Women who stay young until retirement do exist!
Do you think that in Russia there are too high demands on women? You just haven’t been to Korea. Here, appearance is the key to not only a happy family life, but also a successful career. Therefore, it is not enough to be just pretty. According to Korean men, a true woman is like a delicate flower, pure and innocent, but also glamorous (!) And sexy. There is no age discount. Even at 50, be good, match. And where to go if you live in a country where an unkempt face is considered a sign of disrespect for the interlocutor ?!
Well, the weaker sex is struggling with withering as best it can. And, I must say, quite successfully. This is probably why there are so many women here who, even at a very elegant age, look very fresh. Take actress Song Hye Kyu. At 37, she looks 20! And Choi Jiu? Age is betrayed only by the look and expression on the face.
Actress Song Hye Kyu is 37 and looks 20
The main secret of Korean women’s eternal youth is believed to be their vaunted 10-step skincare routine. Perfected formulations really work wonders, sometimes helping in the most hopeless and neglected cases. And yet, bragging about perfect faces, often without a single wrinkle, Asians are a little misleading. There are at least two more trump cards in their sleeve.
The first is genes. Asian skin is different from European skin. It seems more elastic and healthier, and it depends on the thickness of the epidermis. In Korean women, it is 2-2,5 times thicker than ours. Melanin, of which Asians have more in the epidermis, contributes to better protection of the skin from ultraviolet radiation, which means it slows down its withering.
The second trump card is plastic surgery. According to some reports, 20 percent of Seoul residents have visited a surgeon at least once. Moreover, to change something in oneself is considered quite normal for both women and men. Rumor has it that some parents even give their children a visit to a plastic surgeon for a successful graduation from school, and no one blames them for this. It is good that in Russia they are only greeted by their clothes. And most importantly, ultimately, it is still the soul!