Kraska: the summer wave of COVID-19 infections is slowing down. This week is crucial
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«We see the wave slowing down. This week will show us where we are in the pandemic »- said Deputy Health Minister Waldemar Kraska in the Monday broadcast of Radio Gdańsk. He also emphasized that patients with new ailments come to doctors.

  1. “However, we see a decisive slowdown in the wave,” Kraska said on Radio Gdańsk
  2. «I hope it will be a constant trend. However, the pandemic has surprised us more than once. This week will show us where we are in the pandemic »- he added
  3. As Kraska explained, new mutations of the SARS-CoV-2 virus show symptoms of colds, but also new, previously unknown symptoms. “For example, we wake up in the morning and feel very tired, there are also tinnitus, neck pain and sensitivity to light” – said the deputy minister
  4. More information about the coronavirus can be found on the Onet homepage.

Deputy Minister of Health Waldemar Kraska said that 618 new cases of coronavirus infection were confirmed, according to the data he had at his disposal on Monday morning.

“It seems that it is not much, but we always compare the result to last week” – he noted and added that for several days the ministry has been observing an increased number of cases by several percent. «Today this is an increase of about five percent compared to the previous Sunday. However, we see a decisive slowdown of the wave »- he stressed.

«I hope it will be a constant trend. However, the pandemic has surprised us more than once. This week will show us where we are in the pandemic. Another summer wave that we were about to slow down »- assessed the deputy minister.

A few months ago, the Ministry of Health gave up the widespread use of PCR tests for the presence of coronavirus. However, an antigen test can be performed free of charge in clinics.

The deputy minister indicated that the tests are sent to the clinic for free. «It is only the goodwill of doctors that these tests should be. I am asking patients to require their doctor to have a test in every clinic »- emphasized Kraska.

He noted that in this wave of the pandemic, the ministry adopted “a different philosophy than the previous ones”. «WHO did not recommend population testing. We focused on the number of people who are hospitalized. We are seeing a reduced number of people who require hospital treatment »- said the deputy minister.

He added that according to Friday’s data, it was 2052 people. «This number has increased, but also proportionally to the previous week, there are definitely fewer of these people. All this points to the fact that we are in this moment either at the peak or after the peak of this summer wave. But I am still careful about it »- he pointed out.

The guest of Radio Gdańsk assessed that there are two new omicron sub-variants in Poland. «In our country, about 55-60 percent. in all cases, these are the sub-variants. They are even more infectious than those of the previous sub-warriors, but the clinical symptoms are lighter »- assured Kraska.

In his opinion, in these cases, “the percentage of lung involvement is lower”. He stressed that these symptoms partially overlap with the previous variants. «We are talking about a runny nose, headache, fever. These are cold symptoms, but there were also some that we had not seen before. For example, we wake up in the morning and feel very tired, there are also tinnitus, neck pain and sensitivity to light »- enumerated the deputy minister.

Kraska emphasized that in the event of the appearance of COVID-19 symptoms, patients should visit their family doctors.

«Every case is different, everyone has different conditions. The doctor we should go to in the first place is the family doctor. He knows our medical history »- he said.

In his opinion, teleporting was a good method in the pandemic era, but it should not be abused.

«When symptoms appear, the first visit is the most important. I would recommend that it be direct. After that, teleportation is indicated, we do not have to go to the doctor every time. The most important thing is a physical examination and auscultation of the lungs »- admitted Kraska.

The deputy health minister emphasized that global studies show that the second booster dose in the case of people at risk causes a large increase in immunity.

«The risk of death after the second dose drops by 80%. The risk of hospitalization drops by over 70%. Infections by over 30% It is the numbers that show that it is worth getting vaccinated. 602 people signed up for the second booster dose »- said Kraska.

He added that the omicron caused virtually all of us to come into contact with the coronavirus. «We have all come across this disease. Our body has made a number of antibodies. Our research shows that immunity is 91 percent. Poles »- assessed the deputy minister.

He noted that there is a group of people for whom even a common cold can be a problem.

“The vaccine does not protect us against infection, but against death and severe illness” – reminded Kraska. (PAP)

Author: Piotr Mirowicz

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