The 19 situation
Vadik after the holiday tells the teacher:
— Yesterday, my dad and mom went to visit, and in the evening we walked in the park: they treated me to ice cream.
Was your grandmother with you? the teacher asks the boy.
He waves his hand dismissively.
— She guards the house. Dad said: Grandma is a good watchman.
— Have you treated your grandmother with a holiday gift?
— Not! — Vadik responds briskly. Old people don’t eat sweets. I fed my mom and dad.
— Did you take care of your grandmother when she was sick?
Pause… Then the boy says:
“Daddy said she was fine.
Vadik does not obey when his grandmother comes to kindergarten for him. And the mother (with her son) makes a remark to her:
— Dismissed him! The boy stopped listening to you!
Comment psychologist:
The child will not obey the one to whom the parents treat without due respect. In this case, no persuasion and orders — “must listen”, “must respect”, “cannot be impudent” — will not help: the child thinks in terms of the parents’ assessments, his opinion about a person is born under the influence of the prevailing attitude of his parents.
Parents who have a pedagogical culture try to coordinate intra-family relations so that these relations are based on the desire to raise the educational authority of each adult family member. In this case, there arises, so to speak, the collective authority of the family as a whole, mutually supported and mutually organized. How important it is for a child! He is constantly convinced: the father said, the mother confirmed, the grandmother reminded and followed the implementation of the order. And then he does not have the intention to evade the fulfillment of the requirement, since he knows: the opinion of dad, mom or grandmother is the opinion of the whole family.
All articles on the topic Know and understand the child. Psychological workshop