
The 17 situation

— Who do you love more — Baba Anya or Baba Vera? — jealously interrogate the four-year-old grandson, then one grandmother, then another. Everyone wants to be more desirable for their only one … One gives her grandson toys, the other — sweets.

The baby has already developed the habit of looking into the bag and asking the same question:

— What did you bring me?

And there was no case that he did not take out some surprise for himself from the bag.

The more the boy became, the more sophisticated the gifts were made to his beloved grandson, but there is less and less respect for grandmothers! He is so dear to them that even his daring antics are tender.

— Go back, grandma! I’m busy with Baba Anya, ”the grandson mutters displeasedly.

— You have to say that! Witty, where does that come from! Extraordinary child! — Grandma tells her friends and quotes his statements.

In the family, everything is subordinated to the interests of the child. He constantly hears: “This is Serezhenka”, “He loves it”, “It’s still small, and it’s not a sin to pamper!”, “Is it worth upsetting a child?” Of course, words are backed by deeds.

— Bought a small one, although expensive. But it is not more expensive than children’s joy!

“We won’t eat the pie anymore, our grandson liked it so much, it’s better to leave it to him.

… «Little» grew up and went to kindergarten.

“Please, be more delicate with him: he is a non-standard child,” Serezha’s mother says to his future teacher.

What can Seryozha do on his own? What is he trained for? What does he play? Does he clean up his toys? the teacher asks.

We tried not to download it. Mal still…

Serezha’s mother, father and both grandmothers are convinced that childhood should be cloudless, and duties, even very insignificant ones, overshadow it. They are always on guard of children’s rights, which they do not forget to remind the teacher.

— Why didn’t the son perform poetry at the celebration, he knows so many of them! Why was Serezha not praised this time?

The son is upset: the children do not want to play with him. It’s true? Why? Make them…

The teacher always patiently answers all the questions of the parents. Explains. Advises. Sometimes he asks.

— Please bring Seryozha early tomorrow. He is on duty with us.

— Is it worth it? What kind of work skills are we talking about? After all, he is very small, he is the fifth year!

… «Little» is growing, preparing to enter school. Finally the first of September! The child goes to the first class for the first time!

“Please be gentle with him. He is an unconventional boy. Very smart, developed beyond his years, says Serezha’s mother to his future teacher.

The meeting took place…

Time runs. The series is growing up. He is already in the fifth grade. Much that previously seemed funny and unusual in his behavior now looks repulsive, revolts those close to him.

— Again, in dirty shoes, you go straight into the room. Unscrupulous! Not a drop of respect for the work of elders! Big already, but you still have to clean up like a little one!

“It’s enough for me that I study well for you!”

— And who is he like? We put our whole soul into it! And he?!

Comment psychologist:

Children are sensitive to the attitude of adults towards them, and depending on this, they develop appropriate ways of behavior. Where a child is pampered, where his desire is fulfilled flawlessly, there is great scope for egocentrism to flourish in him. Spoiled, he gets used to the fact that he is constantly surrounded by the excessive attention of loved ones, knows no refusal in anything, is praised, gifted with toys and delicacies, and grows up as a selfish, spoiled, selfish person who does not know how to reckon with the conveniences and opportunities of the family.

​​​​​​​Some parents don’t understand how to spoil a child. “We don’t buy anything superfluous, there are no more toys than others, we dress like everyone else. Are we pampering him with this? they complain. But you can spoil a child not only with all kinds of excesses, but, most importantly, with an undemanding attitude towards him. If a child gets used to looking at his loved ones from the position of a consumer, then it is difficult to form in him a sense of duty to them. He is accustomed to using the rights granted to him and does not know any duties. This is how people grow up despotic, arrogant, selfish, prone to overestimating their own capabilities.

The 18 situation

The mother asks the teacher:

— Why did the child become wayward, naughty? He was small — they did not know grief with him. And now (soon to school!) He has become different: he criticizes our orders. Gu.e.t, for all your opinion … See →

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