Kraska: the fourth wave is definitely starting to accelerate. Appeal of the deputy minister
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We have exceeded 2 daily coronavirus infections. If we compare this number to last Wednesday, it is an increase of 70%. – Deputy Minister of Health Waldemar Kraska informed on Wednesday. The fourth wave is definitely starting to accelerate – he assessed.

Kraska: the last moment when we should get vaccinated

The deputy head of the Ministry of Health, Waldemar Kraska, in the First Program of Polish Radio, spoke, inter alia, about the current situation related to the pandemic in Poland. – We have exceeded 2 daytime infections. (…) 2 cases to be exact. If we compare to last Wednesday, this is an increase of 085%, so we can see that the fourth wave is definitely starting to accelerate. Also 70 people died – informed Kraska.

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He added that these data should prompt all unvaccinated people to go to the vaccination point.

– This is really the last moment when we should get vaccinated, so I appeal to all of you – let’s get vaccinated, because we can see that the fourth wave is definitely accelerating in those provinces where the number of vaccinated people is the lowest, i.e. lubelskie, voiv. Subcarpathia, voivodeship Podlasie – he mentioned.

Do you want to test your COVID-19 immunity after vaccination? Have you been infected and want to check your antibody levels? See the COVID-19 immunity test package, which you will perform at Diagnostics network points.

COVID-19. The situation in Polish hospitals.

Kraska said that such a situation translates into the number of people admitted to hospitals.

  1. A sudden increase in people in hospitals and on ventilators. Why is this happening?

– Here, too, we have already exceeded the number of two thousand patients, 2 013 exactly we currently have COVID-19 patients in Polish hospitals. Too more and more people are staying in intensive care units connected to ventilators Kraska said.

He appealed to remember to wear masks, to keep distance and to disinfect. “They really are simple methods that we should remember every day, and I think we’ve already forgotten,” he added.

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PAP / Szymon Zdzierałowski

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