Kitchen storage ideas to borrow from restaurants

Kitchen storage ideas to borrow from restaurants

Hang your favorite skillet under the ceiling, and try cooking in the refrigerator. This is exactly what eminent chefs do. Let’s see what else interesting you can learn from them.

Store plates next to the sink

The room in restaurants in which dishes are stored is called a service set. A prerequisite for this room is that it should be located next to the washing room. The logic is very simple: I washed the dishes and immediately placed them in the dryer. At home, this is also convenient. A cupboard with utensils should be placed above a sink with a faucet so as not to carry plates and mugs to the other end of the room.

Sort dishes by type and kind

In order to immediately find the necessary item, the service set in public catering places is equipped with racks and hanging shelves. On them, different types of dishes are placed separately. Porcelain in one place, glass and crystal on other shelves. It is also recommended to sort dishes of different types in your own kitchen. Place large plates on the right side of the cabinet, and as the size of plates decreases – on the left. Cups and glasses do not need to be heaped, everything has its place.

In cafes and bars, dishes are set out so that it is convenient to take them: mugs and saucers – with handles outward.

The waste container is placed next to the sink

Throw away any leftover food before placing dishes in the sink or putting them in the dishwasher. The waste bag is placed near the sink. This is exactly what happens in large establishments – the bin for taking out the garbage is next to the worker who washes the kitchen utensils.

Use a refrigerator with a work surface

To save space, some restaurants install horizontal refrigerators with a work surface. You can work behind them as at ordinary kitchen tables. Only instead of drawers for kitchen utensils, there is a freezer in the table. Firstly, such a refrigerator does not take up much space, and secondly, it has two functions at once: you can prepare food on it, and store food inside.

Hang pans on hooks

In the kitchens of large establishments, everything should be in plain sight. Therefore, pans, ladles, colanders do not hide in the far drawer and are not stacked on top of one another. In a home environment, you can use a very creative way – to hang frequently used cooking utensils on special hooks. The only thing is that the hostess will need to monitor the perfect cleanliness of the pans all the time.

An important rule of thumb is to store pans closer to the stove and pots closer to the sink.

Hide rarely used inventory

Inventory and accounting are kept at catering establishments. All cooking techniques are recorded by the responsible employee. The safety of the property is periodically checked, and for this, all items are reviewed. This is exactly what the mistress of the house should do.

Take out all the items and divide them into four groups.

  1. What you use every day.

  2. What is needed at least once a month.

  3. Something that comes in handy once a season, such as a juicer.

  4. Something that has been lying untouched for several years.

With the last group, you guess what needs to be done: throw it away or give it to good hands. But the third group needs to be placed so that all these items are in one place, but away from those that are used daily. Thus, you get rid of the trash and organize the space correctly.

Place knives separately from cutlery

Knives are one of the most popular tools in the kitchen. Chefs treat them with special thrift and love. They do not throw them into a common pile with dishes, they monitor the correct storage. You, too, make it a rule that knives should be stored separately. There are separate fiber stands for them. It is also practical to use magnetic tape, which is attached above the work surface. In this case, the variety of knives will always be in sight. And at least five of them are required: for peeling vegetables, for cutting bread, for butchering meat, for processing fish, for thinly slicing cheese.

Place cutting boards vertically

A restaurant kitchen must have a lot of cutting boards. All of them subscribe in order not to confuse what products they are used for, for example, “CM” – for raw meat. Boards are thoroughly washed, dried and sterilized. At home, it is enough to have several boards and store them correctly. Microscopic particles of food get into the scratches from knives, which, when wet, create a dangerous microflora. To keep the boards dry, they must be stored upright.

Do not buy excess products

Like any prudent housewife, public catering also counts its money, therefore it does not purchase food for future use for a long time. The well-known menu allows restaurants to control the required number of purchases. In a family setting, it is much easier to make such calculations. This means that it is easier not to clutter up the lockers with food that may have expired.

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