Know the enemy in person

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According to legend, oil tycoon John Rockefeller, suffering from psoriasis, promised to present a special award to the doctor who can learn everything about this ailment and offer effective treatment. One of the main contenders for such an award could be LEO Pharmaceutical Products, which recently launched the most comprehensive disease control website.

Star affliction

There are few modern ailments that, like psoriasis, could boast of such a bright historical past. Psoriasis is mentioned in the Fourth Book of Kingdoms, described by Hippocrates and Aurelius Celsus. And the famous people who suffered from it can be enumerated for hours. In addition to the already mentioned John Rockefeller, these include Benjamin Franklin and Henry Ford, Jean-Paul Marat and Winston Churchill, John Updike and Vladimir Nabokov. But what to go far: some of the most popular Hollywood stars have been battling exacerbations for years. And although statistics claim that 4-7% of people worldwide suffer from psoriasis, it seems that in fact there are many more of them. Psoriasis is one of those troubles that it is not customary to talk about. And in practice, each of us has friends who are faced with its manifestations. And someone, unfortunately, experienced the insidiousness of psoriasis on their own experience.

Get out of the shadows

Because of the many myths surrounding psoriasis (one of the most ridiculous is that it is contagious), people suffering from this disease often live very closed lives. They carefully hide the illness from colleagues and acquaintances, wear closed clothes, refuse to visit public places and limit communication. The roots of this phenomenon are clear: in ancient times, psoriasis was confused with leprosy, hence the myth. According to experts, such a restricted lifestyle is only a way to exacerbate the problem. Even at a purely physiological level: when, for example, covering the affected areas on the arms with long sleeves, we deprive the skin of sunlight, which in a moderate dose can have a beneficial effect on the disease.

Following the advice of psychologists and dermatologists, you need to do the opposite: instead of hiding the affected areas, letting the skin breathe, accelerating healing, and instead of being complex about the problem, openly share it with others. The main thing is to remember that you are your character, talents and beauty, and this is much more than just your skin and its problems.

Help understand

In fact, you can explain to colleagues and acquaintances what is happening in very simple words. Although all the causes of psoriasis are not fully understood, it is known to be an autoimmune disease in which skin cells turn over too quickly. On the site LEO Pharmaceutical experts have come up with their own options that will help explain the situation, for example, to the authorities: “The skin works too fast. It is renewed every three to four days, and new cells do not have enough time to develop properly. This is why it becomes inflamed and flaky. It is not contagious and does not affect my performance. ” Not all people have a medical education, not everyone has faced this problem, and often all that is needed is simply to help understand.

Heal cannot be masked (where to put the comma?)

Until recently, the main principle of the fight against psoriasis was to mask the problem or, at best, to fight itching and inflammation. Nowadays, substances have already been found that are able to stop the development of the disease by acting on its causes. One of the key components in the new generation of drugs is calcipotriol, an analogue of vitamin D3. Calcipotriol helps to reduce the rate of division of skin cells and improve their maturation.

Today, this non-steroidal (non-hormonal) component is included in three drugs for the treatment of psoriasis by LEO Pharmaceutical and is presented as a completely non-hormonal drug Daivonex® or in the form of combined funds Daivobet® и Xamiol®for the treatment of scalp psoriasis and body psoriasis of varying severity. In addition, betamethasone, which relieves inflammation, is present in the combination of Daivobet® and Xamiol®. Due to the fact that the drugs not only relieve the symptoms of psoriasis, but also affect the pathogenesis, a qualitative improvement can be felt within a few weeks. And the entire period of therapy can take up to four to eight weeks.


LLC LEO Pharmaceutical Products 125315, Moscow, Leningradsky pr., 72, bldg. 2 tel .: +7 (495) 789-11-60, e-mail:

All claims regarding the content of this promotional material, as well as information about adverse events, are sent to LEO Pharmaceutical Products LLC at the address: Russia, 125315, Moscow, Leningradsky Prospect, 72, building 2 – or by phone: +7 (495) 789 1160.

Instructions for the medical use of Xamiol® (gel for external use). RU LP-001095. Instructions for medical use of the drug Daivobet® (ointment for external use). RU P N015586 / 01. Instructions for medical use of the drug Daivonex® (ointment for external use). RU P N016256 / 01.MAT-29215-10-2019.

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