Kiwi face mask: homemade or ready-made products

Delicious kiwi fruit – soft, juicy, healthy. But if everything is clear with its use in food, then with external use it is not so simple. Details below.

Why kiwi is good for facial skin

Kiwi is a storehouse of vitamins.

Kiwi, which is loved by both adults and children, appeared in nature not so long ago. The history of the fruit that everyone knows about today began in 1904. Brought in the form of seeds to New Zealand, the wild-growing Chinese actinidia was cultivated, its fruit grew in size and was called “melon”, and then it was dubbed “kiwi fruit” in honor of the kiwi bird.

We love the taste of kiwi. But it is also considered beneficial for the skin. The reason for this is an extremely rich composition.

  • Chlorophyll has a soothing and moisturizing effect on the skin.

  • Vitamin C in high concentration (300 mg per 100 g of fruit) gives a whitening and antioxidant effect.

  • Alpha hydroxy acids are responsible for the exfoliating action.

  • Vitamin E relieves dryness and flaking.

  • Vitamin K and B vitamins strengthen blood vessels.

Which mask is right for you? Find out by answering our quiz questions.

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The effectiveness of kiwi masks for facial skin

Fans of homemade cosmetics, after reading about the benefits of kiwi, will probably decide to make a face mask out of it. Don’t be in a hurry. Experts believe that fresh kiwi is not the best ingredient for a mask.

Homemade kiwi masks should be approached with caution.

In the pulp of an overseas fruit there is a substance that destroys proteins. This is the enzyme actinidin. From the point of view of chemistry, this is a mixture of polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase in a fairly high concentration – 0,4 g per 100 g, which makes it easy to deal with protein molecules. To make it clearer, let’s give an example of a culinary trick: if pieces of beef are marinated in kiwi pulp, they will become soft after 10 minutes due to the destruction of protein fibers.

In its action, actinidin resembles the papaya enzyme, which, if used uncontrollably, can cause skin damage up to a burn.

If you already make a mask from kiwi, then add it to the composition in minimal quantities. In addition, actinidin in a duet with calcium salts, which the fruit is rich in, can cause an allergic reaction.

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Homemade mask or factory cosmetics: expert opinion

Which kiwi mask to choose is up to you.

Experts consider the benefits of kiwi ambiguous. On the one hand, it is really very useful, on the other hand, applied as a mask or compress on the face, it can cause trouble.

Nevertheless, in the beauty industry, kiwi extract is readily used, excluding actinidin and calcium oxalate from it, which means making it safe. Therefore, when deciding whether to use a ready-made cosmetic product or a homemade mask, it makes sense to opt for the former.



Of course, in homemade masks, all useful substances are present in a “live” form. But at the same time, potentially dangerous components of natural raw materials cannot be neutralized at home.


The advantage of the finished product is that it does not hide unpleasant surprises (an exception is individual intolerance). In production, the proportions are carefully verified, the product is tested for tolerability, efficacy and safety.



Fans of homemade masks and creams can be told as much as they like that ready-made products are better. This argument only reinforces their desire to try homemade recipes “on their own skin.” Well, if you’re willing to take risks, experiment. If you keep the mask with kiwi on the face for the optimal time, it is really capable of much:
  • lighten pigmentation;

  • fight oiliness, matting the skin;

  • refresh complexion.

Just remember: the amount of kiwi in a homemade mask should be strictly limited.


Speaking of cosmetics, it can be noted that with regular use, they give not only tangible, but also lasting results.



In addition to the dangers described above, another of the disadvantages of homemade masks is the time spent on their preparation.


Ready-made cosmetics are good because it remains only to apply the product on a cleansed face, and you can no longer worry about anything.

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Kiwi face masks

In the online space, you can find many recipes for kiwi masks. We carefully studied them and chose the safest, according to the editors of Healthy-Food. Although, we repeat once again, we are entirely and completely for finished products.

Kiwi mask for oily skin

The safest way to use kiwi for oily skin is to quickly rub the fruit juice on your face and wash thoroughly immediately.

Kiwi and egg mask


  1. ½ kiwi fruit (but it is better to take much less);

  2. protein of one egg;

  3. 2 tablespoons of green clay;

  4. ½ tablespoon of olive oil.

