Kind bear

This classic Russian vodka, with the “master of the forest” depicted on the bottle label, appeared on the market in 2015, and already in January 2016 it was one of the three most popular drinks in Russia. According to Vadim Drobiz, an expert and director of the Center for Alcohol Market Research, lovers of strong drinks in Dobry Medved are attracted by the price, which is the lowest on the Russian market.

Historical reference. According to Rospatent, the Good Bear trademark was first owned by Divinus LLC, then by Intelpro LLC. The success of the brand is associated with the third owner – the distribution company Status-Group, registered only in 2014.

Already in January 2016, the share of Dobry Medved in vodka sales was 4,2% and it was the second largest in the country. But then several factories in Kabardino-Balkaria that produce the drink lost their licenses, and sales halved. The brand has resumed growth since January 2017 – Status-Group entered into agreements with new, now Ossetian enterprises. Thanks to the promptly resolved problem with the manufacturers, Dobry Medved became the leader of the Russian market in 2017.

There are 8 manufacturers listed on the vodka label, including 4 small Ossetian factories, the Pantheon Stavropol limited liability company, two sites that are part of the Kristall-Lefortovo Group of Companies – in Mordovia and Samara, and SVK LLC in Kemerovo.

Representatives of the distributor company explain the growth in sales by the attractiveness of the brand for all segments of the population. It also had an effect that the owner of the brand joined forces with Kristall-Lefortovo.

The appearance of Status-Group on the alcohol market was no less spectacular than the leadership of a little-known brand before 2015. According to the audit conducted by the research company Nielsen, the sales figures of the new distributor in the spring of 2015 were higher than those of the well-known competitors Roust and Synergy (now Beluga Group).

In addition to Good Bear, Status Group sells the famous Putinka, Stolichnaya, Moscow Special, and several other lesser-known brands.

Characteristics of vodka “Good Bear”

Dobry Medved (40%) is a clear drink with a sharp vodka aroma and a classic taste without nuances. The recommended serving temperature is +5-6 °C. It is combined with hot and cold dishes of Russian cuisine, with pickles and vegetable snacks.

Kind bear

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