Kisses protect against tooth decay

Scientists from the American Academy of General Dentistry proved in their study that the most effective way to clean the mouth is … kisses. Why is kissing good for healthy teeth?

There are several reasons: by kissing, we stimulate the production of saliva, which protects the surface of the teeth and mucous membranes against bacteria accumulating in the mouth due to food debris in the interdental spaces. Saliva also protects the enamel against acids and bacteria, thins and flushes out sugars, restores the correct pH, prevents bad breath, and ensures the correct mineral composition of the teeth. It is a natural antiseptic, has bactericidal and repair properties, contains calcium, fluorine and phosphate compounds which help to rebuild micro-defects formed on the enamel surface. However, the condition for its salutary action is taking care of proper oral hygiene.

What is caries?

Caries is a bacterial, contagious disease of the teeth. It involves the demineralization of the hard tissues of the teeth as a result of contact with acids produced by bacteria present in the mouth. Tooth decay is a symptom of long-term loss of minerals such as calcium and phosphate from enamel and dentin. A white spot on a tooth, often close to the gums, may be an early sign of demineralisation. At this stage, it is preferable to use preparations with fluoride. A well-chosen toothpaste and mouthwash help reverse the demineralisation process. Underestimating the initial symptoms leads to the progression of the demineralization process and, as a result, to the formation of a carious cavity. Then a visit to the dentist is necessary.

As a result of negligent hygiene and improper eating habits, virtually every adult has tooth cavities caused by caries. The 2010 Oral Health Monitoring study found that the percentage of people aged 35–44 without caries was only 0,1%! This problem also applies to the youngest. As much as 60-90 percent. children have tooth decay. Over 50 percent 3-year-olds have teeth with cavities. In a child of this age, on average, about XNUMX teeth are affected by caries.

Surveys show that over 60 percent. mothers of children at the age of 3 were not with the child at the dentist’s. In a 5-year-old child, on average, 5 teeth with untreated carious cavities are found, and the percentage of 5-year-old children without caries does not exceed 20%.

In Poland, the percentage of primary school students aged 12 with at least one permanent tooth removed due to caries is 4%, and in adolescents aged 18 years – 15%. Between the ages of 35 and 74, the percentage of adults with edentulousness is increasing rapidly. Periodontal diseases are also becoming more common.

How to protect yourself against tooth decay?

Bad hygiene habits contribute to the unsatisfactory condition of the oral cavity. According to the report, only 41,5 percent. Six-year-olds brush their teeth after breakfast and dinner, and 2,9 percent. after each meal. As much as 9 percent children brush their teeth only before breakfast and 12,4 percent. after breakfast. As much as 29,4 percent mothers describe their children’s dental health as bad or very bad. The average time of brushing teeth in Poland is 32 seconds. We also duplicate these mistakes in adulthood. And you can really take care of the oral cavity in a simple way.

What you need to pay special attention to:

* brush your teeth after each meal,

* use a toothpaste containing fluoride at least twice a day,

* thoroughly clean the interdental spaces using a floss,

* regularly use a mouthwash containing fluoride, which by reaching places difficult to reach by the toothbrush provides additional protection against caries,

* use the correct brushing technique: do not move horizontally or press the toothbrush too tightly against the surface of the teeth,

* visit the dentist twice a year.

And of course, kiss as often as possible. These simple actions will keep you healthy and a beautiful smile.

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