Kimchi Sauce

The kimchi sauce came from South Korea and first spread across Asian countries in different interpretations, and later reached the tables of curious Americans and Europeans.

Such a delicacy is prepared along with a special “fiery” paste, which is called Kochkhujan. Its composition is an unequal mixture of rice that has passed the fermentation procedure, soybeans, as well as just a huge amount of hot pepper. Due to the excess of the latter, not everyone is able to enjoy such a specific dish.

The consistency of the paste is more like store ketchup. It is easiest to find the original through specialized Asian online stores, as it can be problematic to prepare it yourself. Culinary experts say that the Slavs have too different products to taste with those that are grown or delivered to Korea.

In addition to branded pasta, sauce implies the use of Beijing cabbage cooked according to a special recipe. It is in its finished form that Koreans are accustomed to call “kimchi”. But over time, clever chefs got the hang of adding the resulting dressing not only to heads of cabbage, but also to radishes, cucumbers.

National treasure

Travelers with experience say that when they first arrive in the country of Morning Freshness (as South Korea is also called), a foreigner will be asked everywhere about what kind of hot kimchi sauce he likes. Because of this, it seems that the locals consider it one of the national treasures.

This makes sense, as more than a hundred national dishes include such a culinary addition. The Japanese also liked a similar supplement, which also took its rightful place in the list of specialties of each prefecture. Only here the recipe is slightly different. Traditional Japanese restaurants offer not only the usual red pepper, ginger and garlic. There are also added tangerines and apples.

But the creators of the original are still Koreans, who from ancient times began to harvest Peking cabbage in a similar way, using the fermentation process (it is boiled). Today, as well as a hundred years ago, this version of the supplement to rice is called the most popular for everyday and festive meals in the country.

There is an opinion that with the help of the listed ingredients the body effectively copes with the metabolism. Looking at slender Asians, it is difficult not to believe in the productivity of the method, acting as a kind of obesity blocker.

Thanks to the mixing of cultures, as well as the development of culinary art, which was originally used as a marinade, the composition quickly became a separate representative of the kitchen. Now, with its help, appetizing meat, fish variations of the ceremonial table are created. You can even find it in savory soups, which feature seafood.

In addition to the unusual spicy Korean sauce adds a characteristic rich flavor. Because of this, he was loved in many restaurants in the vast CIS countries, where sushi is cooked. It is added both at the stage of preparation inside, and is served separately for thrill-seekers in the literal sense of the word.

Benefits and calories

Another reason for the popularity of pasta is a low calorie content, for which the product was immediately attributed to the diet category. In addition, the composition boasts a huge amount of various vitamins, active natural ingredients.

All together it works as an immune stimulator. A positive “side effect” is stabilization of the functioning of the digestive system. The approximate energy value of the average cooked portion provides:

  • no more than 24 g of protein;
  • no more than 10 g of fat;
  • no more than 60 g of carbohydrates.

Adding to this extraordinary taste, you get an almost perfect addition to the meal of adherents of a healthy lifestyle who do not want to restrain themselves in their taste preferences.

According to historical information, the first mention of the miracle sauce was recorded in the first millennium BC. Even then, people knew about its beneficial properties for the body, calling it “the elixir of youth.”

Balanced vitamin-mineral complex fill is based on:

  • potassium;
  • beta carotene;
  • calcium
  • choline;
  • magnesium;
  • vitamins of groups B, A, C, E, PP;
  • zinc;
  • Sodium
  • selenium;
  • phosphorus;
  • copper;
  • gland;
  • Manganese

Regular consumption of such a storehouse of beneficial macro- and micronutrients has a positive effect on overall health.

Classic recipe

Depending on the region and personal cooking preferences, the recipe can vary considerably. Because of this, accurately voice the traditional version of the composition is quite problematic. The difference may also vary on the specific basis to which such an unusual additive will be supplied.

In order to simplify the task of being confused by the variety of offers to foreigners, Asian kitchen gurus decided to create a basic version. It can eat food in such a simplified version, and continue to conjure over its improvement as your own skills.

The main ingredients are as follows:

  • ginger root about 2,5 cm;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • half a tablespoon of brand gochujana;
  • fresh lime juice – 35 ml;
  • fish sauce – 15 ml with the possible addition of several dry anchovies;
  • rice vinegar – 35 ml.

First, ginger is ground together with garlic to form a paste. After that, the result obtained is mixed together with kochhudzhan, being poured all at once with the whole norm of lime juice. After that, vinegar and fish sauce are added.

The mixture can be stored without a refrigerator, but it is worth preparing for the fact that in this case its shelf life will be significantly reduced. On average, the base can hold without a change in taste for about a week in a cool place.

Slavic version

Most immigrants from the CIS countries find it difficult to cope with the almost unbearable urgency that the original blank implies. Because of this, the craftsmen have modified the composition of the kimchi sauce at home, rewriting some of the products under the more familiar ones. Additionally, incredible portions of hot peppers were removed.

This variation is great for marinating fish, poultry, as well as meat for barbecue and provides:

  • about half a liter of kimchi cabbage juice;
  • 2 medium onions;
  • 8 cloves of garlic;
  • 230 g ketchup without eye-catching seasonings and flavors;
  • 115 ml of rice vinegar;
  • ginger root no more than 3 cm;
  • 2 tablespoons of gochujana;
  • 15 ml of Worcestershire sauce.

The cooking process can be greatly simplified by using a blender. Cabbage juice is poured into his bowl with onions, ginger, garlic, peeled and cut into several pieces.

After successful grinding, the mixture is poured into a saucepan, which add Worcester, vinegar, ketchup, paste. The medium flame is ignited and the mixture should boil for about ten minutes. As soon as the contents of the pan becomes thick, the fire can be turned off.

Cabbage Landmark

For the result to exceed all expectations, hostesses need to get the hang of making traditional kimchi, which includes pickling cabbage. To do this, stock up on simple ingredients and patience. You can try the result not earlier than two days, although in Korea they practice eating such a dish, which can be marinated for a couple of months, or even more in special conditions.

To prepare you need to take:

  • half a kilo of cabbage;
  • 6 garlic cloves;
  • 4 tablespoons of hot pepper;
  • 150 salt;
  • 2 liters of purified water;
  • 1 a tablespoon of sugar.

After cleaning the cabbage from spoiled leaves, it is cut into four pieces. Separately preparing pouring: salt, boiled water. After cooling the solution, pour a vegetable with it, leaving alone for 10 hours. For better impregnation, you need to mix the leaves a couple of times over a period.

Next, combine the pepper with sugar and garlic, adding 3 tablespoons of water. The resulting result is smearing the leaves. Store the resulting goodies should be in the refrigerator, basement or balcony.

Having filled your hand with the simplest recipe, you can in the future move on to various readings of it, right up to the invention of author additions to taste.

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