Kotodrom and its own odnushka: 10 unreal houses for cats

Kotodrom and its own odnushka: 10 unreal houses for cats

Cats love boxes for a reason – they hint that they would like to live in separate apartments. And let the noise outside the cat’s house, the cry of children and the apartment in the mortgage, inside the tailed homeowner is his own master. Being in charge is generally the main life position of a cat. We will tell and show you the most original cat houses.

Domestic cats can be envied. They do not need to work or have a positive credit history to acquire their own living space. Namaukal – the neighbors’ cats will think with envy if they see one of the houses from our selection.

It used to be that cat mansions were made in the image and likeness of those same cardboard boxes. Now it is a real art object that will be appreciated not only by animals, but also by guests who have dropped in to the owner.

1. Royal bed

This royal bed is suitable for cats who want to be addressed as “you”. They are not one of those who run, ears raised, for a thread. Their main mission in the house is to lie beautifully on the owner’s pillow and from the heart despise the owner when he drives the cat to lie down.

In this case, the king’s bed is needed even more by the owner than by the cat in order to win back his bed. In addition, a house with a carved wall and decorations in the interior looks expensive and stylish. You can even put up an exquisite hut – you will see: the cat will be happy.

2. House – telephone booth

Another decoration of the interior is a house in the style of a British telephone booth. I want to put this in my apartment and get a cat urgently.

In addition to the visual appeal, the telephone operator’s house is functional. There are as many as five floors for cat travel. But buyers say the pet’s favorite spot is naturally on the roof. From there, it is convenient for the cat to watch the flickering of people and other pets below.

The creators of the house also took care of replaceable panels in case the cat chews or scratches the floors. As an option – a whole carved tower for the Rapunzel cat.

3. Suspended catdrome

Sky, ceiling, kitty. If your cat is a bit of a pilot and is attracted by height, wardrobes and chandeliers, then such an extreme will suit a ceiling complex with a hammock. A separate place for a pet, which will not take up a centimeter of usable living space in the apartment. A great option for a small room and a family with children who like to hug a cat – without much enthusiasm from the cat.

The kotodrome is attached directly to the ceiling. It is made of plywood, in the center of the circle there is a fleece bed, where the cat can sleep peacefully without fear of being disturbed. These houses can be attached to both walls and windows.

4. Cat in the mouse

City cats have not caught mice for a long time. Where can you find them, those mice? Yes, and sorry for the rodents. But the image of an appetizing mouse beckons the cat at the instinct level. Of course, no one will drag a mouse home to the delight of the cat and on his own. But you can buy a stylized house.

This cat mouse is soft and cozy because it is knitted, not made of plywood or cardboard. No glue, sharp edges or corners. It is often not worth washing the house, but you can vacuum at least twice a day.

5. House-bedside table

A house that can be used not only by a cat. It is actually a separate cat’s apartment inside a human apartment, with a sleeping area, a dining room, and a restroom. For protection from other pets or furniture while the owner is not at home, sliding doors are provided.

Above the cage is a stylish white dresser with drawers where you can store any little things, such as pet toys. The table top of the dresser-house is also used as a stand for home decor, photographs, candles. It only remains to explain to the cat that the bottom of the house is for him, and the top is yours.

6. House-stand

A plush multi-colored house with a standard scratching post can scare anyone, even a cat, not to mention the host’s guests. In the interior, it usually looks alien, like a princess costume on the director of a metallurgical plant. If you want to please both the cat and your sense of beauty, you can buy a house that doesn’t look like a cat’s hut at all.

Such a leather goby can become property jointly acquired with a cat – he will sleep in the house and enjoy solitude, and you use the object as: a footrest; ottoman for changing shoes; table for magazines. If there are children in the house, then the cat will have a serious competitor for the right to own a non-standard toy.

7. Personal odnushka

A roof over your head is not just a phrase, you can give your cat a full-fledged house. The roof is needed here, of course, not for protection from rain and snow, but it also fulfills its function: scratching posts are located on the slopes. This is the case when this important feline joy is almost invisible and looks very neat.

Plus, such a house is easy to clean – it can be washed, and the bedding itself can be washed.

8. Wicker Happiness

A house for a cat can also be woven and knitted. And give it any shape: from an exquisite rattan nest to a fish or a box. The advantage of such a house is that you can sharpen claws about it without a twinge of conscience – and for sure the pet will do so. However, whatever the cat is amused, as long as the wallpaper does not rip off.

In addition, the houses look very stylish – they can fit into any interior.

9. Box happiness

Scientists once seriously wondered why cats love boxes so much, and found it out. However, be that as it may, if you have a couple of extra boxes at home, then you have a great cat’s house. More precisely, even a whole cat’s fort. Or a hostel.

Craftsmen cut out the teeth of the tower walls, make slopes and slopes, glue boxes together – and you get a house for every taste and color. And the size.

10. Cardboard minivan

It only seems that if you make a house yourself, a cardboard hollow will come out. There are tons of detailed instructions on the Internet. The simplest and one of the most attractive options is the minivan. Its advantage is not only that you need a minimum of materials and tools (a box, glue, scissors, a ruler, scotch tape and paints), but also that the house can be made with children. Older guys can cut out the details, and kids can paint the catmobile.

Such a family evening will be remembered by everyone, especially the cat, who, with joy, will be repeatedly populated into a new building until he reconciles himself and stays happily in his house.

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