Knowledge quiz about contact lenses
Home Contact lenses
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They provide comfort and visual acuity, or maybe their care is difficult for us, and wearing them causes headaches? There are many myths surrounding contact lenses! Perform the test below and see if you accidentally fell victim to one of the fake news.

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Lenses are not suitable for long-term work at the computer

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This is out of date – on the market we can find lenses designed for people with high visual requirements, such as long-term work at the computer or frequent use of electronic devices when the frequency of blinking decreases. Monthly Bausch + Lomb ULTRA® silicone hydrogel lenses provide ULTRA comfort and stable and sharp vision throughout the day of use (wearable for 16 hours). Thanks to MoistureSeal® technology, Bausch + Lomb ULTRA® lenses retain 95% of hydration for 16 hours, and an extremely high oxygen transmission (163 Dk / t), which guarantees adequate corneal oxidation, which contributes to the maintenance of healthy eyes in good condition.

Children should not wear contact lenses

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Children and adolescents, just like adults, can use contact lenses. There is really no minimum age to start wearing contact lenses. If your child dreams of an “alternative to glasses”, consult a specialist (ophthalmologist, optometrist) who will select contact lenses according to his needs.

Wearing lenses while swimming is associated with the risk of eye infection

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True, water in swimming pools and natural reservoirs contains large amounts of bacteria and microorganisms, so the risk of contamination is much greater when wearing contact lenses than without them. If you want to wear contact lenses while swimming, ask your eye care professional about daily contact lenses. Always throw your lenses in the bin when you leave the pool. In addition, specialists recommend the use of swimming goggles that protect the lenses from losing them under water, and to some extent protect the eyes from microbes getting into them.

I only need reading glasses so contact lenses are not for me

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Nothing like that – today you can become independent of reading glasses that reveal your age. There are contact lenses available on the market for people suffering from presbyopia, i.e. the loss of near vision acuity related to the aging of the lens. An example is the Bausch + Lomb ULTRA® For Presbyopia lenses, which belong to the modern family of Bausch + Lomb ULTRA® monthly lenses. The 3-Zone ProgressiveTM Design technology, used in Bausch + Lomb ULTRA® For Presbyopia lenses, supports close-distance vision, allowing people over 40 to function comfortably while performing daily activities such as reading, working at the computer or using electronic devices. .

Caring for contact lenses is tedious

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It is not difficult at all, it is just very important! Therefore, each user of contact lenses worn for more than one day should follow the specialist’s recommendations for their daily care: cleaning and disinfection, as well as storage.

People with astigmatism cannot wear contact lenses

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Yes, thanks to new technologies, people with astigmatism, like myopia, people with hyperopia or presbyopia, can wear contact lenses. A good example is the Bausch + Lomb ULTRA® For Astigmatism lenses, designed for people with astigmatism who want to enjoy excellent vision and comfortably wear lenses throughout the day. Especially recommended for people with high visual requirements, such as long-term work at the computer or frequent use of electronic devices, when the frequency of blinking decreases.

The lens can get behind the eyeball

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From an anatomy point of view, this is not possible. Your eye is covered with the conjunctiva – a special membrane that connects to the inside of the eyelids, so nothing (including the contact lens) can get past the eye.

Lenses do not provide the quality of vision that glasses can

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In fact, the opposite is often the case! Contact lenses rest directly on the eye and not, as is the case with glasses, which are placed at a distance of 1 – 2 cm. Therefore, they provide a wider field of view and better peripheral vision. In addition, contact lenses do not fog up, do not slip off the nose and are not a problem during physical activity.

Contact lenses do not rule out makeup

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It is true, when wearing lenses you do not have to give up everyday makeup, just follow the appropriate sequence of actions, i.e. first put on the lenses, put on make-up, remove the lenses, and perform make-up removal. You see how easy it is!

The eyes occasionally need a day without contact lenses

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Modern soft contact lenses are made of highly oxygen permeable materials. Unless your specialist recommends otherwise, you can wear contact lenses every day and stay comfortable for many hours.
Your score:
It seems you believed the fake contact lens information circulating online. If you are looking for an alternative to glasses, make an appointment with an optometrist or ophthalmologist. Only an eye care specialist can assess the condition of your eyes and choose the optimal contact lenses. During the visit, you will also learn how to properly insert and remove your lenses.

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Way to go! You know well that a visual impairment does not have to be a limitation – contact lenses can be used by both myopic, hyperopia, astigmatics and presbyopia. If you would like to learn more about “lenses for the digital age”, please visit:

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Congratulations, you are a conscious consumer, and looking at the number of correct answers you are likely to be a happy contact lens wearer.

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