Kodryanka grapes

Every year in August, beautiful almost black grapes, collected in large brushes, appear on the markets of cities. This is Kodryanka grape, one of the best varieties. It is not necessary to buy it on the market. This Moldavian variety grows well in central Our Country and Belarus, not to mention the southern regions. Of all fruit grapes, it is distinguished by its special benefits, diverse uses and dessert taste. Therefore, varieties that can grow not only in the south, but also in the northern regions are so valuable.

A hybrid grape variety Codrianca appeared in Moldova, a country where grapes are one of the main industrial crops. Parents – varieties Marshall and Moldova. Another name for the variety is Black Magic. He received it for a combination of many excellent qualities.

Kodryanka grapes

Description of the grape variety Kodryanka

  • Ripening time is very early. From bud break to the collection of the first brushes, only 110 to 120 days pass. These terms depend on the load of the vine with the harvest. The larger it is, the later the berries will ripen. Harvest rationing can achieve very early ripening.
  • The perennial vine of the Kodryanka variety has great growth vigor. It ripens completely, so it does not need pinching in the fall to ripen the shoots.
  • Grapes of this variety come into fruiting in the second year.
  • Bushes are prone to crop overload, so the number of brushes must be normalized.
  • Grapes Kodryanka has a bisexual flower. But despite this, pollination does not always occur completely. Therefore, some of the berries remain underdeveloped, that is, the variety has a tendency to pea. Unpollinated berries do not have seeds and have a sweeter taste. It is easy to deal with peas if, during flowering, the brushes are sprayed with the phytohormone gibberellin, designed specifically for grapes. It is necessary to spray at the stage when half of the flowers have blossomed at a temperature not lower than plus 15 and not higher than plus 26 degrees.
  • Kodryanka’s brushes are large, on average 0,5 kg each, but with proper care, they can be heavier than 1 kg. They are not very dense, well kept on the bushes.

    Kodryanka grapes

  • The variety has good frost resistance, is not damaged by frosts less than -22 degrees, therefore, in places with high snow cover it does not need shelter for the winter. A feature of Kodryanka grapes is good resistance to spring frosts, which is very rare for this crop.
  • Good resistance to the main diseases of grapes – up to 3 points for both oid and mildew.
  • In terms of taste, it belongs to table varieties.
  • Characteristics of berries: large – from 6 to 8 g, elongated, beautiful dark purple, almost black when fully ripe. Where does the second name come from – Black magic. The taste is simple, without nutmeg notes, but very pleasant. The tasting score of the berries is 9,1 points out of 10. A very high score! The peel of the berries is quite dense, but quite eatable, it has a pruny coating that is clearly visible on it, giving the berries a bluish tint. The bones inside the berries are quite large, but there are only 2 of them, they are easily separated from the pulp. The berries are well kept on the stalk, so they are not prone to shedding and are perfectly transported. Berries begin to accumulate sugar early, so even not quite ripe ones have a good taste. If they are left on the bush until fully ripe, they will accumulate about 16% sugar. This is not a very high figure, but the taste is balanced by a low acid content – up to 7 g / l. In unfavorable years, the berries may crack.

Kodryanka grapes

The description of the Kodryanka variety would be incomplete, if not to say about its extraordinary unpretentiousness. It is able to give good yields even on poor and stony soils. Moreover, the taste of berries in such conditions improves.

Attention! The highest quality wine is obtained from grapes grown on poor soils with a high content of stones and sand.

The photo shows Kodryanka grapes.

Kodryanka grapes

More information about the varietal characteristics of this grape can be viewed on the video:

grapes KODRYANKA from A to Z

In order for a grape variety to reach its full potential, it must be properly cared for. A detailed description of the care of grapes Kodryanka.


In order to get the first harvest faster, it is better to plant annual seedlings, but propagation by cuttings is also quite possible. Treated with root formation stimulants, they take root well.

Advice! In order for the cuttings to take root better, they need to be soaked for a day in melt water, and then dipped in a root formation stimulator.

Plant a cutting with a slope to the north. The soil around it is mulched.

The seedling is planted in pits filled with fertile soil mixed with humus with the addition of superphosphate and potassium salt, each fertilizer is about 300 g. Drainage at the bottom of the pit must be mandatory.

Kodryanka grapes

Warning! The fertilizer must be well mixed with the soil.

The planted plant must be well watered, at least 2 buckets per bush. Grapes are planted before the start of sap flow, that is, before bud break. The first weeks of the planted bush should be watered regularly.

Watering and feeding

In the spring, shoots grow rapidly at the grapes. For the development of the leaf mass, plants need fertilizers with a predominance of nitrogen. During flowering, grapes need more nitrogen and potassium, and 2 weeks before technical ripeness, they are fed with a mixture of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers.

Warning! The older the bush, the more nutrients it needs. Bushes of the first and second year of life do not feed if they are well fertilized when planting.

Kodryanka grapes

Watering is a must in the vineyard. In order for the bushes to bear fruit well, it is impossible to allow complete drying of the topsoil. The norm of watering for an adult bush is up to 6 buckets of water.

Advice! In autumn and spring, it is good to mulch the soil around the bushes with humus.

Shaping and pruning

Without this operation, a good harvest cannot be obtained. In the first 2-3 years of life, Kodryanka bushes are not pruned. In autumn, you can only remove annual shoots that do not have time to mature. In the future, grape pruning is carried out according to the chosen scheme, taking into account that for Kodryanka it is necessary to leave from 7 to 9 eyes.

Kodryanka grapes

Advice! Try to carry out the necessary pruning in the fall. In the spring, the vine strongly secretes juice and may die from this.

Summer formation consists of removing extra stepchildren and pinching shoots. Consider the individual characteristics of each bush and its crop load.

winter shelter

It is possible to leave Kodryanka without shelter for the winter only in regions with warm winters. In all other cases, the grapes will have to be covered. Some growers simply sprinkle the vines lowered onto the soil with earth. But with this method of shelter, there is a danger of damage to the shoots by rodents and their decay. This is especially dangerous if the grapes are planted where meltwater accumulates in spring. You can arrange a dry-air shelter from pine spruce branches, reed or straw mats. If the frosts are severe, and the snow cover is low, it will be necessary to cover the grapes more thoroughly for the winter. It would be useful to throw an additional plastic wrap over the main shelter.

Warning! Leave some ventilation so that the plants can ventilate during thaws.

Practice shows that often the reason for the death of grapes in winter is not frost, but aging. Therefore, dampness under cover should not be.

Warm the roots of the grapes with a layer of earth. You need to take it not next to the bushes, but bring it from other beds on which there were no diseased plants.

Kodryanka grapes

If Kodryanka grapes are planted correctly and properly cared for, the harvest of tasty and healthy berries will not be long in coming.


Igor, 46 years old, Przhevalskoe settlement
He began to breed grapes from the most unpretentious varieties. Among them was Kodryanka. But why was it? The overgrown grapes still please the whole family with delicious berries, ripening one of the first. There are many other “advanced” varieties in my vineyard, but I am not going to part with this one.
Elena, 52 years old, Aleksin
Many believe that grapes love men’s hands. But it grows very well for me. Among all the early varieties, I especially single out Kodryanka. It seems that there is not so much sugar, but the berries are still tasty. I don’t fight with peas, children choose sweet little berries first, especially since they don’t even have seeds.

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