Korean chrysanthemums: perennial, winter-hardy + photo

Korean chrysanthemums are the “last hello” of the autumn flower bed before the final fall into hibernation. These small-flowered hybrids are perennials. The distant ancestor of the “Koreans” was found in East and Southeast Asia, but today the varieties of Korean chrysanthemums are so diverse that their descriptions and photos differ from each other, as if they were different types of plants.

The variety of varieties of Korean chrysanthemums

The Aster family is quite numerous. Chrysanthemums of different types grow not only in Asia:

  • coronal – Mediterranean region;
  • marshy – Portugal and Spain;
  • the keeled – North West Africa.

Those varieties that today are called Korean are actually hybrids: a wild type of Siberian chrysanthemum was taken out of Korea by an American breeder and crossed with a cultivated small-flowered chrysanthemum “Ruth Hutton”.

Korean chrysanthemums: perennial, winter-hardy + photo

The “Koreans” cannot claim the antiquity and mystery of the origin. It would be more correct to call these flowers the Siberian chrysanthemum, but the American brought a wild ancestor from Korea under the name “Korean daisy”. Hence the name “Korean chrysanthemum”.

After successful hybridization and obtaining perennial plants, breeders were able to realize their wildest dreams. Today, about 500 varieties of Korean hybrids have already been bred. Often only a fan can distinguish “live” or in a photo one variety of Korean chrysanthemum from another.

Korean chrysanthemums: perennial, winter-hardy + photo

Classification of varieties of Korean chrysanthemums

There is no established and fixed classification of garden chrysanthemums. They are often divided according to individual characteristics, mixing either the size of the flowers, the height of the bush, or the frost resistance.

There are annual types of chrysanthemums that are not related to perennial Korean hybrids. The latter may differ in height, size of inflorescences, number of petals, and so on, but they are all perennials. By height, hybrids are divided into:

  • tall: from 55 cm;
  • medium height: 45-55 cm;
  • undersized: up to 45 cm.

The latter variety is often called curbstones, since it is convenient to decorate garden paths with bushes of low, abundantly flowering plants. And sometimes hide an ugly border.

Korean chrysanthemums: perennial, winter-hardy + photo

Low-growing hybrids are often grown as indoor pot crops. “Koreans” grow well in the apartment.

The second type of division according to the shape of inflorescences into:

  • simple;
  • semi-double;
  • terry.

The simple inflorescence is the same as the wild forms, but cultivars can be any color. The concept of “spherical” implies that the flower is voluminous as in the photo below.

Korean chrysanthemums: perennial, winter-hardy + photo

The third type of division of plants according to the size of flowers: small, medium and large. The fourth – according to the timing of flowering: early ripening, mid-ripening and late-ripening.

Important! Seeds of late flowering hybrids do not ripen.

But even early varieties are more efficient to propagate in any other way, but not by seeds.

Varieties of early Korean chrysanthemums

All chrysanthemums are autumn flowers. But even among them there are blooming earlier or later than “relatives”. Some bloom no more than 30 days, others can please the eye for a couple of months. Among the early “Koreans” can be called:

  • Lelia – from July to September;
  • Pamela Brons – from August to October;
  • Novella – coloring of buds from the end of July, the beginning of flowering – August, finishes blooming in October;
  • Apple Blossom #1 – since August;
  • Apple Blossom #2 since the beginning of August.

Both Apple Blossoms finish flowering in October.

Varieties of spherical Korean chrysanthemums

Among Korean hybrids, the term “globular” has another meaning. By this word, lovers of small long-flowering bushes mean the shape of the plant itself. Globular “Koreans” are often combined under the name “multiflora”. They do not require formation and themselves grow in the form of a spherical bush. In autumn, such a “ball” is strewn with flowers of various shapes and colors.

