
The 2 situation

Serezha’s father and mother work and at the same time study at the evening department of the institute; the boy is in the care of his grandmother. She tries so that her grandson does not get bored, and allows him to watch all television programs. (“Let the child have fun!”).

Sleep time comes, and Seryozha goes to bed with a scandal. For a long time he does not fall asleep, whimpering. He sleeps restlessly at night … So this morning he hardly got out of bed. The mood is downcast, he ate badly, he was naughty.

— Are you sick? Grandmother worries. And before taking him to the kindergarten, he measures Serezha’s temperature, just in case, dresses him warmer.

The kindergarten doctor, after examining the child, said:

— The boy is healthy.

Grandmother is lost in conjecture: what is the reason for Serezha’s well-being?

Comment psychologist:

Small children are very impressionable, their nervous system has not yet formed and is therefore easily vulnerable. This must always be kept in mind, and then it will become obvious why it is harmful to overload children with impressions. Even the most pleasant impressions, but with an overdose, do not bring the child those pleasures that adults mistakenly count on. Spectacular events designed for adults are especially harmful to the child.

The 3 situation

… The three-year-old peanut, having taken away the toy, rejoices that he has taken possession of it and does not pay attention at all to the tears of the offended; brings the trophy to mom, says with satisfaction: “This is mine!” See →

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