
The 9 situation

Svetlana (6 years old) divided her holiday gift into four equal parts: for her older sister — a schoolgirl, mom, dad and herself. Everyone got very little. And now the girl already seems to regret her act. On the face of confusion. She is already ready to put all the parts together in order to take possession again of what she has just shared so generously among her loved ones.

But mom is there. She does not miss the look of bewilderment on her daughter’s face; to prevent a brewing negative denouement, mom says:

— Svetlana did well, like a kind person.

The girl’s expression changes: disappointment is replaced by a kind smile. She is glad that she did the right thing.

Comment psychologist:

Reward is one of the methods of correcting children’s behavior. In this case, what the mother said — «she acted like a kind person» — was a stimulus for the positive act of the child. The approval, expressed in advance, aroused in the girl a healthy ego, a desire to do good.

The 10 situation

In a conversation with the teacher, Misha’s mother shared her thoughts on how she achieves her son’s obedience.

— Misha is seven years old, he will soon go to school, and he will have to do and decide a lot on his own. We always had this in mind, and therefore, from early childhood, we tried to instill in him the ability to manage his desires, to refuse what does not coincide with the capabilities of the family, to understand what is possible and what is not. See →

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