The 3 situation
… The three-year-old peanut, having taken away the toy, rejoices that he has taken possession of it and does not pay attention at all to the tears of the offended; brings the trophy to mom, says with satisfaction: “This is mine!”
… A five-year-old boy says: “I am strong! Everyone is afraid of me!” And in confirmation, he tries to push the puppy that has turned up with his foot.
… The hospitable six-year-old host, in the absence of adults, called guests from the yard — peers — and distributed to them his father’s collection of mineral stones. “They asked me — I gave it … I’m not greedy!” He explains his act to his parents.
Comment psychologist:
In the mind of a preschool child, the concepts of good and bad often shift: he is still learning the basics of morality. Let’s analyze the above examples from this point of view. He took away the toy — it means good. After all, one more was added to his treasures. Being strong is good. To prove his strength, he is satisfied with any way, just to look like a “hero”: offending a puppy … Being greedy is bad. To prove your generosity, you can donate your father’s collection and even come to terms with the fact that he will have an unpleasant explanation with his father. (Which, of course, a six-year-old child knows!)
The assimilation of moral norms by a small child is not as easy for him as it seems to us. Due to the lack of sufficient life experience, he cannot always distinguish good from bad and easily swaps these concepts. Even having mastered some concepts of morality, preschool children are not always able to be guided by them. All this should be taught to the child.
The 4 situation
The teacher noticed that today Grisha (he is 4 years old) came to kindergarten in an excited state: he talks loudly, argues, starts quarrels with his playmates, takes away toys and even obeys her instructions with difficulty. What is the reason? See →