Kindergarten: how to help your child for his first school year

Entering kindergarten is an essential stage in the life of a child, and he needs to be accompanied to get to school with confidence. Here are the tips of our coach to prepare and support him before, during and after D-Day.

Before starting kindergarten   

Prepare your child gently

At 3 years old, your child enters the Small Kindergarten section. He will have to adapt to a new place, a new rhythm, new friends, a teacher, new activities… For him, going back to kindergarten is a key step that is not easy to manage. To help him live this exceptional day, good preparation is essential. Show him his school, walk the path together several times before the first day of class. He will feel on familiar ground and more reassured than if he discovered it on the morning of the start of the school year. 

Promote his status as a great! 

Your little one has passed an important milestone, he is no longer a baby! Repeat this message to him, because toddlers all want to grow up, and it will help your child cope better with D-Day. Let him know that all children his age are going. Above all, don’t oversell kindergarten to him, don’t tell him he’s going to have fun all day with his friends, he risks being disappointed! Describe the precise course of a school day, the activities, meal times, the nap, the return home. Who will accompany him in the morning, who will pick him up. He needs clear information. Put yourself in his shoes and try to imagine what he will experience. At home, everything revolves around him, he is the object of all your attention. But there is not one teacher for every 25 children, and he will be one among all the rest. In addition, he will no longer do what he wants when he wants. Warn him that in class, we do what the teacher asks, and that we can’t change if we don’t like it! 



Back to kindergarten: on D-day, how do I help?

Secure it 

On the morning of the start of the school year, take the time to have a good breakfast together, even if it means getting your child up earlier. Squeezing it would only increase the pressure. Bring clothes and shoes that are easy to take off. Go with him to school in a good mood. If he has a blanket, he can take it to kindergarten. Generally, they are consigned in a basket and the child takes it for a nap until the middle section. Tell him, “Today is your first day of school. As soon as we get to your class, I’ll be leaving. It is not easy, but you do not need to dwell. Take the time to say hello to the teacher and go. After telling him clearly, “I’m going, have a nice day.” See you tonight. »Be reassured, even if he cries hot tears, people are there to manage these small hazards, it is their job. And very quickly, he will play with the others. For this exceptional first day, try, if possible, to pick it up yourself at the end of school, with a good snack …


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Take advantage of the summer to train him

Find out if any children he knows will go to the same school as him, and talk to him about them. Otherwise, explain to him that he will quickly make new friends. Take advantage of the holidays to anticipate: enroll him in a beach club to get him used to playing with other children, take him to the park.

And in the weeks leading up to the start of the school year, teach him what is expected of a kindergarten student: he must be clean, know how to dress and undress without help, wash his hands after the toilet and before eating. . Circle the start date on the calendar and count the remaining days with it. 


First days in kindergarten: at home, we cocoon it!

Help him adapt

Entering kindergarten means complying with a change of pace that can tire your child at first. After a flexible vacation, you have to get up early and get enough sleep to face long days. Between 3 and 6 years old, a child still needs 12 hours of sleep a day. At first, your schoolboy will probably be irritable, difficult, maybe even tell you that he doesn’t want to go back to school anymore. Hold on, he can handle the situation just as much as the millions of school children around the world and adapt to the reality principle. Don’t ask him too many questions at night about what he’s done. Your little one now has his own life and you have to accept not knowing everything.

On the other hand, take an interest in his learning, talk with his teacher, look at his drawings. But do not try to anticipate school learning, do not make him perform exercises by substituting you for the teachers. And if you feel that things are stuck with the teacher, make an appointment to iron out the difficulties. The most important thing is that he learns to function well socially, to open up to others, to discover friendship… And at home, we rest and we play!


Here are 10 questions to ask your child to tell you about his day.

In video: 10 questions to ask your child so that he really tells you about his day.

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