Knee pain, Knee pain: causes, Pain under the knee, Knee pain: treatment, Knee pain when bending

The knee is a hinge that can bend and unbend. Sometimes the work of this hinge is disrupted, we begin to feel stiffness and pain. Knee pain can have many causes, and the pain itself can be acute or chronic.

Some of the most common causes of knee pain are arthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and post-traumatic arthritis. Arthrosis is a slowly progressive degenerative disease in which the articular cartilage gradually wears away. This disease is the most common form of knee arthritis. The likelihood that arthrosis will settle in your knee depends on many things: on excessive physical activity, or, conversely, on the fact that you spend too much time in a sitting position, as well as on weather changes.

Another cause of knee pain may be a tear in the meniscus. The knee joint is formed by three bones: the femur, the patella, and the tibia (shin). In between these bones are parts of cartilage called menisci. They help absorb shock loads. Similar to a ligament tear, a meniscus can also tear when the knee is subjected to too much shock or is rotated too wide.

Knee pain can also be caused by tendonitis, an inflammation of the tendon tissue. The patellar tendon runs from the lower leg to the patella, triangular in shape. Frequent jumping, being overweight, muscle imbalance, or overextension of the leg muscles can all cause small tears in the patellar tendon. As soon as there are too many such ruptures, inflammation begins in the tendon, which leads to patellar tendinitis.

Why do knee pains occur?

Pain that occurs just below the knee can be caused by anatomical weakness, daily activities, or stress, the strength of which on the knee joints depends on the individual level of physical fitness.

The area of ​​the leg just below the knee includes tendons, ligaments, and bones. Since there are not very many stabilizing structures and relatively little subcutaneous fat in this place, the tissues located there can be easily damaged. Just below the patella are the knee tendons and ligaments that attach to the bases of two bones, the tibia and fibula. Cushioning is provided by a small amount of cartilage, including the meniscus, which is located both inside the knee and slightly below it. There are also blood vessels and nerves. That is, in other words, in this area there are a lot of anatomical parts that can be easily damaged, causing pain under the knee.

Pain under the knee can also occur due to direct exertion or twisting. By direct stress, we mean, for example, injuries from impacts and collisions, for example, during sports team games, football or basketball. Such blows can cause bruises or cracks in both tissue and bone. Moreover, the size of the damage can vary from the smallest cracks, the size of a hair, to a complete rupture of tissues or breakage of bones.

Finally, age and tissue wear can be another obvious cause of pain under the knee. Over time, the bones, ligaments and cartilage of the leg lose strength, pain can become chronic, and injuries take longer to heal. Arthritis, diabetes, and nerve degeneration can lead to daily pain under the knee. This is why the practice of preventive measures is important – regular exercise, proper nutrition, and adequate sleep. According to most doctors, daily running and cycling will tone the lower leg, strengthen bones, and improve blood circulation. And the presence in the diet of a sufficient amount of proteins and fatty acids, which have an anti-inflammatory effect (all this beauty is found in fish, walnuts and olive oil), minimizes possible muscle damage.

Knee pain: treatment

Treatment of knee pain, oddly enough, you need to start by changing your habits. For example, getting rid of excess weight. The extra weight adds pressure to the knee joints. In addition, if one knee hurts, and the pain makes you limp or somehow change your gait, destruction can begin in the other knee, and then you will need to think about complex treatment of knee pain. Studies conducted in the United States several years ago showed that for every kilogram of weight that a person with sore knees dropped, an eightfold (!) Reduction in pain was recorded. (How Americans managed to quantify pain is a mystery, but still). The easiest way to lose weight is by walking. On the other hand, treating knee pain with walking may not be very comfortable because the stress on the knee persists and the knees hurt. But then you can practice walking in water, where the effect of gravity is not felt so strongly.

Not everyone can start playing sports the next day and make adjustments to their diet in order to lose weight. Treatment for knee pain can be started with an intermediate measure – wearing a knee brace, which can relieve pressure on the knee and relieve pain. The doctor will help you choose such a device; it is better not to buy such funds without consulting him. The idea of ​​wearing a knee brace is to keep the knee joint stable. However, it should be remembered that the constant wearing of the bandage does not contribute to effective treatment of knee pain, as it provokes muscle weakness.

Why does the knee hurt when bending

Sometimes knee pain occurs exclusively when the joint is flexed. One of the reasons the knee hurts when flexing may be bursitis. Joints contain small, fluid-filled sacs that act as buffers between bones and tendons. These are called bursae. With bursitis, they become inflamed. Not only can this cause pain and stiffness in the knee, but it can also cause swelling, redness, and fever in the knee.

Another reason why the knee can hurt when bending is gout. This is a form of arthritis that usually starts in the big toe and then spreads to other joints, including the knees. The occurrence of gout is associated with the action of uric acid. It is a byproduct of purines found in various foods and beverages such as organ meats, mushrooms, scallops, and alcohol. The purines contained in these products form in the body the so-called urates – crystals of uric acid salts, which then migrate up to the joints, provoking knee pain during flexion.

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  1. Muna gdy.hakika ina fama d ciwon gwiwa t kafa d hannu d kumburi d curewar tsoka hade d ciwo mai tsanani,shekarata 1 ina zuwa asbti amma bbu sauki

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