Krasnaya Gorka in 2023: signs of the holiday
Red Hill is called the first Sunday after one of the most important Christian holidays, Easter. In 2023, the holiday falls on April 23

We will tell you what this day means according to the Gospel, what church services were taken on it in churches and how the people celebrated the holiday.

Red hill in the church: what kind of day is it

Another name for Krasnaya Gorka is Fomino Sunday. It refers us to the gospel story about the unbelieving apostle. When Christ appeared before his disciples after he had risen, there was no Thomas among them, who therefore did not believe in a miracle. A week later, the Savior appeared to Thomas, and he was convinced of the resurrection of Jesus. “Unbelieving Thomas” became one of the most zealous preachers of the Christian faith – according to the Bible, he founded churches in Palestine, Mesopotamia, Parthia, Ethiopia, and even in India.

Another church name for Krasnaya Gorka is Antipaskha (from the Greek “instead of”), in this case the name can be translated approximately as “like Easter” and it will mean a kind of “repetition” of the holiday. That is, this day is celebrated as joyfully as Bright Sunday itself.

In churches, the last time they serve the Liturgy of the Paschal rite. The texts of the divine services are dedicated both to the very event of Christ’s resurrection and to the Apostle Thomas.

And on this day, after a break for the period of fasting, weddings are resumed, so Krasnaya Gorka in Our Country has long been a occasion for weddings. There was even a saying about this: “Whoever marries Krasnaya Gorka will never get divorced.” True, there was a practical point in this proverb – it was desirable to hold wedding festivities in the spring before the sowing season, so as not to be distracted from field work later.

The whole week after Krasnaya Gorka is also called Fomin’s week. And on Tuesday, on the ninth day after Easter, believers celebrate the day of remembrance of the dead, Radonitsa.

Matchmaking and “calling of spring”: folk traditions and signs

This is one of those holidays where the Christian meaning was superimposed on the ancient, still pagan basis. Spring was greeted on Krasnaya Gorka, and the festivities took place on hills, hills, which were the first to be freed from snow and thus became beautiful – that is, “red”.

One of the customs was just connected with the “calling” (call) of spring. The youth, again in a high place, met the dawn and led round dances to special songs – “springs”. Then the fun passed to the village streets, and it was considered shameful for boys and girls to shirk games and dances, and in some places it even promised misfortune and loneliness in the future. The festivities were also a kind of bridegroom for potential brides and grooms, so everyone tried to dress smarter for them. Well, those who had already chosen a couple for themselves went to woo that day – according to a sign, a happy marriage awaits those who are wooed on Krasnaya Gorka.

“Called” not only spring. A crowd of boys and girls went to the houses of young couples – those spouses who got married on the last Krasnaya Gorka. “Carolers” sang songs to them with wishes of health and well-being (but sometimes they teased them), and in return they received treats – pies and colored eggs. Husband and wife on this day tried not to swear with each other, so as not to bring quarrels and trouble into the family.

For the holiday, painted eggs were rolled from the hills. It was believed that the smoother and further the egg rolls down, the more prosperous the fortuneteller’s life will be. And they also conceived wishes and threw a coin into the well – it was believed that you would not ask in this way on that day, it would come true.

It was also customary to visit relatives, but not necessarily empty-handed – it was required to give gifts to relatives.

Red dress and the game of “catch the bride”: five facts about weddings in Our Country that you probably did not know

During the matchmaking, the bride’s parents for the first time had to refuse the groom’s matchmakers. Those were supposed to persuade, and only after that it was possible to agree. And in some northern regions, the bride generally hid. Her friends should have “found” her and brought her to her parents for “zaruchiny”. Moreover, it did not matter whether the girl herself wanted to get married or was against the wedding. After conspiracy and public announcement of it, only exceptional circumstances could upset the engagement.

The time of the wedding was of great importance. Apart from Krasnaya Gorka, which in any case was considered the most successful day, they tried to get married on odd dates. And it is desirable that it be Wednesday (women’s day), Thursday (men’s) or Sunday (holiday). But weddings on Tuesday were avoided – for some reason it was considered unfavorable.

Initially, the wedding dress in traditions was not white at all. Actually, there were two outfits. The first is wedding and modest. But the second, festive, dress was sewn bright – as a rule, red. The weight of the bride’s dress could reach up to 15 kg. The clothes were embroidered with brocade and pearls, and, accordingly, the higher the wealth in the family, the richer the decoration was chosen.

The function of the host-manager (in modern terms, “master of ceremonies”) at the holiday was performed by a friend – an unmarried relative (brother) or a friend of the groom. There could be several friends. Their task is to amuse the guests and make sure that the wedding ceremony goes according to all the canons. But the guests were instructed to scold and insult the friends on what light – it was believed that an uncursed “master of ceremonies” would bring misfortune to the young. He, in turn, had to endure all ridicule with firmness and answer them with jokes.

According to one version, once in Our Country, wedding (wedding) rings were worn not on the ring finger, as it is now, but on the index finger. The jewelry itself was different: the husband had gold, the wife had silver. At the same time, the tradition of choosing the right hand to wear them has remained to this day – this is typical for Orthodoxy, it is customary to be baptized from right to left.

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