Krasnodar “Doctor Frankenstein”: the story of a false surgeon who performed plastic surgery in the kitchen

Alena Verdi – nee Antonina Gorbunova – crippled dozens of patients, and one woman even died after a 20-hour operation.

This story shocked the whole of Russia. Many wondered how a person without proper medical education took responsibility for other people’s lives. But more raised the question – how did the clients agree to such complex procedures at home! After all, the “plastic surgeon” operated at home!

Alena Verdi: plastic surgeon and her victims

The beginning of the clandestine career of a would-be surgeon

It all started with seemingly simple cosmetic procedures – beauty injections, but soon, believing in her own “professionalism”, Verdi moved on to drastic measures. Realizing that she would not be able to practice in the clinic without a medical diploma, Alena decided to do it at home, in the kitchen. And the woman kept the scalpel and other necessary medical instruments where an ordinary housewife keeps kitchen utensils. Therefore, there was no question of sterility.

But the clients went anyway! Many unfortunate patients admitted that they had fallen under the spell of the charming and lively tongue of Alena, who confidently shook her diplomas of graduation from the medical university and numerous certificates in front of them. By the way, none of the documents received legal confirmation of their authenticity. During the investigation, it became known at all that the diploma was purchased.

The dire consequences of surgery

In 2017, a tragedy occurred – the patient died after abdominoplasty of the abdomen. Surprisingly, then Verdi got off with only a fine! And after a short pause, she continued her “practice”. It is also striking that Verdi valued her services dearly.

Only a few patients dared to show and tell how the would-be specialist distorted not only their appearance, but also their fate. In 2019, several former clients filed a lawsuit against the “surgeon”.

One of the clients – Anastasia – I really wanted a beautiful and flat tummy. But the result of the surgeon’s work is simply appalling.

“My whole body was distorted, pieces of skin were hanging on the left and right. And I got a tumor, “admitted the unfortunate girl in the program” Man and Law “.

The result of Anastasia’s unsuccessful plastics

I came to the closet, and there was a girl lying unconscious, and she operated on her nose. She was already finishing the operation and said to me: “Can you light me up with a flashlight, the lamp has run out of battery ?! , – Anastasia told about the horrors of the home operating room

Another client Dinah I wanted to fix my nose and decided on rhinoplasty:

“She forgot I had a gauze pad on the left side of my nose, with which I went for three months!”

And Christina underwent surgery to correct the nasal septum:

“When the doctor removed the cast, she started laughing hysterically. It seemed strange to me, but I did not understand what was happening. And when I looked in the mirror, I was horrified. She just cut off the bridge of my nose! “

But the horrors don’t end there. In one of the patients, after abdominal liposuction, after a while … a rubber glove, forgotten by a negligent doctor, was discovered. Another girl, after blepharoplasty, could not close her eyes; scars formed on her eyelids.

The result of unsuccessful blepharoplasty

But Alena Verdi did not admit her own guilt to the end:

“I do not understand what’s going on. On what basis was I even taken into custody, on the basis that everyone was smashed – that I am such a terrible monster ?! “

Trying to hold the doctor accountable

Initially, the criminal case was initiated one episode at a time, but more and more were added to it. In April 2020, a pseudo-surgeon was accused of already seven episodes of providing medical services that did not meet the requirements of the safety of life and health of consumers, which resulted in the infliction of grievous bodily harm. Alena Verdi faced up to six years in prison. The first meeting was scheduled for June 4, but 38-year-old Alena did not live to see it.

The mysterious death of a false surgeon

Even more mysteries are caused by the tragic death of Alena Verdi. On May 29, she, violating house arrest, went with a friend to a party where she abused alcohol. The next morning she was found lifeless in her own apartment. The pseudo-surgeon was hospitalized in the hospital, where she fell into a coma and, without leaving her, died a few days later.

The cause of death was a massive stroke, but there were rumors that the would-be doctor, in order to avoid harsh punishment, faked her own death and fled abroad. And the punishment would be inevitable – dozens of women who dreamed of beauty, but turned out to be disfigured for life, suffered at her hands.

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