The 11 situation
The mother reprimands her five-year-old daughter for pushing her younger brother away from her desk:
— You’re behaving badly. After all, he is smaller than you, he must yield.
— Give it all up, give it up! What if he bothers me? If in my drawing he draws scribbles?!
«It doesn’t matter, you’re older than him!»
Supported by his mother, the boy continues his work.
— Ah well? — the girl is angry, — you will know how to spoil other people’s drawings! Here’s to you for it!
The girl in the hearts pushes her brother. The conflict is growing. As a result, both cry.
In a conversation with the teacher, the mother complains that the children are not friendly, they do not know how to get along with each other.
Comment psychologist:
It is wrong to make a remark based on the fact that the daughter is the eldest and therefore must yield to her brother. This is what contributes to the growth of the conflict between children, since each of them feels the mother’s unequal attitude towards him. This harms the upbringing of children: the younger one receives a lesson in permissiveness, the older one loses faith in the legitimacy of the parental word.
The 12 situation
The building material cubes represent the rows of lined up soldiers. They «rebuilt» and «marched», «stood at attention and at ease»: the soldiers «prepared» for the parade.
Sasha gave orders loudly for 5 years, as befits a real commander with the rank of captain.
“Sashenka, come on, put your cubes together and get ready for a walk,” the grandmother says to her grandson.
— Well, grandmother! .. What kind of cubes are these! These are soldiers, and I am their captain. See →