
Konix is ​​a brand of craft beer brewed by a small factory in the closed town of Zarechny, Penza Region. The enterprise produces more than sixty types of products, among which there are many exotic varieties with the addition of fruits and spices. The brewery is known for being the first in Russia to bottle craft beer in aluminum cans. The company was awarded the World Beer Awards 2019 in the Experimental Beer category.

Historical information

The plant in the satellite city of Penza was founded in 2002, the name of the enterprise was given by its first owner Nikolai Kononenko. Six years later, the company passed to the new owners, who decided to keep the old name. The brewery became a craft brewery in 2015, when a new project was launched to develop and modernize production. The bet was made on the production of beer according to their own recipes. The company’s employees attend festivals, international competitions and take into account the latest trends in craft brewing in their work.

Beer “Konix” is brewed in a small production complex, which is located in a green area on the outskirts of the city of Zarechny. In 2015, a complete modernization of the enterprise took place, new equipment was purchased. The brewhouse is designed to produce up to 2,4 tons of products at one time. The process is computer controlled. Finished products are checked in our own laboratory equipped with a spectrophotometer, devices for the analysis of alcohol, bitterness and acidity.

An experimental workshop operates at the enterprise, most of the varieties are one-time author’s brewing. Both employees of the enterprise and invited experts work on recipes. The starting batch does not exceed one hundred liters. The plant sends test samples to Moscow so that all employees of the company can evaluate and try the new variety. If the novelty is approved, it is put into the brewing plan.

Since the enterprise is small and the demand for beer is high, the company enters into contracts with larger factories. In this case, the products are produced under the Konix Brewery brand. Author’s production is carried out only on the main site. A large part of the assortment of the brewery is beer in national styles: APA, IPA, stouts, strong ales with the addition of natural fruits: kiwi, guava, mango, grapefruit, cherry.

Interesting Facts

  1. Konix beer is designed by a single artist who designs each beer. Bright and cheerful drawings on the labels make the beer visible on the shelves.
  2. For each drink, the manufacturer recommends the best gastronomic combinations that the buyer can read in the product description on the label.

Types of beer Konix

Crazy Moose, 5,5%

American pale ale with hop, lemon, flower and mint aromas. The taste is smooth, with moderate hop bitterness. The finish is long, without excessive astringency. Pairs with grilled meats, cheddar cheese and apple pie.

Assault, 6,5%

APA-style beer is made with the addition of Cascade hops, which gives the drink a floral and citrus aroma. The taste is dominated by tones of grapefruit and green herbs. Pairs with rolls, blue cheeses and rice pudding.

Cherry Ruby, 7%

Strong fruit beer with cherry aroma is made from natural raw materials. The taste is refreshing and balanced, hints of malt are combined with hints of cherry pits, the aftertaste is short. Serve with fish, seafood, goat cheese and chocolate desserts.

Blanche Ma Cherie, 4,5%

French ale based on wheat, hops and herbs with honey-citrus tones in the aroma. The structure of the drink is dense, there are notes of malt, oranges and coriander in the taste. Makes a gastronomic pair with mussels, mascarpone cheese and panna cotta.


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