Kiwi salad: the secret ingredient. Video

Kiwi salad: the secret ingredient. Video

Kiwi is not only delicious, but also a very healthy fruit. Behind its unsightly skin lies a delicate pulp that tastes like a combination of strawberries and pineapple. This exotic is good in itself, but if the soul wants variety, you can make a salad with kiwi.

Kiwi salad: vitamin perfection

Try this Mediterranean-style kiwi fruit salad with spinach, walnuts and orange. They can be used as a snack or as a substitute for a very high-calorie dessert. This salad is especially good for breakfast – it is a great solution for an invigorating start to the day.

There are few calories in it, but the benefits are invaluable! Such a salad will quickly fill the body with energy, and will also become an excellent source of trace elements and vitamins.

Just one serving of kiwi salad can satisfy the body’s daily need for ascorbic acid

Kiwi and orange salad recipe

For 2 servings of salad you will need: – 1 kiwi; – 1 bunch of spinach; – 1 orange; – a handful of walnuts; – 1 tbsp. l. olive oil; – 1 lemon; – 1 tsp. honey.

Peel the orange, remove the film from its pulp. Divide the fruit into wedges and cut into small pieces. You can use orange syrup instead of an orange.

Peel the kiwi and cut into slices. For a salad, you should choose firm and firm fruits, but not too tough. Very hard kiwis are a sign of unripeness, and too soft kiwis are overripe. The first berries are completely tasteless, while the second are tasty, but contain few vitamins. When choosing kiwi, do not hesitate to smell them: moderately ripe fruits have a subtle aroma of banana, lemon and strawberry.

If you’ve purchased an unripe kiwi, don’t be discouraged. Such berries ripen perfectly at home, while they will not lose any vitamins in the content.

Peel the walnuts and chop not too finely. Wash the spinach leaves and let them dry slightly. Place oranges, kiwi, spinach, and walnuts in a salad bowl. Mix everything gently. Let the salad sit for ten minutes.

Prepare a dressing. To do this, combine olive oil, the juice of half a lemon, honey and a pinch of salt in a bowl. Mix everything well. For more piquancy, the dressing can be seasoned with black pepper, but only slightly, otherwise it will kill the whole taste of the salad.

Divide the salad into bowls and top with the dressing. Pomegranate seeds can be used as decoration. Kiwi and orange salad is ready. It can be served as a stand-alone dish or as a colorful addition to ice cream.

This original salad can be safely included in the diet of those who follow the figure or observe the fast. One serving of salad contains no more than 150 calories.

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