Krasko, Urgant, Vasilyeva and other long-lived stars

Celebrities have shared their recipes for vigor and health, helping to live to 100 years old.

November 1 2020

Ivan Krasko, actor, 90 years old:

– The years crept up unnoticed. I thought Venya Smekhov and I were the same age, but he, it turns out, is ten years younger. Valya Gaft is five years younger … Seryozhenka Yursky (died in February 2019 at the age of 83. – Antenna’s note) was 1935. Some leave so quickly … Physics fails. Sometimes you need to hurry to the minibus to the dacha – and immediately shortness of breath. Eyes see worse. When I watch a football match, I bury my nose at the screen.

At the theater, I now have four performances: “A profitable place”, “Soothe my sorrows …”, “Hush, Athenians!”, “I returned to my city …”. There was also “Dresser”, but for some reason it was removed, probably, they are afraid that I might bend over on stage! But let’s hold the tail with a pistol! I told Vita Novikov (Viktor Novikov is the artistic director of the VF Komissarzhevskaya Theater. – Approx. “Antenna”): we will live until the anniversary, and then we will think. I also want to play Voltaire, I have already ordered a play. There are two sentences in the cinema, I am still thinking. Of course, money is also needed: I have two boys growing up. Vanya and Fedya went to the tenth grade, they need so much: to dress, to put on shoes, to feed. My children understand, I communicate with them on an equal footing. I exposed them, I said: “I suspect that you want to become artists.” They both froze like animals taken by surprise. “Well, for this you need to have a certificate of maturity, otherwise they will not be accepted.” This woke them up – they thought.

I now live with children and their mother, Natalia Vyal. Natalya Shavel (Krasko’s fourth wife, 60 years younger than him. The couple divorced in 2018. – Approx. “Antenna”) after the divorce, she retained the name Krasko. Marrying her was a hobby, a belief that I was getting younger. She has such alluring qualities. But then, when I found out that she did not want a daughter … She revived the peasant in me, and then she herself destroyed him. But I think when two people go their separate ways, both are to blame. I don’t understand when they become enemies. She and I are an example of the fact that you can disperse peacefully and remain friends. I’m thinking: why is there so much noise around the name Krasko? I have no particular creative merits, I think. I never put my own worth. Fanaberia I hate. They ask: “How, do you still ride the subway ?!” Should I fly in a helicopter? I’ve never had a car. Students were never denied if asked to play in their coursework. Other artists have to pay, or someone is too busy – everything is scheduled for a year in advance. And I know that young people need help, how can I refuse? You can’t cheat on yourself. I have a solid foundation on which to judge a person, there are principles.

– The whole secret of the unfading beauty and inexhaustible youth of my beloved mother is that she is a person of unprecedented talent, – tells “Antenna” her son, actor Andrey Urgant… – However, in the family we came to the conclusion that at 91 she still does not look 21 years old. But in the pictures that fans can see in theaters, on TV shows, on websites, she is a rare beauty. This is because later photos do not exist: Nina Nikolaevna some time ago stopped taking pictures and completely let someone in her, except for the closest ones. She wants the viewer to remember her the way she appeared before the public, for example, in the drama “Belorusskiy Vokzal”, which was released almost 50 years ago! My son and I (TV presenter Ivan Urgant. – Approx. “Antennas) share her point of view. An idol is an idol to look ideal in the eyes of others.

In middle age, she was irresistible: no Italian divas can compare! Her kind character also added charm to her – she would always shelter, warm, feed, listen, and say a kind word in response. She is an atypical long-liver: she never sat on any diets, did not refuse meat, did not limit herself in anything in terms of nutrition, did not fill her diet with specially useful products. But I quit smoking many, many years ago, which, of course, had an extremely positive effect on my health. Of the good habits, except that exercise twice a day – after waking up and before bedtime. This is from necessity: so that a sore back bothers less. The rest of the sport is only in the form of watching on TV.

Also this year Mom started reading even more. She swallows all the books that Vanya and I bring her when we visit, immediately, instantly. True, she later notes that she did not like most of our shots. But there were also new items, which she re-read several times.

There is no need to talk about new projects in cinema and theater: fortunately, my son and I managed to save the great Nina Urgant from the need to make a living long ago. Maybe the fact that those who are obliged to do so care about her so much is also the secret of longevity.

Nina Agapova, actress, 94 years old:

– I got into the list of centenarians not of my own free will – though I don’t know why I stayed so long in this world. But for not forgetting me, call, inquire about health, thank you very much. It is very nice.

In terms of keeping myself in shape, I can not advise anything: I never adhered to diets, I did not torture myself with physical exertion. Except that I walk for a long, long time in the park near my home every day – but not in order to live even longer, but I just love this business! Hiking is my main source of joy today. Yes, and this year it worked out especially well with them: what a charming autumn!

I admire the mighty trees, the bright colors of the foliage, the nimble squirrels … Recently I fell in love with our smaller brothers, I see in each of them a perfect creature.

I was also lucky that the windows of the house overlook the garden, so when I return, I continue to admire all this, already sitting at the window. Nature delights me even at the age of ten.

