Knee massage for adults
If there are signs of osteoarthritis, knee massage can help adults, but is it worth it to do at home, what will be the benefits and harms to the human body, is a massage course necessary, are home procedures enough

Massage is the fastest way to deal with knee pain. It often leads to quick relief. We asked professional massage therapists for advice on where and how to massage for knee pain. Their advice will be useful to anyone who suffers from knee pain, or those who want to help their loved ones suffering from knee pain.

The area to focus on when massaging for knee pain is just above the knee on the quadriceps because trigger points on this muscle transmit pain to the knee. Do not massage the kneecap directly or push it. Try using peppermint oil for massage.

To understand knee pain massage techniques, it is important to understand where the trigger points are located. A trigger point is a sensitive knot in the muscle ligaments that occurs for a variety of reasons, including trauma, surgery, or underlying stress and tension.

Trigger points cause soreness and spasms. One of the important characteristics of trigger points is that they can transmit pain to other parts of the body that are far away. For example, most headaches start in the neck and shoulders, but the pain spreads to the head. In various massage techniques for knee pain, massage therapists will massage trigger points rather than the area of ​​pain.

The three main methods for massaging knee pain are:

  • lifting technique;
  • friction technique;
  • quad compression technique.

Knee lift technique. It is designed to identify trigger points above and below the knee. During the massage, the therapist will need feedback from the patient about any pain mentioned as they massage above and below the knee. For massage it is recommended to use essential oils such as peppermint or eucalyptus. The use of essential oils makes the technique more effective.

Knee friction technique. Designed to target trigger points on the sides of the kneecap. As with other techniques, the use of essential oils such as peppermint and eucalyptus is highly recommended.

Quadruple Compression Knee Massage Technique. The quadriceps muscle is a group of muscles located in front of the thigh. The quadriceps compression technique focuses on the quadriceps because the quadriceps often radiate pain to the knee. Targeting trigger points on this muscle can help relieve knee pain.

You can apply any massage technique for 5 to 10 minutes before switching to the other leg. You can also use all 3 techniques together in one session. While these techniques can be performed without oil and will bring results, the use of essential and aromatherapy oils is recommended.

Aromatherapy and the use of essential oils is one of the most effective treatments for various types of knee pain, including arthritis. The use of essential oils not only helps keep the knee joints mobile, but also relieves inflammation and swelling.

Benefits of knee massage for adults

Knee pain is common in athletes and the elderly. Chronic knee pain is caused by arthritis. Massage is applied to several ailments, the most common being.

  • Rheumatoid arthritis. The causes of this condition are unclear, but it often occurs after a viral infection or other illness. It is also speculated that it may be caused by a defect in the body’s immune system or related to glands and hormones. The pain is associated with inflammation of the fibrous connective tissue around the joints.
  • Osteoarthritis. This is a disease in which the cartilage wears away, leaving the bones exposed and causing rough bone deposits to form. Often observed in athletes and the military.
  • Gout. This disease is caused by an overproduction of uric acid, which causes crystals to form around the joints, leading to joint pain, including chronic knee pain.

Maintaining joint mobility is essential for long-term knee health and to combat symptoms such as pain and stiffness. You can keep your knees mobile by massaging, walking, or doing knee stretching exercises if the pain makes walking unbearable.

Harm of knee massage for adults

Massage can be harmful for some of the knee problems. These are injuries and conditions in which the use of massage can be harmful or dangerous. A doctor should always check if massages are right for you before starting treatment.

These are the health conditions in which it is better to postpone the massage.

  • Open wounds (any cuts, sores or abrasions). You should wait until the scar is formed properly. This is usually 1 to 2 weeks.
  • Muscle ruptures in the acute stage. Massage will increase bleeding and tissue damage, and prolong recovery. After the first 48 to 72 hours, massage is possible, but this will depend on the extent of the injury.
  • Tendon ruptures. The above also applies to tendon injuries. Complete tears are contraindications to massage and require surgery rather than massage.
  • Partial ruptures of muscles and tendons. Massage is allowed after at least 48 hours, and in case of more serious injuries – at the discretion of the doctor.
  • Bruises. These are impact injuries that cause bleeding in the muscle. Massage of a bruise, if done shortly after the injury, can cause further damage and lead to bone growth within the muscle.

Contraindications for knee massage for adults

There are a number of diseases in which massage cannot be done at all.

