
A few years ago, coffee “from the feces of an Asian mammal” was heard from every media outlet. People debated the ethics of consuming unique coffee beans, and manufacturers ran powerful ads to cash in on the hype. But the popularity of the drink disappeared as abruptly as it appeared.

What is kopi luwak really like, why is this type of coffee one of the most expensive and how does caffeine affect the human body?

What you need to know about exotic grains

Kopi luwak is a type of coffee. The variety gained fame due to the specific method of processing coffee beans and high cost. Kopi Luwak is recognized as one of the most expensive coffees in the world. Its cost varies from $250 to $1200 per 1 kilogram. Raw materials are produced on an industrial scale in the Philippines, Indonesia, South India and Vietnam.

The product manufacturing process is not limited to large industrial enterprises. The basis of the grain preparation process takes place not on conveyors or in ovens, but in the gastrointestinal tract of the musang, a miniature animal from the viverrid family. One of Musang’s favorite delicacies is the fruits of the coffee tree, which are called coffee cherries. The body of the animal digests the pulp that surrounds the coffee bean and, during defecation, releases it outside in the form of waste. Raw materials, which the musang will never need again, really liked humanity. To a certain extent, processed grains are harvested, carefully washed, processed in the sun, and then sold at a sky-high price.

The unique taste of kopi-luwak was formed thanks to the gastric juice of a mammal. It is able to break down some groups of proteins that give the finished drink a sweetish rich note and block excessive bitterness.

Important: the taste and aroma of kopi-luwak was formed not only due to gastric juice, but also due to the anal glands of musang. They secrete a specific substance called civet. In its natural environment, civet has a repulsive pungent odor. These secretions are needed by animals to mark the territory. After careful processing, the civet changes its stench into a pleasant musky aroma with subtle sweet notes. The substance is used for the production of perfumes in combination with musk or amber. It costs a lot of money and takes a huge amount of time to get cibet, so in the industry it is replaced with an artificial analogue.

Scientists came to the conclusion that it is possible to obtain kopi-luwak artificially, without the participation of musang. How? The process of enzymatic processing of grain in the gastrointestinal tract of an animal is very similar to the usual method of coffee fermentation. The substance that is responsible for both processes is lactic acid bacteria. Scientists have suggested that the improvement of the usual method of fermentation will transfer kopi-luwak from the category of a rare drink to a widespread one.

Who are Musangs and how do they produce coffee

Musangs or civets are mammals from the viverrid family. Animals live in Southeast and South Asia, Indochina, Hainan Island, Philippines, Sumatra and Java. Mammals prefer to live in tropical forests.

Musangs have a thick dense coat, which is colored in a gray tint. The back is dotted with several longitudinal black stripes, and the sides and shoulders are voluminous passing spots. The ears, paw and muzzle are also painted black, in some individuals miniature white patterns are possible. An adult mustang grows up to 59 centimeters in length, and its long massive tail is from 44 to 54 centimeters. Musang weight varies from 2,5 to 4 kilograms.

Interesting: musangs form the largest number of subspecies among all representatives of viverrids. In total, 30 subspecies of the animal are known.

Musang, like most viverrid species, prefers to lead an active way of life at night. He equips himself with housing at a height and skillfully climbs trees. In the sunny time of the day, the mammal sleeps in the forks of branches and in the recesses of massive trunks. Musangs spend most of their lives alone, and converge only during the mating season.

In some regions, viverrids have adapted to coexist with humans. They climb into attics or equip their life in the stables, taking food and care from people. Sometimes musangs spoil coffee plantations – tear the soil and dig up the plants. The animals feed on bird eggs, insects, birds and, of course, coffee beans.

Important: the life expectancy of a musang in captivity is about 25 years.

In their natural environment, Musangs always choose the ripest coffee cherries. Due to the specific production in the world, only a few hundred kilograms of kopi-luwak were sold per year, which guaranteed the ethical treatment of animals. But for the sake of increasing sales, they began to create special fur farms. Musangs are kept in cages and deprived of free movement. In captivity, the animals stop choosing the most ripe and sweet berries, and are content with what the employees of the fur farms offer. The natural life cycle of a mammal is changing dramatically, which worries animal advocates. Also, unnatural behavior affects the taste of kopi luwak.

Important: one of the musang subspecies P. hermaphroditus lignicolor is listed in the International Red Book as vulnerable and requiring protection.

Kopi luwak taste

Первое, на что нужно обратить внимание – происхождение кофейных зерен. Копи-лувак, который изготавливают на фермах кардинально отличается от зерен, получаемых у диких животных. Фермерский продукт не такой вкусный, насыщенный и полезный. Найти аутентичный кофе практически невозможно. Производители редко указывают происхождение зерен, а по внешнему виду готовый продукт идентичен. Искать качественный продукт методом проб и ошибок удастся не всем, поскольку копи-лувак – один из самых дорогих сортов, представленных на рынке.

Opinions differ about the taste of the popular coffee. Some call the exorbitant price unjustified, and the drink itself is tart and impossibly bitter. Others rejoice at every opportunity to taste a cup of kopi luwak and claim that such rich creamy-nutty shades have never been seen anywhere else. Everything affects the taste of the drink:

  • the age of the musang, the way he lives, and even what he ate during the day;
  • method of subsequent processing of grain;
  • storage of raw materials;
  • the quality of the liquid and the method of preparation of the drink.

