
The 14 situation

In the morning, four-year-old Marinka is going to kindergarten. And then the grandmother sees that she is putting on her mother’s hat.

— Beautiful? Does it suit me? she asks.

— No, it’s not pretty. These hats are worn only by adults, says Grandma.

And her girl:

— No, it’s beautiful! I like! I will go in it. She suits me.

Then the grandmother gives her mother’s high-heeled shoes and speaks in a serious tone.

This hat needs matching shoes. Now it will be beautiful!

Marinka looks inquiringly, the seriousness of her grandmother’s tone perplexes the girl. And then she says:

— Well, grandmother, you are funny! Then put on my shoes!

Both laugh. The brewing conflict has been dispelled.

Comment psychologist:

If adults have a sense of humor, then the child, constantly communicating with them, acquires this quality. Even small children tend to respond to a joke if it is understandable to them, and they themselves are able to respond with a joke. A joke, humor, positively affecting the emotional sphere of the child, can extinguish the brewing negative emotions. K. I. Chukovsky wrote in his book “From Two to Five” that one should try “to educate a child in humor — a precious quality that, when a child grows up, will increase his resistance to any unfavorable environment and put him high above trifles and squabbles «.

The 15 situation

— Dad, Nina Petrovna praised me today: I memorized the poem faster than anyone! Do you want me to tell you?

“Better tell me about your behavior, what you did yesterday!” Father says sternly. See →

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