Knee ultrasound – the course of the examination. When to do a knee ultrasound?

Knee ultrasound, or ultrasound, is the basic examination that allows you to accurately visualize the structures within the joint. This examination allows to obtain an accurate diagnosis, as it is characterized by high precision in detecting even the smallest changes. Knee ultrasound has many advantages because it does not require prior preparation from the patient and is completely non-invasive. How is the knee ultrasound performed?

Knee ultrasound is a very popular and frequently performed examination. The knee joint is a structure that is damaged relatively often – it ranks second (right after the ankle joint) in the infamous ranking of joints most exposed to strain. It is usually associated with an inappropriate lifestyle. Frequent practicing sports causes strain on the knee joint, while constant sitting causes the joint to become stagnant and reduce its flexibility.

Knee ultrasound – what damage can the knee joint be damaged?

The knee joint is the largest joint in the human body. For this reason, its structures are very often damaged. People who struggle with obesity, rheumatic disease or various types of autoimmune diseases that affect the locomotor system are particularly susceptible to damage to the knee joint. An additional load for the knee joint is the anatomical structure of the lower limb and the resulting pressure from the quadriceps muscle of the thigh, which is even 300 kg. Knee ultrasound is recommended when any of its elements is damaged. The structures that cushion its work are most often damaged within the knee joint. These are the so-called menisci, which are small cartilages, the dysfunction of which is usually manifested by the joint jumping around at the time of movement. Damage to the meniscus is easy to recognize when you squat – then knee extension turns out to be impossible. The knee ultrasound examination is also indicated when the knee cruciate ligaments are dysfunctional, the function of which is to stabilize the joint in three planes: rotational, sagittal and frontal. The most common cause of cruciate ligament injuries is active sports, such as volleyball, basketball or football. Knee ultrasound is also performed to diagnose damage to the articular cartilage. In this case, the good condition of the menisci and ligaments mentioned above is of great importance.

Knee ultrasound – when is the examination performed?

Knee ultrasound is indicated when there is pain, tissue warming, and increasing or chronic swelling in the area of ​​the knee joint. The indication for knee ultrasound examination is a condition in which there was any joint injury, for unknown reasons there is limited joint mobility or the person suffers from rheumatic disease. Knee ultrasound is also performed when the patient has undergone surgery on the joint – the examination is then performed for control purposes.

Knee ultrasound – how is the examination done?

Although the knee ultrasound does not require the patient to prepare for the examination in advance, it should be borne in mind that the knee must be exposed during the examination. Immediately before the examination, the specialist covers the joint and the area of ​​the knee joint with a gel that allows the head to slide and adhere. The substance is also designed to prevent disturbances in the reception of the image and allow the penetration of waves into the tissues. During the ultrasound examination of the knee, the doctor examines the joint, assessing the condition of the bursa, cruciate ligaments, menisci, patella and tendons. The great advantage of this type of examination is that it is a completely non-invasive examination, which means that it is performed much more often than an X-ray examination. The knee ultrasound also allows to diagnose the soft elements of the knee joint. The doctor is able to assess the condition of the joint capsule, synovium or check the amount of synovial fluid. In addition, it is also possible to recognize the development of inflammation within the knee joint, the presence of abscesses or hematomas. Knee ultrasound is also safe for pregnant women.

Knee ultrasound – cost

When it comes to the cost of a knee ultrasound, it ranges from PLN 100 to even PLN 400 depending on the region or the degree of experience of the doctor. A wide range of services is presented by both state and private health centers, as well as doctor’s offices. Of course, knee ultrasound can be performed free of charge as part of the National Health Fund reimbursement, but the waiting time for the examination is often very long, even several months.

1 Comment

  1. ጥሩ ግንዛቤ ያስጨብጣል የችግሩተጠቂ ስለሆንኩ መፍትሄ የማገኝ ይመስለኛል አመሰግናለሁ።

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