Kishmish grapes: benefits and harms. Video

Kishmish grapes: benefits and harms. Video

At the height of the grape season, it is difficult to resist and not buy raisins, because it has the most pronounced noble taste. After trying some sweet and aromatic berries, you want more and more. But overeating this grape variety threatens with a number of unpleasant consequences.

Kishmish grapes: benefits and harms

Vitamins and pesticides of raisins

Kishmish is bred by selection. Other grape varieties contain seeds that some people dislike so much, and raisins are devoid of this drawback. Berries are rich in B1, B2, C, P, carotene, folic acid, and minerals. In addition, the raisins may contain chemicals that are used to process grapes for long-term transportation to other cities – they prevent sweet berries from spoiling ahead of time. Overeating poorly washed grapes can lead to serious poisoning.

Kishmish needs not only to be rinsed, but soaked for an hour, then rinsed with running water, after separating each berry from the bunch: this way you will remove the maximum amount of contamination and toxins

It is impossible to eat raisins in large quantities if there are problems with the digestive organs. Due to the high calorie content, the berries are poorly digested, begin to ferment and cause diarrhea, vomiting and general malaise. Those with increased stomach acidity, pancreatitis or cholecystitis should be extremely careful. A large amount of fructose and sucrose in raisins can exacerbate chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

With diabetes, grapes are strictly contraindicated, regardless of the variety! It is dangerous to consume it even in small quantities, because sucrose and fructose increase blood sugar levels.

Kishmish causes an increase in appetite, and in itself is excessively high in calories. Eating this grape variety often and in large quantities will affect your weight – the scale arrow will inexorably show more and more. That is why it is not recommended to arrange fasting days on raisins, it is better to choose other less high-calorie fruits and berries.

Kishmish is useful if you don’t overeat!

Kishmish, in addition to the harmful effects that can appear from overeating, has invaluable benefits. Dark grapes help to strengthen the heart and kidneys, and light raisins help cleanse the kidneys from accumulated salts, and it also has a weak diuretic effect. If you eat a little raisins daily, the risk of blood clots will decrease. In addition, grapes have pronounced antioxidant properties.

In order to enjoy sweet berries or improve your health, eat no more than 100-200 g, this is quite enough. A large amount can harm your health, which will bring unpleasant memories to the sight of these berries. Make sure that your children do not consume grapes uncontrollably.

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