Kleptomaniac cat stole more than 50 pairs of shoes from neighbors

Now his mistress is trying to return people to their rightful property.

The black-and-white cat named Jordan has an active life position: he goes for a walk every night and, as the tracker on his collar shows, walks many kilometers. He does this in any weather, even in the rain: he wanders around the entire quarter, or even goes beyond it, visiting the courtyards of peacefully sleeping citizens. And then he returns home. And not with empty paws, but with prey. Jordan brings the owner someone else’s shoes.

These are not always light slates or children’s sandals. Jordan’s collection includes stiletto heels and leather sneakers, and often the cat comes back to take away the missing shoe – to steal, so a pair, otherwise what is the use of his hobby. But the owner of the pet BJ Ross has one disorder from her feline infatuation. She is trying to return the shoes to their rightful owners, for this she even created a special group on Facebook.

Small part of Jordan’s collection

On the page dedicated to Jordan’s atrocities, she uploads videos that are filmed by a camera installed at the entrance. On the rollers, you can clearly see how the cat is dragging home another prey. And then BJ takes off the shoes themselves, hoping that the owner will recognize them. In addition, journalists became interested in Jordan’s tricks, so now the chances that the owners of sneakers and moccasins will be reunited with their property are much greater.

In total, Jordan stole more than 50 pairs of shoes. This is hard work! It seems that it will not be possible to wean him from the habit of carrying other people’s shoes home. However, the hostess does not plan to do this – she resigned herself. But Jordan now has an army of fans, like a real movie star. Almost 20 thousand people are watching his adventures on Facebook. And no one, remarkably, condemns feline kleptomania.

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