The number of points depends on the carbohydrate content of the product. At each stage of the diet, a certain amount of points per day is allowed – from 20 to 60 USD. (conventional units). For the convenience of followers of the diet, a special table has been created, according to which the daily menu is formed.

Because the Kremlin diet is considered protein-rich, foods with the highest protein content score the least. The use of meat and fish products brings very few points, and a person has the opportunity to add additional dishes to the menu. And having eaten a piece of bread, he does not have the right to eat anything else, since he has thus chosen his own norm of points.

Followers of the diet lose 5-8 kg per week. The longer the diet lasts, the more weight is lost. You need to go through four stages of the Kremlin diet, each of them has its own rate of points per day.

The history of the appearance of the Kremlin diet

Now this method of losing weight is known to almost everyone, and until recently such a diet was a secret for many. The Kremlin diet used to be called the American Astronaut Diet. In Russia, this technique was first used to meet the needs of the party elite. They gladly took advantage of the overweight method, which allows them to eat anything, choosing delicacies from the menu, but also lose weight.

Nutritionists also welcomed the technique, which allows not to experience hunger and the negative symptoms associated with it: dizziness, exhaustion, obsessive thoughts about food.

The essence of the Kremlin diet

Kremlin diet: pros and cons

The diet is based on the following principle – due to a sharp reduction in the amount of incoming carbohydrates, the body needs energy. To cover this deficit, he turns to internal resources, spending body fat. Reducing the amount of fat leads to weight loss.

One of the advantages of this diet is that a person who is losing weight can consume foods “forbidden” in other diets in any quantity. These are protein sources such as cottage cheese, cheese, meat, fish, eggs. It is forbidden to eat bread, confectionery, many fruits and vegetables, potatoes and rice, and drink fruit juices.

With the help of the Kremlin diet, the weight is rapidly decreasing.

There is a simple algorithm:

  • To lose weight, the amount of points scored per day should not exceed 20-40 USD;

  • To get better – to be above 60 USD;

  • To keep the achieved results – equal to 60 c.u.

Some of those who lose weight make an unfortunate mistake by spontaneously changing the amount of points in their diet. Points belong to a conditional system that places products on a certain rung of the “admissibility ladder”.

The minimum score is assigned to sausages, cheese, dairy products (0-2 c.u.). The highest score for confectionery, dried fruits, jams. Following the table, the diet includes any products within the daily norm of points.

Important nuances:

  • The table shows points per 100g, not per serving;

  • A person who loses weight and works hard can get 80-100 points and not gain weight. And for a person employed in sedentary work, it is advisable not to step over the maximum threshold of points;

  • No need to feel hungry, snacking between meals is acceptable.

3 conditions of the Kremlin diet:

  • Keep control of the carbohydrate units eaten;

  • Do not add sugar to third dishes, do not eat sweets;

  • Actively move, engage in feasible physical education.

If you do not exercise, the skin will sag due to rapid weight loss. To bring the body into tone, those who are losing weight must definitely train.

The fundamental rules of the method

Kremlin diet: pros and cons

To lose weight without harm to health, or gain weight if necessary, you need to carefully follow the principles of the Kremlin diet, regularly count points, and play sports.

The basics of the Kremlin diet, the whole truth about it:

  • Sugar is excluded from the diet, since 100 g of this product contains 99 c.u., and at the 1st stage of the diet, the daily ration is 20-40 c.u.

  • To maintain the water-salt balance requires at least 2 liters of fluid. It can be tea from hawthorn, ginger, rosehip broth, containing a large amount of vitamins.

  • It is important to constantly monitor the amount of food absorbed, the exclusion from the diet of salty, fatty, spicy foods. Alcohol consumption is limited.

  • It is forbidden to overeat even allowed foods, so as not to gain weight, stretch the stomach, and slow down digestion.

  • It is recommended to eat lean meat, lean fish, vegetables (tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers), unsweetened fruits (citrus fruits, pears, apples, kiwi).

  • For daily control of points, you need to use the Kremlin diet table, check the dishes of your diet for the content of c.u. It is important not to exceed the allowable number of carbohydrate units.

  • The deficiency of minerals and vitamins is replenished with vitamin complexes.

  • To test your own capabilities, you can first take a trial weekly course of nutrition according to new principles, and, with a successful result, practice a full course of weight loss.

When conducting a two-week course, constipation and disruption of the digestive tract may occur. The introduction of 20 g of bran daily into the diet will help solve the problem. If you follow the above principles, excess weight will go away in a short time.

Video about the principles of the Kremlin diet, commented on by nutritionist Andrei Nikiforov:

Misconceptions about the Kremlin diet

Kremlin diet: pros and cons

Sometimes you have to hear complaints about the diet from those who followed it.

They mainly contain the following claims:

  • The diet is ineffective;

  • Nutrition is not balanced;

  • A person is imprisoned in a rigid framework of requirements that are not easy to comply with.

Most often, such claims are made from a lack of information about the principles of the diet.

The main mistakes of losing weight:

  • To effectively lose weight, a person significantly reduces the calorie content of the diet. This is wrong, because constant hunger causes the body to produce fat reserves, and breakdowns are not uncommon. It is advisable to eat your fill in the usual mode – breakfast, lunch, dinner, with small snacks between meals.

  • Fruits and vegetables are completely excluded from the diet. These foods supply the body with valuable fiber, vitamins and minerals, so you can not completely refuse them. It is better to include in the menu less high-calorie types of vegetables and fruits: tomatoes and cucumbers, apples, kiwi. Do not eat cherries, bananas, sweet grapes.

  • Fats are excluded from the diet. This is wrong, fats are vital for the body, they help the absorption of certain vitamins and are involved in the synthesis of hormones. In accordance with the principles of the Kremlin diet, the menu includes foods containing healthy fats – sea fish, linseed and olive oil.

  • Natural sugar is being replaced with artificial sweeteners. It is better to stop using them, because they signal to the brain that glucose will soon enter the body, which is not actually contained in food. This leads to excess secretion of gastric juice and an excruciating feeling of hunger.

  • Man eats only proteins. Eating in this mode excessively overloads the kidneys due to excess protein, which can lead to disruption of their work. The diet should be varied, with the inclusion of permitted vegetables and fruits.

  • Losing weight begin to overload themselves with physical training. In the phase of active weight loss, it is better to observe moderation in sports.

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