Korean chrysanthemums: perennial, winter-hardy + photo

Almost all varieties of multiflora appeared in Our Country recently and do not even have their own names:

  1. Branbeach – yellow, orange, purple, white. The size of terry inflorescences is 4,5-7 cm.
  2. Terry yellow flowers have a diameter of 3-7 cm;
  3. Branfountain – white, purple, coral, lemon. Terry inflorescences, diameter 4 cm.
  4. Brandroyal – red, pink, yellow, white. Flowers have a very rich bright color. Diameter 4-5 cm.
  5. Branhill – light pink and dark red. Flowers are terry, 3-5 cm in diameter.
  6. Inflorescences with a diameter of 4 cm, terry. Flowering is plentiful.
  7. This variety has a spherical not only a bush, but also flowers. The diameter of double flowers is 2,5-3 cm. The petals are white, the center is yellow.

Multiflora can also be divided according to the early maturity and height of the bushes. Some of the varieties of multiflora grow up to 70 cm, others remain at the level of 30-40 cm.

Korean chrysanthemums: perennial, winter-hardy + photo

Tall Korean chrysanthemums

Tall varieties are profitable to breed for sale, because if the bush is not very powerful, then the inflorescences hung in different directions will make a sloppy impression. High grades include all those above 60 cm:

  • Orange sunset – 70 cm;
  • Chamomile – 70 cm;
  • Vologda lace – 60 cm;
  • The sun – 70 cm;
  • Aurora – 90 cm;
  • Umka – 70 cm.

Some varieties of hybrids can grow up to 1,5 m.

Korean chrysanthemums: perennial, winter-hardy + photo

Varieties of frost-resistant Korean chrysanthemums

Gardeners value hybrids for their hardiness, which they acquired from their wild ancestor. Few hybrids can’t handle the cold. The standard lower threshold for these hybrids is 20-35 ° C frost. Colds up to -35 ° С can withstand:

  • Lelia;
  • Chamomile;
  • Vologda lace;
  • Sun;
  • both varieties of Apple Blossom and many other varieties.

Korean chrysanthemums: perennial, winter-hardy + photo

Varieties of Korean chrysanthemums with photos and names

It is impossible to describe all Korean hybrids because of their abundance and diversity. “Koreans” also cannot be clearly divided into groups, since, depending on the chosen criterion, plants will have to be combined in different ways. But some varieties of Korean chrysanthemums and their brief description are given below.

Meridian Dar

A low growing spherical plant with early flowering. Burgundy flowers are very small, no more than 3 cm in diameter. Semi-double. Centers are yellow. This multiflora belongs to the early ones. Flowering begins in August. Abundant. Foliage is not visible under the blossoming buds.

Korean chrysanthemums: perennial, winter-hardy + photo


Tall (0,6 m) small-flowered (diameter 4 cm) variety. The color is bright, can vary from raspberry-lilac to rich pink. The photo of the Korean chrysanthemum Lelia shows that during flowering many inflorescences form on the bush. The bush does not grow on the sides.

Differs in low sensitivity to a drought and frosts. It can withstand temperatures from + 40 ° C to – 34 ° C. Lelia is early maturing. Flowering begins in July and continues until September.

Korean chrysanthemums: perennial, winter-hardy + photo

orange sunset

Tall large-flowered plant. The height of the bush is 0,7 m with a diameter of 0,4 m. The diameter of the inflorescence is 10 cm. The flowering is plentiful. The color of the flowers is bright, orange. Mid-season hybrid, blooms in August. Withstands temperatures up to -30 °C.

Korean chrysanthemums: perennial, winter-hardy + photo


Late ripening, blooms from September. According to gardeners, the Korean chrysanthemum Tarantella can bloom even under snow until severe frosts hit. It does not differ in high winter hardiness. Withstands up to -23 °C. Plant height 50 cm. Inflorescences are medium, 6 cm.

Flowers differ in that their petals are tubular and of different lengths. They vaguely resemble a spider. The color of the petals is yellow, the center is green.

Korean chrysanthemums: perennial, winter-hardy + photo


Tall large-flowered variety. And on top of all the misfortunes – late-ripening. Height 0,7 m. Inflorescence diameter 10 cm. White Chamomile flowers really look like ordinary field daisies. But, like all chrysanthemums, the petals are arranged in 2 rows.