Coffee lovers, who nevertheless decided to try a few cups, are inclined to the unjustified popularity of the variety. They believe that a good advertising company miscalculated in only one thing – the product that needs to be advertised. The piquancy is inherent only in the story, not in the taste of the drink, but it is best to see for yourself.

The chemical composition of the drink

Energy value (per 100 grams of product)
Caloric value331 kCal
Proteins13,9 g
Fats15 g
Carbohydrates29 g
Alimentary fiber22 g
Ash6,3 g
organic acids9,2 g
Saturated fatty acids5,7 g
Water5 g
Vitamin content (in milligrams based on 100 grams of product)
Nicotinic acid (PP)17
Thiamine (V1)0,07
Riboflavin (V2)0,2
Tocopherol (E)2,7
Nutrient balance (in milligrams based on 100 grams of product)
Potassium (K)2010
Calcium (Ca)147
Sodium (Na)40
Magnesium (Mg)200
Phosphorus (P)198
Iron (Fe)5,3

Advantages and disadvantages of caffeine


Fact. Coffee is one of the most popular ingredients in the world. Every day, billions of people brew a fragrant invigorating drink to wake up and tune in to an active day. But is it safe to drink caffeine and can 1 cup of kopi luwak be harmful?

80% of the world’s population consumes caffeinated foods daily. His main sources:

  • coffee;
  • bitter chocolate;
  • tea.

The concentration of caffeine in these three foods is uneven. But each of them has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system and brain. What happens to the body in this case?

Drinking coffee greatly improves performance. For example, a cup of kopi-luwak before training will improve physical performance by 10-12%. This is a fact that has been confirmed by research from the American College of Sports Medicine. How can caffeine affect physical data? The substance begins to interact with adrenaline and acids from the fatty layer. First, the muscles use lipid acids and only then move on to complex carbohydrates – glycogen. Muscles have more energy sources than usual thanks to caffeine, and the more energy, the better performance.

Coffee stimulates not only the brain and muscles, but also the figure. Caffeine regulates the concentration of insulin in the blood, which helps reduce cravings for junk food. A cup of kopi luwak is a great substitute for the coveted chocolate bar if you have special dietary restrictions. If there are no weight problems, combine coffee with chocolate and enjoy your meal. Caffeine helps fat cells break down faster, so a portion of chocolate will definitely not remain on the waist.

Kopi-luwak also helps to concentrate, remember better and increase brain activity. Caffeine is classified as a natural stimulant, but it does not make a person smarter, it just “revives” the intellect and helps to get the most out of the body.

Fact: UK Department of Cardiology found that people who drink coffee have a 25% lower risk of death. Also, the drink contains many antioxidants that neutralize the effects of free radicals, prevent the penetration of infections into the body and act as a cancer prevention. Caffeine also affects the immune system, relieves inflammation and prevents atherosclerotic changes in the body.


A cup of kopi luwak can lead to poor sleep and the development of nervousness. Caffeine is a psychostimulant that affects brain function both positively and negatively. Abuse of caffeine can lead to insomnia and anxiety. The daily allowable dose of caffeine is 400 milligrams. This is, on average, 2-4 cups of coffee, depending on its strength.

Caffeine is addictive. If earlier you drank 4-5 cups of the drink a day every day and abruptly decided to give up a destructive habit, then the body will feel tremendous stress. The blood vessels that surround the human brain will begin to expand and provoke an intense headache. Interestingly, with the rare use of caffeine, the opposite effect is noticeable – a decrease in headache attacks.

Kopi-luwak, like other varieties of coffee, enhances the performance of the heart, speeds up the pulse and excites the vasomotor center. Caffeine also provokes a short-term increase in blood pressure. If you notice similar symptoms after drinking coffee, contact your doctor and reduce your consumption of the drink.

Caffeine also affects the skeletal system. It thins the bones, interferes with the quality absorption of calcium, increases the risk of osteoporosis and fractures. The main thing is to keep a balance. 1-2 cups of your favorite beverage should be balanced with calcium-rich foods like sesame, broccoli, or pumpkin.

Interesting Facts

Kopi luwak is not the only coffee that uses animals in its production. Black Ivory is a drink made from Arabica beans passed through the digestive tract of an elephant. The product is made in Thailand. The cost of exotic coffee is $66 for 35 grams, $1100 for 1 kilogram, $50 for 1 cup. So that the client can verify the quality and freshness of the drink, the grains are ground by hand just before serving.

The production technique for black ivory is identical to kopi luwak. Elephant stomach acid partially destroys a protein that affects the bitterness of the drink. The finished product has a mild taste, no noticeable bitterness and specific fruity notes. An elephant digests coffee beans for about 15-30 hours with its usual vegetarian diet. The coffee comes in contact with sugar cane, bananas, and fruit, which infuses the bean with an earthy and bright fruity aroma.

From 33 kilograms of fresh coffee cherries, you can get only 1 kilogram of black ivory. Most of the grains the elephant cracks, tramples or simply loses in the tall grass. Further processing of coffee after a bowel movement is completely identical to the production of kopi-luwak.

Important: 8% of every black ivory sale goes to the Golden Triangle Asian Elephant Foundation. The Foundation provides veterinary care to elephants, purchases fresh food and necessary medicines for them. The Golden Triangle Asian Elephant Foundation has already rescued more than 30 street elephants, employed hundreds of mahouts and their families, which has a beneficial effect on the country’s economy.

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