Kochari is a real Armenian cognac, the taste of which reflects all the brightness, beauty and courage of the proud people. Even the name for the brand was not chosen by chance: Kochari is a male national dance in which rudeness and strength are harmoniously combined with strength and power.

The drink is produced at the largest in Armenia (and, frankly, one of the largest in the world) cognac factory – “ArArAt”. Even those who are superficially familiar with alcohol, or even do not drink at all, have somehow heard this sonorous name.

The plant values ​​its reputation very much, and therefore each bottle that comes off the assembly line is of the proper quality.

what should be real cognac

Brand history and production specifics

Cognac Kochari was born almost simultaneously with the plant, which was founded on the basis of a distillery in 1887. However, soon (in 1899) the factory changed its owner and began to supply products not to the market, but directly to the imperial court. That is why only a narrow circle of people knew about the existence of Kochari.

During its history, the plant has changed owners more than once: this happened during the nationalization, and during the Second World War, and even after the collapse of the USSR.

In 1998, Pernod Ricard bought the plant a week before the auction, allowing the company to stay afloat.

Over time, the company grew, and in 2002 it already took over the MultiGroup concern, becoming the largest alcohol producer in the country.

A year later, all the equipment of the plant was updated, and the number of products produced increased by almost a quarter.

Types of cognac Kochari

  1. Three years old

    This cognac has a relatively inexpensive cost, golden color and rich fruity taste with the aroma of dried apricots, smoked prunes and vanilla notes.

    The aftertaste is short, a bit harsh.

  2. Five year old

    Due to the longer exposure, this cognac has a milder taste.

    In addition to the aroma, vanilla notes are felt in the drink itself.

    Due to the delicate balance, it is the most sought after in the line.

  3. Seven year old

    Cognac premium segment. The taste of candied fruit is added to the classic fruity notes, and a long tincture fully reveals the range of oranges and dried apricots.

    The almond aftertaste is long and only opens after a couple of minutes.

Interesting Facts

  1. The most famous factory in Armenia has its own legend associated with cognac.

    According to it, a long time ago, a century-old oak tree grew at the gates of the plant, under the crown of which numerous travelers arranged a halt.

    One of the stopped companies decided to have a good drink, and in the morning the unfinished cognac was poured under the roots of the tree. At the same time, the sky darkened, and lightning shot out from the thickened clouds.

    The discharge hit directly into the oak, charred in the blink of an eye. Now the burnt stump reminds every passer-by that cognac must be treated with respect, and pouring it out is not at all permissible.

  2. Especially for the head of each state, there are colossal barrels in the underground warehouses of the plant.

    The visit of each leader of the country ends with weighing, after which a barrel of favorite cognac, equal to the weight of a person, rolls out to the feet of a high-ranking guest.

  3. The largest barrel stored in the ArArAt cellars is the Barrel of the World. It will be opened only in case of a truce between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

    The factory management says that there is enough cognac in a barrel to drink both countries.

cocktails with cognac

Relevance: 09.01.2020

Tags: Brandy and Cognac, Brandy Brands

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