
The Russian beer “Klinskoye” is produced mainly at the facilities of the Klin production complex, a division of the SUN InBev holding, which is part of the international brewing giant AB InBev. In addition to the flagship brand Klinskoye, the plant produces beer under a license agreement under the brands Lowenbrau, Hoegaarden, BUD, Brahma, Stella Artois, Staropramen. According to the analytical agency AC Nielsen, Klinskoye occupies one of the leading positions in the middle price segment on the Russian market. To date, it is also brewed at 6 other factories of the company.

The history of Klinskoye beer is inextricably linked with the Klin beer plant built in 1975. The place for construction was not chosen by chance – near the city of Klin, a source of artesian water suitable for beer production was discovered. The Russians borrowed the idea to name the manufactured product after the geographical location of the plant from Czech brewers from Benešov, the sister city of Klin, where they traveled to exchange experience.

Klinskoye is deservedly considered one of the first original brands developed in modern Russia. The trademark was registered in 1981, and after 5 years, the Ministry of Food Industry of the RSFSR entered the name of the Klin Beer Plant on the pages of the Golden Book of Honor.

In the early 90s, the enterprise was transformed into a joint-stock company, and the equipment of the workshops was modernized at the production site. On the threshold of the 2004st century, the plant became part of SUN InBev (since 2001, its subsidiary in Russia, SUN InBev). In XNUMX, a new production complex was launched, modern and high-performance equipment was supplied by Belgian and German companies.


“Siberian fair”:

  • 1995 – Gold (“Klinskoye Light”) medal.

Exhibition “Beer Industry”, Moscow:

  • 1996 – Gold (“Klinskoye Light”) medal;
  • 2001 – Silver (“Klinskoye Dark”) medal.

“Best Beer of the Year”, Moscow:

  • 1998 – Winner in the nomination “Best Dark Beer” (“Klinskoye Dark”).

Brand of the Year / EFFIE, Moscow:

  • 2001 – Grand Prix in the nomination “Change of Image” (TM “Klinskoye”), silver award (“Klinskoye Dark”) in the category “Beer”;
  • 2003 – Silver (“Klinskoye Samurai”) award;
  • 2008 – Gold Award (TM “Klinskoye”).

Great Moscow Beer Festival:

  • 2008 – Golden Bratina (“Klinskoye Light”).

“100 best goods of Russia”:

  • 2008 – Gold Award (“Klinskoye Light”);
  • 2011 – Gold awards (“Klinskoye Light”, “Klinskoye Ultra”);
  • 2012 – Gold awards (“Klinskoye Light”, “Klinskoye Fresh”, “Klinskoye Ultra”, “Klinskoye Mojito”).

Competition “The Best Product of the Moscow Region”:

  • 2016 – First place (“Klinskoye Svetloe”) in the nomination “Best Beer”.

Moscow International Advertising Festival:

  • 2006 – Gold award for the best integrated project.

Online Market Intelligence Rating:

  • 2011 – 5th place in the TOP-10 “Favorite beer brands of Russians”.
  • 2012 – 7th place in the TOP-10;
  • 2010 – 6th place in the TOP-10;
  • 2013 – 4th place in the TOP-10;
  • 2014, 2015 – 9th place TOP-10;
  • 2017 – 8th place in the TOP-10.

National Award “People’s Brand”:

  • 2015 – the winner of the competition (TM “Klinskoe”) in the category “Beer”.

Interesting Facts

After successful cooperation with Russian musicians, the Klinskoye brand switched to foreign performers. The American rapper Dizaster starred in the video, which was included in the TOP-3 trends on YouTube. Filming was completed in one evening and took place in downtown Los Angeles. According to the members of the film crew, when they drove to the artist’s house to return the forgotten props, he apologized for the mess in the room, grabbed 8 pistols and a machine gun in an armful and neatly folded them in the corner. Although the representatives of the MOST Creative Club themselves looked quite in line with the “those crazy russians” stamp when they brought home a suitcase filled to the top with 300 empty Klinskoye beer cans.

Types of beer

“Klinskoe light”, 4,7%

The flagship variety in the brand portfolio is a light euro lager in the interpretation of Russian brewers. In a mug it looks transparent golden, the foam is snow-white, “noisy”, quite resistant. The aroma has a strong malt component, after standing a little in the glass and warming up, the beer reveals tones of green apple, grassy hops, pollen. The body is smooth, medium-full, slightly watery, which is in line with expectations from an initial extractive gravity of 11%. Rice added to the wort makes the taste of the drink lighter, sets off and softens the hop bitterness. Easy to drink, well refreshing, harmoniously combined with spicy dishes and salty snacks.

Klinskoye Dark, 5,3%

A variety that got off to a “high start” from the very beginning: immediately after its launch on the market, it won the “Best Beer of the Year” competition in its category. The color is dark chestnut, in the glass it gives a rich and viscous beige foam. The aroma pleases the sense of smell: dark raisins, well-roasted grains, mocha coffee. With a relatively low gravity, the beer does not seem watery, the medium-full body is well structured. Behind the malt-caramel base of the taste, the bitterness of hops and pronounced wine tones will not go unnoticed.

Klinskoye Ultra, 4,0%

The lightest and lowest calorie variety in the brand line. The color is pale straw, the carbonation is quite high, the bubbles in the foam cap are medium in size. The aroma attracts with a feeling of purity and the absence of impurities – only malt, hops, light yeast sourness. On the palate, the main tone is formed by malt sweetness, it is complemented by shades of banana, toffee, oatmeal cookies, dotted hop bitterness. An excellent choice for refreshing and quenching your thirst in the summer heat.

Klinskoe Arriva, 4,8%

During the brewing process of this variety, hop inflorescences are added to the wort at the stage of cold filtration, which gives the product softness and resistance to UV rays. Beer is bottled in transparent glass bottles, through the walls of which you can admire its golden color. A foam cap forms in the glass, which partly interferes with adding beer: it is fine-grained, dense, and does not settle for a long time. After breathing, the lager begins to radiate sweet-malty and grainy tones. On the palate, shades of grapes and grassy bitterness are added to this range. Beer is positioned as a refreshing drink for summer Latino parties.

Klin Chinatown, 4,5%

The originality of the flavor and aroma range of this beer is due to the introduction of Chinese white tea extract into the composition. The launch of the novelty was accompanied by a large-scale integrated campaign, which included television and viral videos, promotions with the distribution of Chinese hats and umbrellas to customers. It is distinguished by a very elegant, golden color, the beauty of the picture is complemented by the snow-white fine foam rising to the edges of the glass. The bouquet captures the tones of wet grass, lime, oriental spices. The body is expectedly light but textured, and the carbonation is lively and soft. On the palate, there is an unfermented malt wort with hints of corn and fruit. An excellent gastronomic accompaniment to beer will be chicken and shrimp skewers, sweet and sour pork ribs, and dried smelt.


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