“Kitten Shmyak is kind and funny. He is friends with Syrnik, a mouse, and with kittens. He was afraid to sing, even forgot how to meow. But he saw that Syrnik was singing along with the kittens, and forgot how to be afraid. I can read about Shmyak myself. And Yasnov’s poems were read to me by my mother. They are fun and easy to remember. The book contains funny poems about the subway. As one granddaughter did not hold on to her grandmother and got lost. And then I found it! But she wasn’t afraid. Such a brave girl! And the grandmother was not afraid, she is also brave! I’m a little scared to get lost in the subway, but now I’ll hold on tight! And I remembered these verses from the first time:
If you try harder, you can get on a pony!
If you try harder, you can climb into the sky!
If you try harder, you can climb on dad!
Mom, look at me!
I often call my mother to look at me! But she doesn’t look. Although if I looked, I would be embarrassed. Like Kitty Shmyak. I like it better when no one sees what I’m doing. When it’s a secret!
Translation from English by Tatyana Pokidayeva.
Clover, 32 p., 246 rubles. Detgiz, 72 p.