Blooms in September. Withstands frosts down to -34 °C. Therefore, in many regions it is able to winter without shelter.

Korean chrysanthemums: perennial, winter-hardy + photo

Vologda laces

The Korean chrysanthemum Vologda lace is tall because it reaches 0,6 m. The inflorescences are medium in size – 7 cm. The petals are white at the tips. They become yellow in the middle. The variety belongs to semi-double. Late ripe, blooms from mid-September. Quietly winters in open ground, withstanding frosts down to -34 ° C.

Korean chrysanthemums: perennial, winter-hardy + photo


Tall (from 50 to 80 cm), late ripening, blooms in September. Inflorescences of bright yellow color are large, 10 cm in diameter. The color of the petals is even from the middle to the tips. Terry flowers. The bush is frost-resistant, up to -34 ° С.

Korean chrysanthemums: perennial, winter-hardy + photo

apple blossom

There are 2 varieties of Korean chrysanthemum called Apple blossom. Apple blossom No. 1 has a height of 0,5 m and a diameter of 7 cm flowers. Terry flowers. In the middle, unblown petals have a white-pink color. Fully open petals are white. The general impression of the inflorescences is the color of the flowers on the apple tree.

The variety is frost-resistant (-34 ° C) and mid-season. Blooms in August.

Korean chrysanthemums: perennial, winter-hardy + photo

Apple blossom No. 2 tall, 0,6 m. Inflorescence diameter 6 cm. Terry flowers. Petals are pink-white, yellow in the middle. The lower petals are tubular. Flowering begins in early August. Frost resistant.

Korean chrysanthemums: perennial, winter-hardy + photo


American selection. This is a tall late-ripening plant with large flowers of an average diameter of 9 cm. The height of the bush is up to 0,9 m. The inflorescences are terry with red petals along the edges and yellowish in the center. The outer petals are red above, yellow below. Since the same petals are in the middle, but not blossomed, the middle looks yellow. There are few shoots on a columnar bush, but they are very powerful. Flowering period from September to October.

Korean chrysanthemums: perennial, winter-hardy + photo


The bush is 0,7 m high. The size of the flowers is average: 5 cm. The Korean Umka chrysanthemum has an interesting feature: the flowers that have just blossomed are white, but, after standing, they become bright lilac. Therefore, one bush can have white flowers with cream centers and bright lilac ones.

The variety is late-ripening, begins to bloom in September. It has good winter hardiness, can winter in open ground. Withstands frosts down to -34 °C.

Korean chrysanthemums: perennial, winter-hardy + photo


Based on the description and photo, the variety of Korean chrysanthemum Lipstick is one of the most popular in the design of borders and other similar decorative elements. It belongs to undersized and reaches a height of only 40 cm. A strong bush does not fall apart on the sides, which allows it to be planted along garden paths. Dark red flowers are numerous and rather large for a low plant – 6 cm. It blooms in September and blooms until frost. Quietly winters in open ground, withstanding 30-degree frosts.

Korean chrysanthemums: perennial, winter-hardy + photo


Medium-sized variety with medium-sized flowers. The height of the bush is 45 cm, the diameter of the inflorescences is 6 cm. The flowers are semi-double. Anastasia is a multicolor variety. The color of the petals can be from yellow to slightly crimson. The level of winter hardiness is average.

Korean chrysanthemums: perennial, winter-hardy + photo

Korean white

Korean white chrysanthemum is a very tall bush. In favorable conditions, it can grow up to 0,8 m. The minimum height is 0,6 m. The flowers are very large – 10-12 cm. The flowering is plentiful. Petals are white. The middle is yellowish. The variety is mid-season, blooms in late August. Frost resistance of the average level. Without shelter, it can withstand 20-degree frosts.

Korean chrysanthemums: perennial, winter-hardy + photo

Purple Haze

Very beautiful tall hybrid. It can grow from 60 to 80 cm. The diameter of the inflorescences is 6,5-7 cm. The petals are lilac in color, with sharp tips. The young flower has a darker center. A fully bloomed inflorescence is evenly colored. Winters well outdoors.