How to prepare and use:

  • mash the pulp of kiwi;

  • mix with protein

  • add clay powder and olive oil;

  • to stir thoroughly;

  • clean the skin and steam it in a steam bath, apply a mask with a brush, avoiding the area around the eyes, hold for 15 minutes and then rinse thoroughly.

Editorial opinion. Please note that the mask is not suitable for owners of dry and sensitive skin. It is better to peel the kiwi and eat it – there will be more benefits.

Facial sugar scrub, purifying, reducing blackheads, “3 natural sugars and kiwi”, L’Oréal Paris

A purifying sugar scrub with a warming texture and exquisite fragrance, infused with three natural sugars and kiwi grains. After using the product, the skin becomes cleaner, fresher and silky to the touch.

Kiwi mask for dry skin

Since kiwi contains a lot of vitamins and minerals, a fruit-based mask has a beneficial effect on dry skin.

Mask with kiwi, sour cream and yolk


  1. the pulp of one kiwi (better – less);

  2. 2 tablespoons sour cream;

  3. 1 yolk.

How to prepare and use:

  • mash kiwi with a spoon;

  • combine with sour cream and yolk until smooth;

  • cleanse the face;

  • apply a mask with a spatula, avoiding the area around the eyes;

  • wash off after 15 minutes.

Editorial opinion. If you need to moisturize too dry skin, we recommend using a cosmetic product, such as a nightly leave-in mask. The effect of it is many times more noticeable than that of a homemade one, and the danger of getting irritated is minimized.
Absolue Precious Cells Revitalizing Night Mask, Lancôme

The mask does not contain kiwi extract, but there is a valuable centifolia rose extract, which perfectly copes with dry skin and preserves its youth.

Kiwi mask for problem skin

Such a mask is addressed to skin prone to periodic rashes, since kiwi contains the enzyme actinidin, which is similar in exfoliating action to the papaya enzyme. But it is worth remembering that the exposure time of the mask should be strictly limited. If you feel a burning sensation, immediately wash off the mixture.

Mask of kiwi, lemon and horseradish


  1. the pulp of one kiwi;

  2. ½ lemon;

  3. 1 tablespoon of horseradish (table).

How to prepare and use:

  • mash the pulp of one kiwi with a spoon;

  • mix all the ingredients until a homogeneous mass;

  • apply to cleansed face skin;

  • wash off after 10 minutes.

Editorial opinion. Table horseradish and lemon are a real Molotov cocktail for the skin. Add more kiwi acids here – and you can only guess what your face will have to withstand in the 10 minutes required for the mask exposure. Instead of experimenting, use a cosmetic product with a predictable positive effect.

Kiwi mask for wrinkles

Kiwi has everything that is necessary for the tone of aging skin – vitamins C, E, K. Such a stellar composition fights loss of elasticity, makes the skin more elastic and soft, and evens out the tone of the face. But you are not immune from irritation.

Kiwi, yogurt and banana mask


  1. ½ banana;

  2. 1 tablespoon low-fat natural yogurt;

  3. 1 kiwi.

How to prepare and use:

  • in a plastic bowl, mix kiwi pulp and banana halves with yogurt;

  • cleanse the skin;

  • steam your face over a steam bath;

  • apply a mask with a brush (dense layer);

  • withstand no more than 15 minutes;

  • wash off with warm water.

Editorial opinion. The mask is not bad – but how often do you have kiwi at home? And for optimal effect, the mask must be done at least 3 times a week. Cosmetics are the best. Moreover, it is not at all necessary that kiwi be in the composition.

Mineral soothing mask with vitamin B3, Vichy

Well, even if kiwi is not here – but there are glycerin and soothing niacinamide. Such a mask will definitely not cause irritation and soothe even the most sensitive skin.

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Rules and recommendations for use

Before preparing a kiwi mask, check out our tips.

  • Wash the fruit thoroughly and remove the skin, use only fresh and ripe fruits.

  • Remember that the shelf life of the mask is no more than 1 hour.

  • Do not overexpose the mask on your face.

  • Keep in mind that an allergic reaction to kiwi fruit can be very severe, so test the mixture on a small patch of skin first.

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