Vera Vasilieva, actress, 95 years old:

“I’m really many years old. But I am in a good mood: since I have lived to see my 95th birthday (the actress celebrated her birthday on September 30th. – Approx. “Antenna”), I must somehow hold on! In general, I continue to live, as I have lived all my years, as far as I have enough strength for this today. I still love the theater, my loved ones.

I constantly read – from the latter I am happy to re-read books by Victoria Tokareva; I watch a lot of TV, especially I do not miss the news in order to be aware of what is happening in the country and in the world. I love to revisit old pictures with my favorite artists. But, alas, because of the pandemic, it is impossible to get out to the performances. I don’t visit the guests either, since people of retirement age are not recommended to leave the house once again these days. I rarely call anyone: I don’t like unnecessary conversations, but I’m worried about how my colleagues and friends feel.

But I definitely follow the appearance: it is important not to disgust myself, let alone upset my dear viewers. And so I have no special secrets of longevity – I live like everyone else.

I am grateful to my life: I was engaged in my favorite profession, and I was surrounded and surrounded by good people, and the love of the audience has always supported, the audience was supportive of me, made me happy. Yes, and I met a lot of good on my way, for which I say thank you to fate!

Nikolay Dupak, actor, 99 years old:

Still From The Forty-First Film

– I adhere to a healthy lifestyle. I try to drink one and a half liters of water every day. I don’t drink coffee. I replace sugar with dried apricots, prunes and honey, which really supports me. I chop walnuts myself. I do not eat fatty, salty and fried foods. I have never smoked a single cigarette in my life. Ardent opponent of alcoholic beverages.

When I wake up, I rub my arms and hands and, if possible, pull my legs. I walk and do breathing exercises: I make sharp exhalations and breaths. This helps keep the lungs toned. The fact is that he was wounded at the front (in 1941-1943 he took part in the hostilities, received three severe wounds. – Approx. “Antenna”). I lay in the sleigh in the cold for six hours and caught a bad cold. They even wanted to take my leg away, but I persuaded not to do it. I confess that I am still ashamed to walk with a cane. Due to complications in the lungs, they were banned from visiting the bathhouse. Now I dress warmly so as not to get cold. Already in August I put on something warm. Several years ago I had eye problems, so I wore glasses. I recently had an operation, now I can do without them.

I love reading memoirs, watching feature films with my participation and with friends. Unfortunately, I often cannot sleep because of the information that falls from all sides. Doctors are trying to remedy this situation.

I would like to note that I still drive with pleasure. I can withstand a two to three hour journey. For this, the traffic police called me the oldest motorist in Moscow.

I try to maintain my optimistic attitude. I am engaged in military-patriotic education in educational institutions and museums. During the May holidays I go to meetings with World War II veterans. After all, I am the only one who survived from the 6th Guards Cavalry Corps.

Leonid Shvartsman, artist, 100 years old:

– Throughout my life I carried the warmth that my parents gave. I always shared it with others. I managed to preserve this childishness even in the most difficult time. This is probably why I was close to working on cartoons (Shvartsman presented the audience with images of Cheburashka, Shapoklyak, Gena the Crocodile and other heroes. – Approx. “Antenna”).

I tried to avoid conflicts and knew how to smooth over sharp corners. Perhaps my balanced character allowed me to live to such years.

In general, for a long time I came up with the formula: “If you want to be happy, be happy.” I was and still am!

For me, real happiness is to find what I love and do it all the time. It is also important to meet a person who will be your like-minded person. For example, my wife Tatyana Vladimirovna and I were united by creativity and common interests (the future spouses met at the Soyuzmultfilm studio. – Antenna’s note). Then we completely became one: I was a director, Tatiana was my assistant. Despite the fact that we have been with each other for 70 years, we hardly ever quarrel. Even if there are some disagreements, we still come to a common denominator. I think that there is no need to worry once again.

A couple of phrases

What good habit have you been using all your life?

Aziza, singer:

– Get up early and go to bed early. I wake up at 6 in the morning, maximum at the beginning of the seventh, and go to bed at exactly 10 in the evening. It gives a powerful charge of energy, great mood, clarity of mind.

Evgeny Gerasimov, actor:

– Every day I definitely do exercises: I do push-ups from the floor from 50 to 100 times; I lift dumbbells 10 kg from 50 to 100 times for each hand; I stand on the floor on a spinning wheel for up to 5 minutes. Then I pour an icy shower over my head. And after that I live with my emotions and desires and do not deny myself anything.

Alisa Grebenshchikova, actress:

– I learn a variety of poems by heart. It develops imagination and trains memory.

Alexey Morozov, actor:

– Throughout my childhood, having no financial opportunity, I knocked the ball against the wall, and in recent years I have been playing tennis with a coach. He develops the entire apparatus – legs, arms, and back. And in terms of losing weight, that’s the very thing!

Nikolay Rastorguev, singer:

– Good food. Life experience in this regard suggests that the healthiest cuisine is homemade. She’s the tastiest.

Maria Ulyanova, actress:

– As soon as I open my eyes in the morning, the first thing I do is count to myself 30 seconds with a smile on my lips. And I think: the best day is today.

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