  • Burns, frostbite and broken bones. Massaging in these cases will only hurt.
  • Periostitis. This is an inflammation of the membrane surrounding the bone. Massage directly close to the bone can cause irritation. You can massage the surrounding muscles, but stay away from the bones themselves.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis and gout. These are inflammatory conditions that are a contraindication to massage. The same rules apply here as for acute injuries. Massage can cause further inflammation.
  • Bursitis. That is, inflammation of the bursa, a small sac of fluid that helps the tendons attach to the bones. If pain, swelling and redness appear on the skin, massage should be avoided.
  • Myositis ossificans. A severe bruise or rupture of the muscle can begin to calcify – bone grows in the muscle. Massage will only exacerbate the problem.
  • Skin and soft tissue infections. Bacterial, viral and fungal infections can be transmitted during massage to other parts of the body. Pain can also be the result of an infection rather than an injury, so massage won’t help.
  • Thrombosis. This is a rare but potentially fatal blood clot in a vein. Often found in the calf muscles. Deep pain in the center of the muscle may be thrombosis. If it is massaged, the clot can move, spread through the veins and damage the heart.
  • Blood clotting disorders such as hemophilia. Blood clotting disorders are clear contraindications for massage. Massage can cause tissue damage and cause bleeding.
  • Tumors. If you are unsure about any bumps and bumps in the muscles or skin, leave them alone. Most often, these are muscle spasms or adipose tissue. But it’s better not to risk it.

How to give an adult knee massage at home

Quadriceps self-massage can help improve function and correct dysfunctions of the knee. The knee self-massage protocol was based on a study of the association of the quadriceps muscle with osteoarthritis of the knee.

The following massage movements are selected for treatment:

  • deep slip;
  • tapping;
  • tapping;
  • friction.

The technique can be safely performed on skin with or without lubrication, and over any clothing except jeans, wool, or corduroy.

When moving back and forth, during each sliding movement performed with the palm of the hand, one should use the weight of the upper body, and not the muscles of the hand. This protects the hand and wrist from injury. The hand should be kept bent at the wrist. With its help, deep pressure must be applied to the muscles, swaying back and forth with each sliding movement. Keep your foot on the floor to stabilize your knees.

The first steps of a knee massage include a warm-up phase to stretch the upper body in preparation for a safe quadriceps massage.

Warm up includes:

  • three deep breaths;
  • three alternate shrugs;
  • three alternating arm raises to the shoulder;
  • three alternating arm raises.

The massage scheme itself looks like this.

Tapping the thigh against the front of the thigh. Rhythmically tap both hands with a soft clenched fist at the same time on the top, then on the middle, then on the lower leg. Repeat 10 times. Do 3 sets with 3 deep breaths in between.

Sliding on the front of the thigh. Sit, move your hips forward, stretch your right leg with your foot on the floor, and place your right wrist on your right thigh. Slide down using the palm of your hand. Finish with a knee and release. Return your hand to its original position. Repeat this sequence 5 times. Now repeat the same sequence with the left leg using the left arm.

Sliding on the outside of the thigh. Place your right wrist on top of the outside of your right thigh. Slide down the outside of your thigh. Finish at the knee and release. Repeat this sequence 5 times. Now repeat the same sequence on the left leg using the left hand.

Sliding on the inside of the thigh. Sitting, place the wrist of the left hand on the upper inner surface of the right thigh. Slide down with the heel of your hand. Finish at knee level and release. Repeat this sequence 5 times. Now repeat the same sequence on the left leg with the right hand.

Friction in the knees. Strike around the knees. Press four fingers firmly against the fabric, squeezing small areas as you move the fabric up and down with five short strokes around the knee – bottom, outside, top and inside.

Popular questions and answers

Questions about knee massage we asked to be answered professional massage therapist Alexander Kholmogorov.

How effective is knee massage for adults?

Massage is performed when there are problems with the knees, such as inflammation of the knee joint. Usually these are chronic pathologies, for example, arthrosis, and massage affects the receptors. Due to this, blood flow increases and recovery processes are activated.

How often should adults have a knee massage?

Like any other form of massage, if it is done by a professional, courses of 10 procedures are recommended with a certain frequency, which should be discussed with the attending physician in advance. It is also important that the doctor also shows the self-massage technique in order to look at the reaction of the tissues and understand if there will be any deterioration.

Can you do a knee massage on your own?

Yes, self-massage can and should be done, but carefully. The main movements are rubbing, tong-like movements. You need to rub with your fingers, on the side of the patella, causing blood flow.

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