

What is kinesiology?

Kinesiology, etymologically “the science of movement” is a technique of psycho-bodily rebalancing. It focuses on the overall well-being of the person taking into account the physical, emotional and mental aspects. Its main characteristic is the use of the muscle test to know the functioning of the person, to detect and remove his imbalances and to awaken his potential. Founded in the 60s in the USA and appeared in France in the 80s, it brings together three main techniques: Touch For Health®, Three In One Concepts® and Brain Gym®.

The main principles

Kinesiology is “a professional practice intended to promote a state of balance and well-being” of the person as a whole.

The muscle test used in kinesiology consists in establishing a direct dialogue with the body. It allows access to the body’s memory, to identify the factors contributing to blockages and the nature of the corrections necessary to remove them. It uses the relationship between emotions, brain and muscles. In a stressful situation, the muscles empty of their energy and “unlock”, hence the expressions “my arms fall for me” or “my legs are made of cotton”. Normally or when there is a positive emotion, the muscles “lock”. This response of muscle tone to stress thus allows an exchange of information with the body.

The goal of kinesiology is to reduce stress in order to give everyone the opportunity to recontact their potential, to regain their personal power, the ability to choose and access their own solutions.

The energy rebalancing of kinesiology is carried out using methods borrowed from the West (chiropractic) and the East (traditional Chinese medicine).

Benefits of kinesiology

Kinesiology is for everyone and at any age.

It can help with physical (pain, disease, etc.) and psycho-emotional (stress, fears, phobias, anxieties, anxieties, learning difficulties, sleeping difficulties, eating difficulties, etc.). It improves, among other things, stress management, communication with oneself and others, self-confidence, self-esteem, decision-making, physical and intellectual performance.

It helps to understand the cause of a discomfort, find answers, solutions and achieve its goals.

Kinesiology techniques

Touch For Health®

Dr. Georges Goodheart, chiropractor, in the 60s developed “Applied Kinesiology” in the USA, which brought together postural and energy balancing techniques for medical professionals. It strives to balance the human being in its three fundamental dimensions “the triangle of health”: anatomical, nutritional and emotional. It lays the foundation for muscle testing.

In 1970, Dr. John Thie wanted to extend this method to as many people as possible and drew on Applied Kinesiology techniques that he simplified and made accessible to the general public under the title “Touch For Health”. He is developing a series of manual muscle tests to balance the muscles of all the meridians of the body to bring physical well-being [2] and increase the potential of each by improving health, preventing disease. and the release of natural healing energies.

Le Three in One Concepts® (One Brain)

Founded by Gordon Stokes, Daniel Whiteside and Candace Callaway, “Three in One Concepts” stands for the integration of body, mind and spirit. This method is oriented on the emotional system; it corrects the energy blockages of the present, releases the belief system of the past and increases the level of consciousness to provide freedom of choice in the future. Based on self-responsibility, his goal is to regain his authority, his inner power, his ability to choose and his uniqueness.

This technique uses tools such as the Behavioral Barometer®, Structure Function Traits or Age Recession to balance blockages caused by negative emotional stresses in cellular memory, subconscious and consciousness. [3]

Edu-Kinesiology (Brain Gym®)

Developed by Paul Dennison, this technique focuses on improving learning. It aims to stimulate, release and relax in order to allow adults or children to reach their full potential. It is a simple and fun approach based on the observation of the body sway, the communication between the cerebral hemispheres and the overall coordination. It is often used in addition to educational methods (school monitoring, speech therapy, etc.). She demonstrates that movement stimulates the mechanisms of growth and change. [4]

In addition to these three techniques, others have been developed such as Craniosacral Kinesiology, Peri-Natal Kinesiology, etc.

Applied Kinesiology – Kinesiology in Practice and Kinesiology Training

Kinesiology in practice

The approach is mainly used by health professionals within their functions.

To find practitioners, who display directly under the banner of Applied Kinesiology, see national sites.

Kinesiology training

Offered by the International College of Applied Kinesiology, the foundation course, which teaches the diagnostic method, lasts 100 hours. The full training, to learn manual processing techniques, requires an additional 300 hours.

Kinesiology in practice

The kinesiologist

The approach is used by health professionals within their functions and also by people specialized in this practice.

To find practitioners, see national sites and kinesiologists referenced within the National and International Union of Kinesiology (UNIK) and the French Federation of Kinesiology (FFK).

Course of a session

After an interview, the objective or topic of the session is determined. The kinesiologist then establishes a dialogue with the body through the muscle test, and seeks the information and balances that the person needs to find their solutions and move towards their goal. Depending on the technique, the person is seated or lying down, always dressed. She is in constant interaction with the kinesiologist, who facilitates dialogue and understanding between the person and their body.

The kinesiologist is a “professional stress management and health prevention” according to the WHO. He never asks to suspend medical treatment or psychological follow-up. He encourages his clients to see a doctor for any health problem. It does not make any diagnosis, treatment or prescription. [6]

Become a kinesiologist

The training can be followed at specialized training centers or directly with independent kinesiologists. The training centers offer a common program established on a national and international nomenclature of skills units, in which the student finds the elements necessary for his course. They are mainly referenced within the National and International Union of Kinesiology (UNIK) and the French Federation of Kinesiology (FFK).

In France, training to become a kinesiologist requires, among other things, a course of at least 600 hours of lessons spread over a period of at least 2 years.

Specialist’s opinion

“Kinesiology is a tremendous personal development ‘tool’. A way of living on a daily basis, in conscience and in kindness, with oneself and with others. I marvel at each session at the accuracy, effectiveness and potential of this practice. It allows you to act gently in the depths of each person, on the cellular memory, to recover their freedom to be and develop real well-being. “

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