You can resort to any kind of diet and know the list of prohibited foods by heart, but perhaps the most effective way to lose weight is not to eat in the evening and at night. People with a strong will easily cope with self-restraints, but weak-willed people find it hard, their hand reaches for the refrigerator. It was for these people was invented MUIN Refrigerator Door Lock is an add-on lock for the refrigerator.
This lock consists of 2 adhesive pads that are fixed on or on two refrigerator doors, or on the wall and door, depending on the refrigerator model. Between the pads there is a small metal cable, which does not allow opening the door when the lock is closed.
The product is presented on Amazon and already has more than fifty customer reviews.
However, ingenious buyers have already found a way to open even this ingenious lock. To do this, you need to warm up the attachment area with a hairdryer until the adhesive tape ceases to hold it.
By the way, the developers are positioning this patch lock not only for the refrigerator, but also for cabinet doors, where medicines, alcohol, cosmetics and other items are stored, to which children should be restricted.
Recall that earlier we told you which 5 products cannot be stored in the refrigerator, as well as what clothes you need to put there and why.