Microcracks that appear in any of the 4 ligaments that support the knee joint are sprains. But the degree of transition from a simple sprain (microtrauma) to a complete rupture of the ligament must be determined by the traumatologist. Often victims, busy with work, household chores, or fearful of doctors (sometimes it happens), wave their hand at the disease. However, such negligence can result in surgery and prolonged walking with crutches.
Microcracks that appear in any of the 4 ligaments that support the knee joint are sprains. But the degree of transition from a simple sprain (microtrauma) to a complete rupture of the ligament must be determined by the traumatologist. Often victims, busy with work, household chores, or fearful of doctors (sometimes it happens), wave their hand at the disease. However, such negligence can result in surgery and prolonged walking with crutches.
Sprained knee ligaments: what to do
The causes of sprain are associated with one factor – excessive stress on the muscles. Situations leading to such a nuisance may be as follows:
A sharp movement (for athletes this happens at the start), jumping up, jumping or running fast (especially the risk haunts supporters of high heels, on which a woman spends all day, which in itself is a load on the knees).
Hit. In sports, during a fight, playing with a child, you can get a strong blow to the knee area (behind the kneecap, in front, even on the side).
A fall, an unsuccessful step (during icy conditions – to fall on a knee without calculating the strength, or to enter a hole that was not visible, so the leg muscles were not ready for the load).
It is important that the sprain does not develop into a rupture or damage to the joint.
A sprain of the knee ligaments has symptoms:
Difficulty bending and extending the knee. In the event of a rupture, the joint generally loses its ability to move.
With a more serious degree, certain sounds emitted by the joint are heard – crunching, clicking.
Pain in the affected area.
Possible swelling, redness (rupture of microfibers does not do without hemorrhage), hematomas.
If you want to maintain a beautiful gait (or stay longer in sports and start physical activities faster), you should immediately contact the emergency room.
A knee injury like this is a tricky situation. What to do, the doctor knows best. Before his arrival, you need to lie down and put the injured leg on a pillow, without causing discomfort and pain in the joint. Peace and lack of movement are the best help now.
You need to put something cold on the joint. If no ice pack is available, a towel dampened with cold water will do. The rest of the therapy depends on the severity of the disease.
Sprained knee ligaments require treatment. It is carried out in several directions:
Pain relief. Anesthetic drug for internal use (analgin, spazmalgon or no-shpu should be prescribed by a specialist, since drugs have contraindications, including age restrictions, pregnancy, breastfeeding).
Pain relieving ointments. Non-hormonal (voltaren, diclac) and steroidal (hydrocortisone ointment). Everything is exclusively for the purpose of the traumatologist!
Immobilization. An available remedy is an elastic bandage. Fix the area from the middle of the thigh to the middle of the lower leg, tightly, but not until it tingles or turns blue. In difficult situations, plaster is applied, sometimes the ligaments are sutured.
Physiotherapy. Classes in the exercise therapy room will help to develop a joint that has been immobilized for some time.
Timely appeal to the clinic will be the key to a faster recovery.
traumatologist, clinic “Family”
Dislocation is a common problem with sports and unsuccessful falls. The main symptoms are impaired movement in the dislocated joint, the pain is constant, dull. Visible deformation. It is better not to correct the dislocation on your own. It is necessary to fix the joint and consult a traumatologist. It is very important to fix the dislocated joint after reduction (with a plaster cast, bandage or orthosis).
The fracture is accompanied by constant and increasing pain, dysfunction of the injured area (it is impossible to lean on a leg or move a hand). On the first day, swelling and severe bruising appear. At the first suspicion of a fracture, it is necessary to rest the injured area, apply cold, immobilize the area and immediately call an ambulance. An attempt to independently reach the hospital threatens with displacement of bones, additional trauma and even damage to soft tissues. It is important to remember: in traumatology there is a “golden hour” law, when it is important to provide medical assistance in the first hour after an injury in order to avoid complications.