
Useful properties and application of cochia

Useful properties of kochia


Kohia – This is an annual plant that has a highly branched stem up to 100 cm high. The spherical pyramidal stem is decorated with small narrow leaves and small flowers. The plant blooms from July to the end of September. The natural range covers Transbaikalia, the Altai Territory and the Amur Region.

The presented herb contains organic acids, tannins, saponins, steroids, coumarin alkaloids and flavonoids. Betaine was found in the flowering tops, and fatty oil was found in the fruits. Kohiya helps to eliminate fever and itching. A unique infusion of the herb is considered a tonic, cardiotonic, diaphoretic and laxative. A healing decoction of seeds or fruits has a stimulating and diuretic effect on the human body. Kochia is often prescribed as an effective external remedy for various skin diseases.

Application of cochia

Such a wonderful herb as kochia is recommended for the treatment of diseases of the urinary tract, eczema, erysipelas, rheumatism and edema. This plant is deservedly credited with beneficial effects on the body. For the treatment of dermatitis, a special ointment based on cochia is intended. In addition, its fresh leaves can be added to soups for flavor and health benefits.

To prepare the infusion, take 10 grams of dry raw materials and mix with 200 ml of hot water. Take the composition inside should be 50 ml up to four times a day for various inflammatory diseases. A decoction of cochia fruit is indicated for gonorrhea and bladder problems.

Cultivation of kohii

Kochia is a unique outdoor plant. Growing it in a pot is unlikely to succeed. She prefers to settle in sunny areas, but can grow well in partial shade. Kochia is afraid of cold weather, strong winds. Therefore, in open areas of the garden, it should be placed in dense plantings. In this case, young plants will carefully support and protect each other. For such grass, nutritious, humus, light and non-acidic soils without excessive moisture stagnation will be ideal. Frequent watering of the plant is essential, because with a lack of water, the leaves of the cochia will wither and fall.

Experienced gardeners recommend fertilizing with liquid fertilizers. The tops of the kochia can be pinched off if needed to give this ornamental plant a special appeal. The juicy greenery of such an unpretentious plant often attracts spider mites. At the first sign of the appearance of this pest, treatment with a special agent should be carried out.

kochia flowers

Small and inconspicuous flowers of such an interesting plant as kochia, as a rule, sit in graceful leaf axils. Single inflorescences give the plant a sophisticated charm. Kochia blooms from mid-summer, from July to the end of September.

Types of cochia


In ornamental gardening, the two most common varieties of kochia can be noted: coronal and hairy.

Kochia hairy. China is considered her homeland. Such an annual plant easily forms an elongated dense crown with a height of more than one meter. Small linear leaves have a light green tint, and small and very nondescript flowers sit in special nodes of the plant. Hairy kochia propagates by seeds. This variety is undemanding and drought-resistant, grows well and develops quickly in fairly fertile soils, preferring sunny areas.

Cochia broom. This is an unpretentious bushy plant. It is drought-resistant, so it will easily survive hot weather without abundant watering. As the dense bush grows, you can shape its shape as you wish. In good conditions, coronal kochia can exceed 100 cm in height. In autumn, the color of the plant becomes more saturated. In addition, this type of kochia is cold-resistant and is not afraid of light frosts. The optimal planting site will be a well-lit place and nutritious fertile soil. Such a spectacular plant is propagated by seeds, the germination of which in a special package is preserved for five years.

Contraindications to the use of cochia

There are no contraindications for the use of this plant as a medicine.

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