Korean chrysanthemums: perennial, winter-hardy + photo


Undersized variety of Korean chrysanthemum with pink flowers. Bush height up to 50 cm. The plant is compact. Petals are dark pink. The center is yellow. The inflorescence is not terry, with an average diameter of 5,5 cm. It belongs to late-ripening, as it blooms in September.

Korean chrysanthemums: perennial, winter-hardy + photo


The bush grows up to 55-60 cm. The flowers are terry, medium-sized, 5-6,5 cm in diameter. The description of the color of the inflorescences of this Korean chrysanthemum is quite complex, as they shimmer from yellow to red. The buds are dark red. Gradually blooming, the petals become bright yellow. At the same time, they may have a narrow red border around the edges.

Begins to bloom in September. As a companion, landscape designers advise planting the Smile variety with lilac flowers.

Korean chrysanthemums: perennial, winter-hardy + photo


Low growing variety with single flowers. The bush is only 35 cm high, but sprawling, which is why it is poorly suited for planting along the curbs. Chamomile flowers. The petals are dark pink, the middle is yellow. This “Korean” is mid-season: it blooms from mid-August to the end of September, weather permitting. During the period of mass flowering on one bush there can be up to 35 peduncles.

Important! Does not differ in high frost resistance.

Korean chrysanthemums: perennial, winter-hardy + photo

Evening lights

Low growing compact shrub. Height 35 cm, diameter also 35 cm. It is well suited for decorating borders, as the plant is not only compact and blooms profusely, but also almost does not give root shoots. This saves the owner from the annual weeding of excess plants.

Chamomile flowers, very bright. The petals are bright red, the centers are yellow. Inflorescence diameter 5,5 cm Blooms in September. Flowering time 1 month.

Korean chrysanthemums: perennial, winter-hardy + photo


Yellow terry variety of Korean chrysanthemum. Medium-sized compact bush 0,5 m high and 0,5 m in diameter. Inflorescences are larger than average and reach 7,5 cm in diameter. Color dark yellow. Unopened petals are closer to orange in color. Minus the variety in the abundance of root shoots. During the summer, the bushes grow well. Amber is a winter-hardy variety that can winter outdoors in most regions of Our Country.

Korean chrysanthemums: perennial, winter-hardy + photo

Korean chrysanthemum “Mix”

There are no photos and descriptions of Korean chrysanthemums sold in a package called “Korean Blend”. This is a mixture of “surprise will be.” What seeds the manufacturer put there, only he knows. It is possible that the manufacturer does not know this for sure if the packages were formed according to the residual principle. By planting such seeds, you can grow Korean chrysanthemums that bloom with white flowers with pink strokes. Or dark red flowers. Perhaps there will be snow-white or yellow chrysanthemums. Several varieties can grow, differing in growth, maturation and appearance of inflorescences. It is advisable to buy such a mixture either in the hope that an interesting, original bush will grow, or simply to sow something in a flower bed.

Korean chrysanthemums: perennial, winter-hardy + photo

The combination of Korean chrysanthemums with other flowers

When planting, the bushes of “Koreans” are not advisable to combine with other plants. Many of them look very impressive, being planted in the middle of a small grassy lawn. A bush variety of chrysanthemums, formed in the form of a small tree, will look beautiful.

In autumn, compositions of chrysanthemums and their closest relatives of the aster family look good: faithful or perennial asters. Chrysanthemums get along well and look great in the company of annual flowering plants:

  • ageratum;
  • zinnia;
  • coleus;
  • salvia;
  • balsam;
  • marigolds;
  • calendula;
  • snapdragon and other flowers.

By choosing the right plants according to the flowering period, you can get a long-flowering composition that will delight the eye until the very frost.

Korean chrysanthemums: perennial, winter-hardy + photo


Korean chrysanthemums are perfect for garden decoration in autumn. Due to the variety of varieties and forms of these plants, you can create very interesting compositions. The unpretentiousness of the “Koreans” saves the gardener from unnecessary work in the garden.

SOWING Chrysanthemum Korean, (part 1) MARCH 2016

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