
Five-year-old Vitalik, appearing in the kindergarten in the morning, immediately starts running around. It is difficult to switch him to calm activities. And if, obeying the demand of the educator, he begins to play with the children, then a quarrel breaks out, which often ends in tears. This is how he started to behave recently.


In a conversation with the father, it turns out that, having moved to a new apartment, the parents are still forced to carry their son by transport before being transferred to a new kindergarten. “So the child is tired,” the teacher makes an assumption.

— No, it can’t be. After all, he sits all the way, — the father objects. — If I were tired, I wouldn’t start a fuss when I came to kindergarten!

Is the father right? Can a child get tired of being in the same position for a long time? Why?

Comment psychologist:

You can fall into error if you assume that the child gets tired from the same reasons as adults.

One of the characteristic features inherent in young children is rapid fatigue not from movements (although their overdose is just as harmful!), But from the inability to move or from monotonous activity.

This phenomenon is based on the rapid fatigue of individual muscle groups and their corresponding centers of the nervous system. If the activity of the child is varied, then, consequently, the work of the corresponding groups of muscles and nerve centers changes. Muscles and nerve centers “not working” at the moment seem to “rest”, gain strength. When a child is in a static position for a long time (standing for a long time, sitting, listening to reading, etc.), then the load falls on the same muscle groups and nerve centers, which quickly get tired.

The 2 situation

Serezha’s father and mother work and at the same time study at the evening department of the institute; The boy is in the care of his grandmother. She tries so that her grandson does not get bored, and allows him to watch all television programs. (“Let the child have fun!”). See →

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